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Is this...: The Match

Post 241


Your right Alistair-Never have, and never will be but saying that i disagree with the amount of Asylum Seekers been let into the UK.but that issues for one of the other boards..anyway you know me i'm a b.gga for winding people up and the ones that bite i do it to all the more.Shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone one i said that.

Is this...: The Match

Post 242


Hi Scarlet-It does hum a bit but its funny i go out the backdoor and it reeks of pig shhhhht and theres flies as big as helcopters whipping round my head i think it must be this new gel i'm trying out.I go out the frontdoor and its like the Chelsea Flower Show its smells like a French Madams Bedroom....did i tell you about the guy with the horsebox he whips down the lane and knocks me fence post over so no mucking about i gets in the car whips after him and its only the guy that runs the riding school.anyway he's just getting out of his 4 wheel drive and i collared him i give him a few choice words that made his wifes hair curl even more.So i calm down and start chatting to the guy and guess what i come away with 3 bags of horse crap for me roses and ever since then he's been leaving a couple of bags on my doorstep every week now.But my roses and strawberries are the best in G/Ayton even the Vicars taking the roses for the Church and the strawberries well the townies buy them

Is this...: The Match

Post 243

Ali Dubya

Yes, I had noticed that you like trying to wind people up - you have been doing it for several months - and I guess you have your own reasons for doing so. You might argue some of us might do the same with by our relentless quizzing and parodying of Ian Johnston but I think he tends to respond positively to a challenge and enjoys the craic. Besides, most of us are rather fond of Ian. Are you Ian, by any chance?

As for attacking people under assumed names, I hope it stops because it is becoming malicious.

Do feel free to write in a normal style - you are clearly highly intelligent and literate and can write perfectly well - and, if you like, tell us a little bit more about yourself. You never know, we might get along.

Is this...: The Match

Post 244

Ali Dubya

You live in Great Ayton, Doug? My sister's family lives up there - we might have mutual friends?

Is this...: The Match

Post 245


Yes i do Alistair-I've been living in G/A for aprox 4 years now its a great place but i'm thinking of moving to Carlton in Cleveland its just past Guisbrough on the the road to Whitby you turn right as you out of of Gis/bro and follow the moor road its just near Danby.Its one helluva of a village.but getting back to G/Ayton i have a pint in a pub Called the Tile Sheds so if your sisters family drink in there i'll probably know them.

Is this...: The Match

Post 246


Hello all.
I have to work AGAIN.... So I'll talk to ya all tomorrow

Is this...: The Match

Post 247


Good Morning Legers -old chap...well we all have to do a bit you know to keep the home fires Burning.Remember loose lips sinks ships..and always do like Dad does keep Mum.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 248


Why can't I simply win a million or so?smiley - wah

Is this...: The Match

Post 249


Hi Legers,
yes I've often asked myself the same Q.

Is this...: The Match

Post 250


I know!!!
When I was a kid I always looked through places that had high grass in hope of finding a million or at least a forgoten carsmiley - laugh

Is this...: The Match

Post 251


Once I was trying on a dress in a shop & I found a ring in the pocket. I didn't want to get it out in the (communal) changing room so I bought the dress at least partly because of the ring. When I got outside I looked at it - it was a kids plastic "diamond". That's what you get for wanting something for nothing smiley - smiley

I still wonder how it got there..

Is this...: The Match

Post 252


Some kid probably played a joke on yasmiley - laugh

You know who could give us a million? Bill Gates. Statisticly, he would lose money if he stopped to pick up a $100 bill that would lye on the groundsmiley - cool

Is this...: The Match

Post 253


Oooooh I'm not greedy - don't need Gates or JK Rowlings type of money. Just a simple £1mill would do it smiley - smiley

So - what exciting things have you been up to?

Is this...: The Match

Post 254

Ali Dubya


Don't mind me if I barge into your conversation. I have been traipsing around the whole of H2G2 looking for a couple of friends of mine.

You haven't seen anyone who answers to the name of 'Magster', 'Wysiwyger', 'Legers' or 'Chertsey Girl', have you?

Oh well.

Is this...: The Match

Post 255


Nothing xciting

Working, riding the subway, some flirting, and now computersmiley - biggrin


Is this...: The Match

Post 256


Never heard of them. Sound like a right dodgy bunch to me smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 257


Legers - same for me except no flirting smiley - wah

Is this...: The Match

Post 258

Ali Dubya

Oh, thanks.

Sorry for troubling you.

Is this...: The Match

Post 259


So Ali - what have you been doing? Flirting, like Legers smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 260

Ali Dubya


Nah, haven't done any of that sort of thing since about 1997.

So, Legers, with whom have you been flirting? The subway?

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