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Is this...: The Match

Post 361


Jeeez Ledgers-I've just finished work and i thought i'd have a look at the boards and theres been to women on there all day.who h.ll looks after the kids when they're on the boards all day know wonder kids go astray on these chatlines.when their parents are on them all day the kids must think its the norm to be chatting to people when they see their parents doing the samething all day.Who feeds the kids etc..when they're chatting up the guys all day.Gawd Ledgers-old chap the worlds goin' to pot

Is this...: The Match

Post 362


Don't forget they post either late at night or when their kids away from the house. Plus, who needs to look after those buggers anyway, all they need is food from time to time and someone to listen about their silly problems

Is this...: The Match

Post 363


Yeah Ledgers-You could have a point there,but these are the dames thats saying everyone else is a bad influenze on their kids.Y'know Ledgers-old chap its a funny owld world and quite a lot of funny owld people in it going by the boards...but hey! it takes alsorts its a good job theres people like us in this world Ledgers-Old chap to keep the rest of the idiots in line.See yeh later me owld mate.smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 364


Well, its too much of a responsibility to keep those idiots in line.You go on and I'll just stay here and have a smiley - coffee

Is this...: The Match

Post 365


Good morning Ledgers-You surprised me!i thought you were a cape crusader and you were sent here to keep these boards clean and clear of temptation.But your right about the idiots i reckon that guy was right when he said that these people whose on the boards all day are old age pensioners trying to act young..specially the dames chatting up the male postees.Wouldn't you think they would get a life and act their age..i reckon theres one dame on there going under three different names just so she can have a conversation with herself now that is sad.But on a lighter note Ledgers, old chap the my ex-wife sent me a birthday present its a chip fryer which i thought was a great present after all she got the bloody house etc.I'm not one of these people who hold a grudge but the "£$%^&*!!!!...see you later must smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 366


dude, it isn't fun to act your age, and peopl never do it. Young act mature, middle aged act both young and mature, and old want to remember thier good old times and act as young. Its one of those misteries of life.
But its good that you got rid of the house, you don't have to trim the grass there, fix the bathroom, etc.. And the frier you just have to clean out once a year and it will work forever

Is this...: The Match

Post 367


Jeers for that snippet of information Dude-These people want to act their age period instead of acting out a wierd life style on the board.Gawd what sort a people are they to be acting like a teenager instead of their right age....trying to chat up teenage guys on the board.Its bloody crazy Dude, dont you think olwd dames trying to act young again, what a boring life they must lead.Theres a guy on Yahoo he must have been looking on these boards he's telling the yanks about these people...i think its Max or Bushy the clowns called himself barnabyrudge2003 thats what makes me think it Max or Bushy.Must smiley - runDude i'm dodgin,down the Tile Sheds for a pint of their best.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 368


I never cared to think as to whom am I chatting too. Its just easier to live like that. And who knows, maybe when I'm old I'll be doing the same thingsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Is this...: The Match

Post 369


Good morning Ledgers-You maybe write but i think a person must lead a sad life if they have to pretend what they're not...and to chat up people younger than them thats going beyond the realms of decency.Can you imagine these dames tho their blue rinse hair in curlers a cigerette in one and and a mug of tea in the other talking to guys 20 saying and thinking they're some sort of dolly bird.H.ll Ledgers-Old chap its putting me of me bacon and egg sarnie just thinking of it ughhh.Well me owld mate must smiley - run have a good day Ledgers-And never let your left hand know what your write hands doing.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 370


Hi Ledgers-Old chap..just dropped into see how your doing its all rush & push today and for the next couple of weeks.H.ll i've never done some much walking showing guys round the bl..dy place but its enjoyable.I've just had a look at the boards and i've noticed the Three Amigos are on there it looks like a Julian Clary house warming party over there.Theres Big Pat,Ali and Max,I dodge on there now and again under another alias and i have a bit of banter with Big Pat,ali and the Max.Anyway must smiley - runLedgers-Old chap..remember he who laffs lives to laff another day errr i think thats how it goes.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 371


Well walking was never bad for you. Especialy when you are the lead guy.
As fot Max, Pat and Ali, what happened between you all?smiley - erm

Is this...: The Match

Post 372


Nothin' Ledgers-We're all good friends really..its just that we agree to disagree about subjects that are far to heavy to go into this morning.But when our paths cross theres generally some name calling but i take it in good part errrr,i think they're joking but if they're not who cares anyway.Theres more things to worry about than that.Theres a new kid on the block here Ledgers-Old chap and he's full of bl..dy good ideas so i have left him to walk about the around the town and show guys about who dont give a sh.t about what your showing them.Must smiley - runLedgers-if i'm late this kid will be sat in my seat.Tally Hooooo....smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 373


alright Doug. Don't let that kid to get ahead of you

Is this...: The Match

Post 374


Naaaaaah Ledgers-Old chap not only him but this local goverment will need a tin opener to get me out of this chair me owld mate.Let me tell you in no uncertain terms that a lot of people have tried to get me out of this dept but i've seen them and go and this kid will be the same.I'll be shakin' his hand and wishing him all the best in his future employment in 6 months time.Oooops h.ll he's here Ledgers-I'll just smile a lot and nod me head..just to see if he starts chattin' to get the patter of him...see yeh later must smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 375


you seem like a pro..smiley - laugh You are doing an incredible job with that nodding thing

Is this...: The Match

Post 376


Yeah it does kinda work more times than not..but sometimes i do it that much i have to wear a neck brace Hey!but if it works its worth the pain.I'm on red alert all the time Ledgers-Yeh see thats why they cant get me offa this chair..i tried the owld nod and the famous Doug grin on him yestaday and it werked like a charm yeh see Ledgers these kids dont learn tricks like that they dont think on their feet mate thats the trouble with them.Pssst i nearly forgot to tell you Ledgers-the kid who i'm on about was only brown nosing round the manager when the rest of us was goin' home now thats not on!! a mean i only do that in werks time.Well Ledgers must smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 377

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

You need a woman round here Legers and Doug.

You sound like a pair of old codgers!

Have a good day smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 378


Scarlet,Your welcome anytime..just join in when your ready Ledgers and i would be proud to have you.Must smiley - run i'm keepin' an eye on this new kid.

Is this...: The Match

Post 379


Brown nosing....Thats not cool. I practicaly never do it. Unless I REALLY need something

Is this...: The Match

Post 380


Mornin' Ledgers-Well i'm startin' to work on this kid and he dont know whats hittin' him.I seen the guy from the big office walkin' down so i told the kid to whip out for a couple a cups of coffee he came back withum just as the big guy was talkin' to me hey Ledgers! this is were the school of hard knocks c.mes into play here i said,"where yeh been i've been lookin' for yeh all over"then i added,"is that coffee we have no time for coffee here!"then this was the cutdegrass i said,"yeh cant just go wanderin' off like that".The new kids face was a picture Ledgers-then he said,"but..but...but" he sounded like an owld motor bike engine.Then the guy from the big office said,Dougs-right y'know Nigel you cant just go wandering off" then he added,"you want to take notice of doug a bit more he will keep you right".Well Ledgers-That was owld Nigel out for the count for the day bl..dy great move on my part there Ledgers-i told you these kids never went to the school of Bad Management didn't i.Must smiley - run i'm cleanin' the big guys car.

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