This is the Message Centre for smurfles

Miracle cure???

Post 21



We are quite lucky in getting appointments, but I agree there isn't the care or concern there any more. We don't go to the smiley - doctor any more than we have to, and generally see only a nurse these days!

You really must push for some help from your smiley - doctor though. Even if it is a case that 'you have to live with it' he/she can surely put a good word in for you. You wouldn't have had the DLA for so long if you were ok, now would you?

Anyway, there are compensations to becoming sixty though whether they apply to you I wouldn't know.

smiley - goodluck for Tuesday. Give 'em smiley - bleepsmiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 22


It'll be interesting to see how the new proposed changes will be implemented. I wonder how many of those in genuine need will end up having to go through even more stress and hassle while the changes are being made?

I was shocked when I saw the figures for those with illegal drug addiction and alcohol abuse were claiming incapacity and disability.

smiley - cat

Miracle cure???

Post 23


Well the way it is here, there is a whole generation of folk in their late 20s-mid 30s who have never had a job, and they are unemployable due to being junkies or alcoholics, and the youngsters doing community service, sit in a van all day smoking, while they watch disabled folk picking up leaves and scrubbing graffiti off the wallssmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 24


I was only saying today that it is disgraceful that, in effect, they are lumping together the workshy and substance abusers with people who, for whatever reason genuinely have health problems which make them unable to work.

To many of the people who have no contact with people with health problems, they will equate them with those who won't work. Many people with physical and mental problems probably could do some work, but tell me, where are the employers who would take them on and cater for their problems and their scheduled and unscheduled absences?
I think this is going to turn in to yet another almighty fiasco, in which once again the most vulnerable suffer the consequences.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 25


It makes me wonder where the health and well being of older people is coming in the great scheme of our government.I don't go to the doctors because they tell me there's nothing they can do,yet it seems i am penalised because i don't make a nuisance of myself,and cope,trying not to be a drain on the health service.Tomorrow i might have some answers,but i think a lot more peoople are going to be in the same position as me before long.Words fail me !!!

Miracle cure???

Post 26

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

my psychiatrist says I'm getting better smiley - winkeyeBUT! I don't believe him now, because HE'S seeing a psychiatrist nowsmiley - whistlewonder why ???

Miracle cure???

Post 27


What's happening to Britain? I'm out of touch, and this sounds diabolical...

Good luck tomorrow/today, sal smiley - goodluck I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

smiley - hug

Miracle cure???

Post 28


I thought everyone knew what was happening here Fbsmiley - sadface
If we were a business i think we'd be declared bankrupt!!!!

Miracle cure???

Post 29

Nigel *ACE*

Smurfles, the DLA must have a good reason why they will not give it to you. Do you know this reason? If not, it may be worth finding out before taking matters further.

My assessment is due next January, and I am not looking forward to the brown envelope dropping on the mat like a heavy brick smiley - grr. As yourself, and many other people know, the questions they ask you are sometimes very difficult to answer and they tend to repeat themselves on the following page!

My advice, which you probably know already, is to fill in the forms like you are having a bad day. Bear in mind that the people who are inputting the information into the computer, do not have a clue about the different types of conditions so you must be clear, explaining exactly what your condition means you cannot do or causes you to suffer from.

The best route to go Smurfles, is to re-apply asking the Citizens Advice or another professional knowledgeable person to go through the answers with you, checking what you have put, before sending it off.

All the best.

Nigel smiley - footprints

Miracle cure???

Post 30


Hello Nigel,nice to" see" you.I have no idea why they have turned me down this time,unless i haven't made my problems clear enough on the forms this time(they've changed them by the way)I'm certain i couldnt have explained to make things clearer to them though.As you say,they nust have had their reasons,but they have given it to me for the last ten years,and the last time the renewal was due they sent a doctor out,and he put the rate up because he said i wasnt getting enough!!!!
I have requested that the decision be looked at again,so i can only wait and see now.Thanks for your advice,much appreciated!!

Miracle cure???

Post 31


Well,here i am,back from the doctors,and not feeling too optimisticsmiley - sadfaceI saw a doctor i hadn't seen before,and she looked back at my records,and will have a letter ready for hubby to collect by the end of the week.I am a bit cross that the doctor that did the original was one i have seen over the last ten years,but not one that would particularly remember me,she is such demand.I can well imagine that she didnt even have time to look at my records.
Not that i'm defending her in any way,every doctor should realise that when they do these reports they could be affecting the rest of the patients life!!!
Wish me luck everyone,i hope they decide to send a doctor out to see me!!smiley - smiley

Miracle cure???

Post 32


Of course I wish you smiley - goodluck Smurfles. The whole issue is getting me very angry.

I have no time for lead swingers, malingerers, work shy or lazy people, benefit cheats etc, believe me but I am furious that the way they are handling things is as if everyone is like that. They are targeting the most vulnerable first - easy pickings.

I agree wholeheartedly with Nigel, find someone professional, or CAB to help with any more forms. I don't have any disabilities (apart from not being able to leave my computer) but I absolutely hate forms.

I worked in an office all my like, and generally like paperwork, but forms send me in to a right dither. It is the one PHM and I can be guaranteed to argue.

Take care.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 33

Nigel *ACE*

Hello Smurfles smiley - biggrin,

I really hope they change their minds, once you have sent them the letter smiley - goodluck. It is very frustrating, it took me a whole year before I received any benefits because they kept losing the forms! Then, when I took the form down to their main offices myself, before photocopying it to be on the safe side, they wouldn't back date it so I just had to make do.

That was two and a bit years ago, and it is up in January which I am dreading. In the meantime, I am thinking about you Smurfles and anything I can help you with, don't be afraid to ask. I understand fully, like your other friends, how difficult and stressful it is smiley - hug.

Nigel smiley - footprints

Miracle cure???

Post 34


Every day in the news we read about someone being caught out claiming benefits they are not entitled to! They can follow me a long as they want, as I wont be playing football or working on the side, as much as I would like to do all that, I cantsmiley - erm

Yet it seems to me that they are picking on the wrong people, and for all the wrong reasons. I am due for review in 2010, and to be honest, I know they will be checking me out, as I am one of the many with back problems, even though I had my accident while working, way back in 1999, they will be trying to stop my DLA. As back injury always seem to be one that these "chancers" use to claim benefitssmiley - erm

Let us know how you get on with your appeal Smurfles, as we are all on your sidesmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 35


Hi smudger,i know exactly what you mean...i wish they would come and park up somewhere ,and watch me for a week!!!They wouldn't see me go outside,not even in the garden,unless there was someone with me.I am too scared i'd fall.Last year i ran over my foot with my electric scooter(don't asksmiley - laugh).,it took weeks to heal,and i wish i'd gone to the doctors now,instead of taking care of it myself.
I worked at the same place for 18 year,and i'd love to still be there,and yes WS,the forms just send me into a flap,i dislike them with a passion!!!

Miracle cure???

Post 36

Nigel *ACE*

<<>> I have done that before, glad I am not the only one smiley - smiley.

My walking stick got caught on the leaver just as I was getting off smiley - silly. It sent my foot under both wheels, forcing me flat on the ground. The scooter kept going, finally coming to rest in a concrete bollard!

People were looking horrified at this scooter driving itself down the road smiley - laugh. I twisted my ankle, bruised my foot and leg, and the doctor started laughing! I am more careful now, remembering to turn off the ignition and removing the key before getting off. I was trying to be clever smiley - laugh.

Nigel smiley - footprints.

Miracle cure???

Post 37


I bet you had a good smiley - laugh about it later thoughsmiley - winkeye
Mk2 has a new scooter which we got through SAAFA, has a safety stop mechanism on it, where if you let go the lever, it stops immediatelysmiley - cool
I use it sometimes to go to the corner shop, if my back is playing me up, its a great wee thingsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 38

Nigel *ACE*

Hello Smudger smiley - biggrin,

They are wonderful things, to get out and about in. I would never get up the hill without mine, our house is at the bottom of a steepish hill smiley - grr.

Hope you and MK2 are well.

Nigel smiley - footprints

Miracle cure???

Post 39


Yes! we are both doing well, thanks Nigel. Mind you I cant get Mk2 to get out much these days, so I get her sisters to come and suggest it.smiley - winkeye

I was wondering if Smurfles will have good news for us all abut her appeal. I have been reading about other such stories in the press, and about how the government are planning to get two thirds of the present claimants off benefits and back to worksmiley - erm
As usual, they will probably make a hash of it, and pick on the wrong people?
Cheers, Smudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 40

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I'm as fit as 10 mensmiley - magic

9 dead and 1 knocked outsmiley - winkeye

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