This is the Message Centre for smurfles

Miracle cure???

Post 61


hello all.....No,nothing at all,but i was told that it might take up to 11 weekssmiley - wah I think the postman thinks i have a crushsmiley - love on him,i can see the gates through the mirror when i stand up,and as he passes the window,there i am,watching to see if he goes straight pastsmiley - laugh!!It's a week now since the lady came,and i'm trying not let it get me smiley - blue.
Thanks everyonesmiley - hug

Miracle cure???

Post 62


Smurfles, that's horrible. Just try to think that the longer they take the more likely you are to get it. If they were turning you down flat, I think you would hear more quickly.I am sure things will be ok.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 63


Today i received a letter.....just to inform me that no decision has been made yetsmiley - steam.I wish they hadn't bothered.

Miracle cure???

Post 64

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

apart from price of postage, some bright 'Erb! got paid for writing it

Miracle cure???

Post 65


Oh for goodness' sake smiley - cross What a waste of a letter.

smiley - hug

Miracle cure???

Post 66


smiley - snorksmiley - steam I suppose it did let you know they hadn't forgotten about you smiley - doh

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 67


That's standard. A letter goes out at around 8 weeks which usually means they will take the full 11 weeks to make the decision. In light of the extra info from Smurfles doctor my money (puts head on chopping block here!) is on the decision being overturned and full benefit being granted. It's also retrospective so any monies will be back paid to when the claim was first made or in this case when the previous stopped and the claim re-started.

Miracle cure???

Post 68


Dear smurfles,

I am so very sorry to hear your news about DLA

I do wonder if you are having pain killers?

I took myself off them about three years ago because one morning when I bent to put in the plug into the bath I nearly fell into it. I then went to the Internet and read that these particular painkillers shoud not be given to anyone with very high Blood Pressure- and that is one of my problems.

My balance has come back but like you I burst into smiley - wah when I am faced with filling in a form orwhen I am faced with another bill or problem.

You have received lots of good advice from all your friends. I tjink it is imperative that you go to the citizens advice bureau and seek advice from them.

I wish you well my dear smurfles. You are such a good friend. I am really sorry that you are having all these problems

With much affection


Miracle cure???

Post 69

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I need to finish reading , read first AND LAST BEFORE GETTING IMPATIENT FOR YOU.

if it is like it is here - They turn you down occaissionally when times are hard BUT accept you in the end. aS MANY AS 60 PERCENT HAVE TO FIGHT THEIR WAY BACK. The end usually comes after a lot of stress and paper work.

It is terribly stressful situation and I ALWAYS tell them so and the extra ill effects it has caused me. It is afterall a documented source of increased problems for all chronically ill.

I do hope this is a typical political budget ,sweeping try at getting people off the rolls. You are ill enough and at great risk for falling. I really hope I am on the right track so that you will be soon enough.

There is often an improvement after 10 years in some people. That is not your case. After 50 years old they often do a thorough check because most over 50 are not going to get alot better. Not all but most.

The last time I had to start over my doctor told me that many of his patients only write NO CHANGE. Some enclose the previous paperwork, some not! It seems to work just as well for some.

Good Luck and if you can tell yourself it is just a process.
You are a fighter and I think you will prevail. I am so sorry this is happening to you.

Miracle cure???

Post 70


Thanks for that WS....i'm beginning to think they have now!!!smiley - wah

Miracle cure???

Post 71


Hi,ST.i hope you still haven't got your head on the chopping'll have a stiff neck by now!!!My previous claim runs out on the 6th october,i still haven't heard anything!!Maybe they just like to think of people squirming eh!!!

Miracle cure???

Post 72


I doubt it Smurfles, these things seem to take an age to sort out. Perhaps things will speed up now most people are back at work after holidays.

Take care,

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 73


hello,AR80.I do have pain killers ,but i only take them when i am absolutely forced to.If i took them as prescribed,then what about when my condition worsened???It would mean that i'd have to have even stronger ones,and i really don't want to think of the effects of those.Everyone has beeen so helpful,and i thank everyone for that,i did contact an advice line,and they took over the writing of my letter,after coming to see me,and asking lots of questions.The dizziness doesn't go away,it eases for a few days occasionally,but is always there to some extent,buti did check all my medication after your posting....thank you.smiley - hug

Miracle cure???

Post 74


Hello all,just more as a reminder to myself ,of the dates and weeks that have passed since i first posted!!!
I have had no news,good or bad,from the DLA,so i am still in limbo,and getting more stressed and smiley - steam by the day!!!The poor postman must think i've taken a sudden liking to him,i smile at him every morning,just in case smiley - laugh.
My blue badge runs out on the 6th as well,so unless i get a positive decision from the DLA,i shall have to fight to get another one,and i can't see that happening either!They're very strict about who is entitled to one.
So,still waiting,and feeling smiley - blue just now,but still hoping!!

Miracle cure???

Post 75


Hi Smurfles, I assume the 6th is the end of 11 weeks in which a decision is usually made? If so you'll certainly hear from them either just before or after, they're not normally much above that 11 week 'cycle'. Again, the claim will be retrospective so any award will be back dated accordingly. They do put people through un-necessary stress frankly with these claims and it's also why some people do just give up even though they're entitled to the benefit. It's understandable which is why I'd always advise getting help via a social worker or other voluntary organisation. I had help from the carers association and help the aged when I had my claim refused first time round as well as having a social worker. The lesson I learned was where they ask how your condition affects you day to day, always quote and use the worst day and refrain from using phrases like, 'On a good day I can do....'
Anybody good at doing neck massage? Darned uncomfortable on this chopping block. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cat

Miracle cure???

Post 76


I just popped in and saw your post, as I have not been here for a while, I remember when Mk2 applied, it took absolute ages just under a year for her claim to be processed, (she got it all back dated though) Yet when I applied, it was all sorted within 5 weeks! Keep your chin upsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 77

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

12 weeks does not sound unusual for here. Especially when you are accepted.

The declines come easier and faster it seems, it is nearly a reflex at times. I think you will be fine.I hope you hear of it before the week is done.

Take care of yourself in some nice ways and try to accept it will work and you have done all you can for now.

There is always time for added stress later!
I do not think it will come to thatsmiley - love

Miracle cure???

Post 78


Hi my dear friend,

Gosh does one have to renew one's blue badge? I must check mine.
I do not know which is worst. Receiving DLA and thereby at least being more than a face for the social work personnel: or doing as I do, being sjpported by my brother ,obliged to pay all the bills but being totally neglected by the ppwers that be. I really think that I should write some sort of memo about it.

Since my son, who was really my principal carer has left, I have religiously cooked a midday meal every day. the problem is I forget to eat it, and at about 5 o'clock feel very hungry !!

Yet my GP assures me that I am not going to suffer from either dementia or altzheimers. !! Which pleased me no end, but if I am going to forget to eat what I have cooked I shall certainly begin to suffer from a something which could be very unpleasant and lasting. !!

with much affection

Miracle cure???

Post 79


Dear Christiane,please do check your blue badge,they are normally issued for three years at a time i believe.They are fairly strict recently about the scheme,as people are abusing it.I am sure that you should be eligible for attendance allowance,DLA is only considered up to the age of 64,attendance alowance is paid at any age.It might help to make your life easier,even if it's having someone come and remind you to eat your lunchsmiley - hug.Would it help to set a timer,as part of your daily routine of cooking lunch,so that when the timer rings ,you know you must eat?There are so many people that are eligible for payments they do not claim,while others are denied the help they are entitled to.Why not give it some thought.
smiley - lovesal

Miracle cure???

Post 80


Dear Smurfles,

How kind of you to offer me that advice. I know that I had a Care Manager in the last place I lived in. but apparently not here.

I have to do something to keep me going so will try the timer. But I must remember why I set it. !1

with much affection


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