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Miracle cure???

Post 101


Oh, Smudger,

I am so pleased you have relented. I think those dips in confidence and mood get us all sometimes. I have tried not to make any important decisions when I feel like that, but sometimes you have to unfortunately.

i go offline with a smiley - biggrin on my face. Smudger is back smiley - applause

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 102


I understand how you feel as well smudger,I haven't had the mental energy to post very much for the last couple of months.I think i'm coming round a bit now,all this stress just knocks you down a bit ,doesn't it???I'm looking foward to getting back into regular posts,and catching up with yours now too!!smiley - applausesmiley - cheers

Miracle cure???

Post 103


Very dear smurfles

Take care oof yourself and have a gentle weekend.

Gentle smiley - hug


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