This is the Message Centre for smurfles

Miracle cure???

Post 41


smiley - lurksmiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 42


Just to keep everyone informed,and cos you've all been so supportivesmiley - ta,I got a phone call this morning from a disability help centre that i found in the phone book,I understood that i only had 28 days to send in any letters of support,from friends ,family ,etc,but in fact once i've requested them to look again at their decision i have longer than that.They told me to ring the DLA people again,and ask them to send copies of the information they had used to make their decision that i was no longer eligible,so that will be on it's way to me shortly.I thought this could only be requested if you were going to appeal,and not beforehand!!!!
So,it's still a waiting game,i have to contact the helpline people again when i have all the paperwork back!!!I still don't feel very confident,but i suppose it's a wearing down process,if you get too depressed about it,you'll just give up!!!

Miracle cure???

Post 43


I'm glad that you've found a help centre to advise and assist you, sal. And thank you for keeping us up to date.

Do you still get allowance whilst all these shenanigans are going on? I really hope so.

Don't give up... I reckon that's what they bank on, isn't it? If you're not *really* in need, you'll cave in under the weight of bureaucratic smiley - bleep. The trouble is that for the folk who are perfectly within their rights to receive support, there must be a huge health toll as they go through this process. It all seems completely iniquitous to me smiley - cross

Hang on in there, sal smiley - hug


Miracle cure???

Post 44


smiley - hug Smurfles

Keep going won't you - you'll have the ammunition once the paper work arrive smiley - ok

Miracle cure???

Post 45


Saturday,26th july.
Yesterday i collected my letter from the GP i saw on tuesday.She has told them about the problems i have with balance,and various other things,and has asked them to reconsider their decision.I don't think she could have done more,so i am just waiting for the copies i have requested now,then i can see the advice people that i contacted.I hope they can help,but i will still send the letters in from people who know me,and have done for a long time.

Miracle cure???

Post 46

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

<fingers crossed andsmiley - goodluckflower and from me! stick at 'em oksmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Miracle cure???

Post 47


I agree with Fb, don't give up. I am sure you will get it in the end, I just think it is so cruel that you have to (metaphorically) jump through hoops to get it.

Take care and have a nice Sunday if you can. It's too hot for me and I guess it is for you too.

smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 48


I went in the garden on my scooter yesterdaysmiley - applause.I havent been out in the lovely sunshine,cos everyone's been busy this weeksmiley - sadface,and i burned my kneessmiley - wah!!!!They're a bit soresmiley - rofl

Miracle cure???

Post 49

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - yikes

You should have had them covered up anyway, you shameless Jezebel!smiley - cross

Miracle cure???

Post 50


smiley - blushI know now,crop jeans tomorrow!smiley - laugh

Miracle cure???

Post 51


Is that what the red glow in the sky is?smiley - erm
Really your knees!!

Miracle cure???

Post 52


I almost forgot to post today...I've been preoccupied again!!!
I had a visit from a very nice lady yesterday lunch time,she was fom a disability help service,and came out to the house to see me.She looked over all the info i had provided on my forms,the copies of which i received a few days ago.She didn't think i could have given more information ,but thought it was the doctors replies to the questions the DLA had asked that caused the probem.I gave her the letter that a second doctor had given me,and she asked a few questions,then went away ,saying she was very hopeful of a reversal of the decision.Me being the pessimist that i am,darent even feel hopeful,so it's a cse of waiting to see now.She was going back to her office to write a letter ,and get everything off to the DLA before she went home,so yet again,fingers crossed for me ..please!!!
smiley - hugs!!!

Miracle cure???

Post 53


Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.

And cross everything.

smiley - goodluck

smiley - hug

Miracle cure???

Post 54


Smurfles, I feel the same as Frenchbean. I haven't decided whether I am a pessimist or an optimist, but I always prepare for the worst so I am not too disappointed.

It sounds promising for you though. smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 55

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I'm neithersmiley - smileywhat ever life chucks at me, I'll take it head on every time(it's the hardest part of mesmiley - winkeye)nothing can penetrate a thick skin smiley - biggrin

Miracle cure???

Post 56


Prof, you with a thick skinsmiley - doh Pull the other one! Only in relation to yourself then.

Hope you are well. It is cold, windy, wet and sunny here smiley - brr but at least it is fresh. Off to get Sunday lunch before I get a smiley - rocket from 'him who shall be obeyed' smiley - snorksmiley - tongueincheek

smiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

Miracle cure???

Post 57

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - whistle

smiley - smoochsmiley - hugta Webbie

all ok here love - weather same as yourssmiley - sadface

Miracle cure???

Post 58

I'm not really here

will be keeping my fingers crossed, and you reminded me I have to contact the DLA. So smiley - ta

Miracle cure???

Post 59


Its been a few days now, any reply yet Smurfles?
Cheers, Smudger.

Miracle cure???

Post 60


I was wondering too smiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

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