This is the Message Centre for smurfles

hi sal.

Post 1061

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

think they were about as musical as rolf harris was.... smiley - rofl

never had one meself but me cousins did.... they were never that good to play as i recall... lol..

hi sal.

Post 1062


s'cuse me....i'll just sit here in the corner with mi cig,i've sprayed the air freshener so's i could pop in.smiley - sadfacegonna bed soon,,glad i didn't come to the party,a social outcast ,i always thought it was cos i used the wrong deodorant smiley - blue.

hi sal.

Post 1063

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evenin' sal..... smiley - hug

you're welcome anytime luv.... you must be smokin' a ozone friendly brand... smiley - laugh
we're not coughing yet..... lol....

smiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1064


hi sal.. yes it is your deodorant. smiley - biggrin

did you ever see those ads on the telly where they were trying to get people to stop smoking?
they had one where they tried to say that someone was wearing a perfume called 'ash trez'

please dont take offence about our attitude towards smokers.
im sure that there is something about us that you dont like.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1065


hi all..well,nothing that i can think of at the moment!!!smiley - sadfacesmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - run

hi sal.

Post 1066

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

sal....smiley - hug

i've nothing against you smokers hun.... well i am an ex one meself..... it's just with me it was health reasons, bad asthma attack, that i gave up...... since then i've realised just how much smoke does aggrivate the problem... wouldn't hear of it when i was smokin'.... the doc tried for years to get me to quit.... it was only after my last bad attack, in which i nearly stopped breathin', that i can to my senses.... luckily i found it easy, and haven't looked back.... my hubby, may the gods bless him, stopped with me..... thankfully he didn't suffer withdrawal either..... love must play a part in that, as love can be strong and without conditions at times......
now i'm all teary eyed...... guess he does love me really........ smiley - lovesmiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1067


hi sheryl..that goes without saying from what you've said about him.I would love to stop smoking,out of my three daughters only one smokes,the other two find it disgusting.My hubby stopped when he had a heart attack,so i understand your reason for stopping,and good for you too.I keep trying,but so far i haven't conquered it.I'm sure that one day it will just happen,,i've been very close a few times to you soon smiley - love.maybe a joined stop smoking thing on here would be an idea???smiley - hugsalxx

hi sal.

Post 1068

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - hug sal.... i wouldn't have stopped if it hadn't been a personal scare.... you always say, well it wasn't me, i'll stop one day.... but it's hard to.... tried a few times and like you say, come close to......
if you really want to then you will, but if you're being forced to stop, well like a teenager you'll rebell....

good luck...... smiley - love

maybe an anti-smoking thread would help.... wouldn't do any harm.... got my full suport hun..... and if i can overcome the dreaded weed then so can anyone........ smiley - hugsmiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1069


there might already be an anti smoking thread.

we just have to find itsmiley - biggrin

hi sal.

Post 1070


hi sal, am still not smoking and i miss it like hell just every time i smell someone smoking i feel sick i wish i could start again smiley - cry like today when i feel so down went hospital for the bowels yesterday xd

hi sal.

Post 1071

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi all.....

doris..... keep up your good work hun, don't fall back on the weed.... like i said, if i can manage it anyone can... smiley - hug how long you been free luv.... i've never craved one since stopping.... it was just strange at first not having anything to hold between my fingers, but i soon got over that.....

helen..... we'll have to find the thread for sal.... smiley - hug

hi sal.

Post 1072


Ah! look at what Ive done, I mention cigarettes from the 60s and smiley - wahsmiley - laugh

You must come to our next party Smurflessmiley - oksmiley - cool that one was a cracker!!smiley - magic

Any way, Im off to have a smoke nowsmiley - ok coz I roll my own,smiley - ok while I am away, can you think of any more Washing Detergents from the 60s, Like-Surf, Omo, Daz, Persil &...........................smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1073


hi sheryl not smoked since boxing day

hi sal.

Post 1074


just thought of washing powder acdo

hi sal.

Post 1075

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - wow This is an encouraging thread for stopping smoking!
So many saying they had no problems with quittingsmiley - ok
I smoke but sure like hearing that because I need to quit for health.
The cost is getting quite high toosmiley - erm

Helen I hope you start to feel better and good for you stopping.
I hate gut problems more than any other kindsmiley - blue it must be difficult for you.

Of course smiley - magicthere's a smoking clinic on h2, if you'd like I'll dig up the link. It's buried in my page, I never unsubscribed or returnedsmiley - whistle

hi sal.

Post 1076


hi everyone...doris,you have done so well,i am proud of you.I wish i could stop,i just don't have the willpowersmiley - sadface.
Abbi...thanks for offering to find the thread.i'll look forward to it.We really should start a no smokin group,it might help if we could encourage each other.
Helen....i'll try a different deodorant smiley - love,but i don't think it'll work unless i stop the ciggys.I'm glad i aren't by myself though!!!!!smiley - biggrin
Smudger.....i smoke,but,but i can't bear the thought of roll ups.........but it must save money.i've only ever tried one tasted awful!!!!!smiley - weird

hi sal.

Post 1077


whoops!!rinso,and lux flakes.smiley - yawnxxx

hi sal.

Post 1078


i know that its not a soap powder..

but does does anyone rememebr the little blue bags that you swished around the water, before you started to washing????

i dont know what was in it, but it was supposed to keep the 'whites' white.

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1079


good morning ..itwas called dolly blue helen,and there was also a dolly cream,which was ment for cream net curtains if i'm not mistaken.i remember my mother selling them ,but i think the next thing that came out was glo-white,and that can still be bought!!

hi sal.

Post 1080


hi sal.

i dont remember a dolly cream.

i was only about 8 when i had to help with the laundry.
there 6 kids to wash for. my mom had 4 foster children at the same time as me and my brother. as i was the elsest, i had to help more than the others.smiley - wah

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