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hi sal.

Post 1081


in liverpool they called them dolly bags my cousins used to skit me because my name is doris and was shortend by auntys to dolly ! so when it was grandmars washing day i use to hate them :@(

hi sal.

Post 1082


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Well Ive been a smoker all my life since 13 years oldsmiley - erm. The hand rolling was a habit I picked up in the Navysmiley - ok

No intention in stopping it keeps me calm when Im stressed outsmiley - laugh

Has any one got "Tide" yet? and Rinso! (used to get a free packet of that when you bought one of those "twin tub" washing machines, remember themsmiley - laughsmiley - cool used to jump all over the kitchen!!smiley - laughsmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1083


hi smudger.

i remember that my moms washing machine and spindrier were seperate to start off with.
she started off with a hand wringer attached to the side of the washer and then invested in a spin dryer.
i remember that every spin had to be 4 minutes long and she timed it and if i was helping and did it short, she used to go mad at me.

i started married life with a twin tub and it took me ages to get used to an automatic.

talking about tide. does anyone remember getting free plastic flowers??

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1084


I only remember the free plastic flowers cos one of our neighbours put them in her garden!!they looked like a litle row of soldiers stuck out there!!
i used to wash in the sink when we first got married...then i got a twin tub when we moved house...blimey it was hard work compared to the automatics now!!!NOT so good old days eh???

hi sal.

Post 1085


Ah! yes! I remember them, you used to get one with every packetsmiley - ok

Do you remember "Green Shield Stamps"smiley - laugh we got them every where!!

I recall having to work the mangle on wash day (which was every day in our house, as we had lodgers)

I used to put them plastic flowers in the garden! we had tulips, and Daffs, in DECEMBER!!smiley - laughsmiley - cool.

I had a twin tub in my flat, one day it made its way across the kitchen floor, and jammed behind the doorsmiley - wah
I had to climb out the window, work my way along the ledge (30feet up)
and get in through the kitchen windowsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1086


hi smudger..your escapades never cease to amaze me,,and usually make me smiley - laugh.I really must find more time to read your postings !!!have to turn off now...i have a migraine,and amd am having difficulty seeing what i'm typing!!!!smiley - sadfacexxx

hi sal.

Post 1087

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening all.... smiley - hug

doris.... good work luv, you should have gone thru the worse of it by now..... i found the first month the most trying, not that i craved the ciggies, i always used to think there was something missing, like i'd forgotten to do summat.... lol... after meals felt strange as i was one of those who used to light up straight after i'd finished me last mouthful...
it soon passed tho', thankfully... smiley - love

sal... sorry you're suffering again luv... i've not long been to asda and thought my eyes were going to start in there, the bright lights were doin' me head in.... thankfully it's passed.... hope it soon wears off.... smiley - love

helen, smudger.... hi to you too.... i remember the twin tubs dancing around the kitchen.... lol.... and the plastic flowers and the old powders...... smiley - love

take care all..... smiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1088


when smiley - monster was trying to pack up smoking, he tried a pipe.
he forgot himslef one day and as he was driving in his lorry, he threw it out of the window, thinking it was a cigarette end. smiley - biggrin

his trouble was, as he was used to having a cigarette with his pint, he turned to crisps and anything else handy, so now he has a drivers belly.
a bit like a football stuck on his stomach.smiley - yuk

he decided to stop after his new born son was diagnosed as asthmatic. he has never had one since and that was 25 years ago.

hi sal.

Post 1089


Hi all

I remember Oxydol,and the block of green fairy soap mom used on collars and cuffs before she put them in the washer,just thought of Rinso,and dont forget the starch!!!


hi sal.

Post 1090


mornin all.

i remember the green fairy soap, but my mom used yellow sunlight soap instead. i dont know if it was cheaper or what.
and she used robin starch on my dads best shirts. it was in a powder form and had to be made up in the washing up bowl with cold water.

this was all in the days before conditioner, so anything delicate was only given a cool wash and a short spin.
not that there were so many delicate fabrics about.
many of my clothes were hand made and the cotton sees so much thicker than today.

hi sal.

Post 1091


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Is there any thing that we used to be able to get in the 60s that you cant get any more?????

Like "Camp Coffee" remember it came in a bottle, with a picture on the fromt of it of a bloke being served coffeesmiley - ok

And "green shield stamps", and the "Tiger Tails" that you got when you filled up with "Esso" petrolsmiley - ok Never see "Esso" petrol these days eithersmiley - erm
any more??????????????????????smiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1092

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evenin'..... smiley - hug

helen, well at least smiley - monster has at least one endearing feature eh.... lol...

i remember green shield stamps, and wot about the ones from the co-op.... think they were blue....
you're right, don't seem to see esso these days.... put a tiger in your tank.... lol..
wot was esso blue, was it parrafin?????? vaguely remember an ad on telly for that....

hi sal.

Post 1093


Hi PMsmiley - biggrin, Yes your right it was perrifin!smiley - ok The advert was a pop song tune (smoke gets in your eyes)I think it went (They asked me how I knew) I thinksmiley - erm

And the song for Esso petrol was, "The Esso sign means happy motoring"

Aye! The coop had "Divvy" we called it (discount)

Aye! all the memories come flooding back Eh!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1094

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evenin' smudger... smiley - hug

of course, now i remember, thanx for joggin' me memory with the tunes.... smiley - biggrin

yes we called it the co-op divvy too luv.... i used to have the pleasure of lickin' n stickin'.... lol... no wonder i feel sick at the thought of lickin' a stamp these days.... think all that glue haddled me brain.... smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1095


That reminds me when you mentioned licking & sticking the stamps, I cut my tounge sealing an envelope recently smiley - wah*****ng hurtsmiley - laugh

I was over having a butchers at your page, found that Hub thingysmiley - cool

Ive got some poems at the BTM of my page (sorry to Hubsmiley - laugh)anyway they are on a drop down menue thingy, same as the Snippetssmiley - ok

I got to go now, watch the moviesmiley - erm Mk2 is doing my head in, coz Ive been on line all day!!!!smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1096

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smudger.... i buy the self stick envelopes these days, and the stamps self stick too..... someone must have taken pity on me.... lol....
if i do have to lick, i lick me fingers and wipe it over the glue.... smiley - laugh

mk2 sounds better then if she's in naggin' mode.... bless her... smiley - love

chat soon.... smiley - hug

hi sal.

Post 1097


Sounds as if MK2 is feeling better Smudger,hows yourself?have you seen any of those square sweets spangles about.

hi sal.

Post 1098


morning all..san..haven't seen those for years,do you remember coltsfoot rock,tree trunk liquorice,cherry lips??????theyre all still available but i don't see them around so much anymore.
smudger,glad MK2 is feeling much better

hi sal.

Post 1099


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Sal & Pm, and nice to see you back Mistygirlsmiley - ok

I havent seen Spangles for yearssmiley - erm I used to like them as well.

Another thing Ive noticed on 60s & 70s TV shows, the bad guys seemed to get caught with out the aid of computers or mobile phonessmiley - laugh

According to todays films and TV progs, you cant even commit a crime unless youve got these thingssmiley - laughsmiley - cool

Mk2 still not rihgt yetsmiley - erm Its just one infection agter another,
No imune systemsmiley - erm But she can still shout at mesmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1100


hi everyone.

sal.. there is a website called

they sell all the old sweets from days gone by.

the only trouble is that they charge todays pricessmiley - blue

smiley - rose

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