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hi sal.

Post 1101


smiley - laughhelen,,you sounded just like billy then!!!!before he had his heart attack his sister used to bring him a mars bar every saturday(chocolates a no-no now),and he always said how could they charge twelve bob for a smiley - bleepmars bar.i must admit i still convert to the old money sometimes,,why did everything seem to double in price as sooon as we went decimal????

hi sal.

Post 1102

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - laugh

i do that as well, think pre decimal at the price of sweets.... lol...

hi sal.

Post 1103


I'm glad it isn't just me....i sometimes wonder at the price of things,and why everything is so expensive now.we'd never have paid a whole 12/- for a mars bar!!!!It makes me wonder what else our wonderful government has conned us with ,decimal currency,the poll tax....can anyone think of anythng else.???

hi sal.

Post 1104


Hi all

I do that as well,bus fares,70p for a short 14 shillings,think its about time they abolished the TV licence as well.


hi sal.

Post 1105


afternoon everyone.

i reckon the biggest con ever going is when they charge 99p.
e.g. £25.99p

why not make it the round pound?.
eveyone thinks that its cheaper, but its only by a penny.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1106


I reckon the biggest CON was when they made us join the Common Market!smiley - sadface
and as for the change of moneysmiley - wah well I was overseas at the time, busy convreting Honk Kong dollars and Bahrain Dinars into sterling,

Whan I got back two years later and was charged 49p for a pint! I wentsmiley - wah that was about three times what it was when we laftsmiley - erm

Then the price of petrolsmiley - wah My first gallon on National (never see that these days) was One shilling & Nine pence!! for my 250cc BSA motorbike, I was sixteensmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1107

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

i agree about the 99p thing, so does my hubby..... no cheaper, just end up with a purse/pocket full of coppers...
and wot's with the size of the 5p now... them buggers get stuck in the corners and i can't get at 'em....
i mean, there was nowt wrong with the old penny piece, i could see them.... bring back the ten bob note..... smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1108


smiley - laughP/Moon, I reckon the old Ten- bob Note, is the same as todays "Fiver"smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

I remember getting a Ten-Bob note in my birthday cards from my Gran when I was weesmiley - ok That was a lot of money in those dayssmiley - cool

As I used to get paid £1 a week for doing my paper round 6 mornings a week!smiley - erm
You dont see so many paper boys (or girls) these dayssmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1109


just like the milkman he is slowly becoming a thing of the past if he is'ent already in some parts?

hi sal.

Post 1110


P.S. still see the coalman around here tho but for how much longer is anyones guess?

hi sal.

Post 1111



so when do you hit the big 50???

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1112

Universal Granny

Can I just creep in and put in my two pennyworth? Your observations on items being 99p stems from way back and has never been modified, although systems have changed now, receipts are issued and the following reason does not apply. But....

In the old money, items were priced at, say, 4/11d, much the same as being charged 99p, but the idea was that it made the cashier access the till and give you change. Most people would proffer 5 shillings for such an item, and the girl had to go to the till and get change, reducing the chances of her quietly slipping 5 shillings into her pocket on the pretext of "I'll just finish doing this, and then I will put this in the till". It was the employers way of keeping tabs on petty theft by the staff.

With the advent of receipts etc. this practise is not so necessary, but the tradition continues. I think Marks and Spencers have now rounded everything up, and I am sure other High Street stores will not be long in doing the same.

And yes, unfortunately, I am old enough to know this is true, having had it carefully explained to me by my section leader when I obtained a Saturday job way back in the middle of the last century!!

Sorry, will creep away now and leave you all in peace

Take care, smiley - hugUG

hi sal.

Post 1113


evening everyone.....i'll tell you helen..doris is 50 on 16th may!!!!
as for the coal man,i haven't seen one for years,we're all smokeless here.i got one of those fires that looks like coal,and i can turn it on to flicker,it's lovely in the winter,and i missed the old coal fires!!We don't have a milkman anymore,and i think the window cleaner is hanging on by the skin of his teeth!!!My daughter says he must have worked on a ship when he trained!!!smiley - biggrin.The only shop where i never pay something,and 99p is littlewoods,it's usualy a straight pound in there...maybe they charge the extra penny for the extra material i have to have!!!xxx

hi sal.

Post 1114

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening folks..... smiley - hug

smudger.... i think you're right about the ten bob note luv..... i remember also getting them in birthday/christmas cards...... thought i was really well to do..... smiley - laugh
i remember my first fiver.... mw gran won £100 on the bingo, way back in the 60's it was like a couple of thou'...... she said if i could pull the middle fiver out of the bundle i could keep it..... i thought she was joking.... it was like i was a millionaire or summat.... smiley - coolsmiley - laugh

universal granny.... smiley - hug
well i never knew that luv.... very interesting.... hope you are keeping well and in good spirits luv.....

smiley - love to all.......xxxx

hi sal.

Post 1115

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

ooops, forgot to say, we still have a milkman, lovely fella..... and i see the coalman's cart passing periodicaly, we have a gas fire and central heating.... i know they're a dying breed.......
smiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1116


hi sheryl.....a whole fiver!!!when we got married in 1967 billy got about £10 a week wage!!!!smiley - sadface is lovely to hear from you,hope you're okaysmiley - love,and the family.You have reminded me of a new lady we got at work when i was 18.She was always well dressed,and always wore blouses with turn up cuffs!!!and it was for exactly the reason you said.i worked in a large department store,and it didn't take them long to cotton on to her,but the cuffs were very handy to tuck in the odd fiver!!!Now that's something i'd forgotten all about!!!xxxx

hi sal.

Post 1117

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi all *waves*

Nice to see UG pop up here!smiley - smiley

hi sal.

Post 1118


mornin everyone.

welcome come back UG. nice to see your comments. its explains things about the odd pennysmiley - smiley

as you all say, a lot of shops have dropped that custom and seem to have now replaced it with the offers.
an example 1 for £10 or 2 for £17. anything to get our moneysmiley - wah

going back to wages..
my first wage in 1971 was £7, less 48p national insurance. being young and innocent, i didnt know about having to work a week in hand. i was gutted for not being paid after my first week.
smiley - wahsmiley - wah

hi sal.

Post 1119


snap i did'ent know about that week in hand thing too i was scared to go home that friday and tell my mum i had no wage packet finally plucked up the nerve and mum and dad burst out laughing while poor old me was sobbing me heart out . hi sal u still remeber my birthday!it was my daughter ali that put that extra bit on i have'ent got a clue how to do it she thought it was funny that's teenages for you! xd

hi sal.

Post 1120


Hi Everyonesmiley - biggrin, Does any one remember having an "Eight Track" in their carsmiley - cool

They were great!! you could get hours of play with just one tapesmiley - ok

Then along came the cassettesmiley - erm and the old Eight Track was gone for eversmiley - wah

That was way back in the days when carpeting in a car was an optional extra, as was a heater smiley - erm(if it was a Ford)and if you had a radio in your motor, you were smiley - cool for the birdssmiley - laughsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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