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hi sal.

Post 1161

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hello all, how's the gang today... smiley - hug
has no-one any memories these days... i know we've done the 60's, but what about the 70's.....
i picked up a 70's hits cd the other day, it took me back to the old school diso's of the early to mid 70's.... platform shoes, curly afro perms, glitter and the glam rock... remember t.rex.. the sweet.. slade... mud.. mungo jerry... bay city rollers.. and one that i used to luv, barry blue singing "dancing on a saturday night"..... smiley - biggrin

hi sal.

Post 1162


hi everyone.helen..iwonder why the 70's were a bit of a blur for me??I seem to find that my younger days are occupying more of my thoughts
lately.In 1970 my middle daughter wa born,and i was just 21(she was born in march,i was 22 in an august).I worked early mornings,and evenings,and i don't remember having time for music or anything else much!!smiley - sadfaceIn 73 my third daughter was born,(in october),and that was when i had my accident(may73).I wonder sometimes where all the time went,and i suppose i wasn't that well for a while after !!the 60's are quite vivid times for me,but i'd love to hear about some memories from the 70's,it's when people remind me that i recall more smiley - smiley.I do remember the silver jubilee in 1977 though,and the party i put on in the garden for the children in the street!smiley - applauseThat was a lovely day!!
So come on,refresh my memory,and lets see what i can recall,everyone.smiley - hugs xx

hi sal.

Post 1163

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal... smiley - hug
i remember the jubilee too luv... the queen was doin' her visiting rounds and she actually travelled down my mams street, it was quite a memory.... my auntie took pics but they didn't turn out very good... smiley - sadface

i married my first hubby in the summer of 76, aged 17yrs... my daughter was born in nov. 76..... (i know the math doesn't add up.. lol)

hi sal.

Post 1164


Yep! the 70s smiley - cool I got married to my first wife in 72, our first daughter was born in 73, and then in 74 my wife nagged me into coming out of the R.N.smiley - erm

Any way the music was greatsmiley - cool and have you noticed that all the 70s fashions are now back in fashionsmiley - laughsmiley - cool

I also remember the three day week!! and still got the petrol coupons for my then Motorbikesmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

hi sal.

Post 1165


hi everyone

i left school and had my first job in 1971. £7 a week.

luckily things were still cheap then and i had my fair share of records and make up.

i developed quite a knowledge of music from that time and can still date certain songs. and its surprising that if they are on the radio today, i can still sing all of the words.

my son wasnt born till 1979, so i had most of the 70's to myself smiley - biggrin
there are many memories from that decade.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1166

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

ay, the three day week, the power cuts... lol..... ay, and wot about them continental shifts, wot was that about.....
half a lager (yip got it right this time... lol) for 12 n 1/2p... that was in 75 i think... smiley - biggrin
remember going to see paper lace (billy don't be an hero) at the navada in bolton.... oh and i mustn't forget seeing david cassidy in concert at belle vue..... smiley - winkeyesmiley - loveblush

hi sal.

Post 1167


oooo you saw david cassidy????

im dead jealous smiley - biggrin

i saw several groups at the birmingham odeon or the town hall.
the hottest venues in town at the time.
now they all go to the N.E.C.

ive still got all of the programmes and tickets and records that i bought at these concerts.

i saw... sparks, john miles, supertramp, strawbs, smith and d'abo, shadows, cliff, chicago, and some more, but i cant remember them all.

ive just seen an ad about simon and garfunkel getting back together and doing a tour..
pity i cant afford the cheapest seats at £35 smiley - wah

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1168

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

quite a little groupie then helen... smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye

i used to be david cassidy mad in them days..... smiley - laugh

we used to have a place in town called the garrick, they used to show up n coming acts and those of the 60's that were fizzling out in the 70's.... saw del shannon a few times there, and gerry and the pacemakers.... oh and dave berry (crying game)....

hi sal.

Post 1169


i used to like david cassidy and donny osmond.

he(donny) is appearing around britain at the moment and i wouldnt mind seeing him. ive been watching anything about the years that they werent so popular and the whole group has had a rough time. its good to see that they have survived.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1170


I saw the Walker Brothers,and Cliff,and was;nt 76 real hot summer or was it 77/we had a street party for the Jubilee.we all dressed in red,white and blue/and sadddest time of all for me Elvis died,,

hi sal.

Post 1171


I remember everything that everyones talking about,but not the years!!!I can remember the words to songs helen,just not when they were in the charts.
san,i trimmed the childrens toy up in red,white and blue crepe paper,and stuck union jacks all over.We had the record player speakers out of the window,and loud music for the children.
i couldn't tell you how much a pint was sheryl.but i bet my other half could!!
I'm beginning to feel old,everyone got married in the 70's....i got married in 67.smiley - sadfacesmiley - laughxx

hi sal.

Post 1172


I got married in 64 so guess what its my Ruby wedding anniverary September...40 years !!!!!!!

hi sal.

Post 1173

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

omg..... yeah.... elvis.... smiley - peacedove

i'd just done a wash in me old twin tub, it was rainin' so i was bringin' the baby's clothes into the living room to dry on the old wooden maiden/clothes horse.... had the telly on, lunchtime news n the like.... someone was saying "the king is dead".... they went on to say elvis........... i just screamed and dropped the bloody washing..... smiley - sadface
later i went into town in a daze, all the shops n markets were playing elvis..... i remember meeting me mam amd gran and just burstin' into tears.... smiley - wahsmiley - sadface

hi sal.

Post 1174


i remember the silver jubilee street parties.

i was on holiday that week in newquay, wales. a group of us were camping at a farmstead of some friends.

we came home back to birmingham, for the party and then went back again. a full 24 hours travelling and partying.

it was a nightmare trying to get around the roads as half of them were blocked off for the street parties.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1175


Price of beer Eh! Yep I rmember when a pint of larger cost 2 shillings & 6 pence, coz I could get 8 for £1smiley - oksmiley - cool

I used to work behind the bar, all day Saturday and Saturday night for £1.50 wages?????smiley - erm

Then go out and spend it!!!!smiley - laughsmiley - cool the lot, got involved with an older woman who also worked theresmiley - erm Ended up, having to leg it out of town, and joined the Navysmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

hi sal.

Post 1176


hi everyone..i posted a long message on here ths morning,and when i came me back in it hadn't posted.smiley - steam
So,i spent ages trying to remember what i did in the 70's that should stand out in my memory.I bought my first mini skirts after my second daughter was born,march70.They were VERY mini as well!!!
We moved house,from our side scullery to a three bedroom semi......AND.....our new house had a bathroom, more outside loosmiley - applause
I got my first washing machine,my first fridge,and an all white cooker,instead of one of the old blue and white ones that everyone had in the 50's i think!!!!
I got my first fitted carpet as well....but still only had a carpet sweeper!!smiley - sadface
I also got my first evening job,as a cleaner,and and i loved it!!!!

hi sal.

Post 1177


talking of carpets...

i remember that we had home made rag rugs, when i was a toddler (late 50's - early 60's)

we then moved on to a big carpet square, that didnt quite fit to the walls and had to wash that bit of tile work every week.

then eventually we had fitted carpet. i was in my teens when that happened (late 60's)

fitted carpet had the edge, over anything else and we were considered posh and rich to have it in our area. we werent though.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1178


It was in the 70's that we had our first colour tv i remember the kids faces now,they even loved watching the commecials,just look how far things have come,we now chat to each other thru the tv/pc

hi sal.

Post 1179


good morning allsmiley - smileySAN,whe we bought our first house,the one with the outside loo,and a bath under a work top in the kitchen,there was a tv in the only had a small screen,and then a B-I-G bubble like thing in front of it,to magnignify the picture ,i presume!!!it looked sooo ugly!smiley - biggrin
IIn 1970 i met my new neighbour when we moved,that is one thing i will never forget.She was a very dear friend,for 29 years,until she died on holiday just 5 years ago.We used to share our housework,decorating,and even our food if we were hard up.There doesn't seem to be the same friendliness among neighbours nowadays,no popping in for a smiley - teaor smiley - coffee anymore!!!!

hi sal.

Post 1180

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Women often had good neighbors and friends when they were staying home.smiley - coffee

I remember driving home in the middle of the night from my first on-call emergency job at the hospital when I heard on the car radio Elvis died. Elvis was my first record and my first crush!

My Aunts and grandparents all got an indoor bath, carpet,TV about the same time as you smurfles. There must have been a good economy at that time!smiley - ok

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