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hi sal.

Post 1041


Yep! I knew Z cars was filmed livesmiley - ok

Do you remember "Juke Box Jury" with Davis Jacobssmiley - cool

and how about, "Whats my Line" with Eamon Andrews! and Gilbert Harding and Cyril Fletchersmiley - winkeye
and of course many more....................smiley - ermI forgot?smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1042

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

i recall juke box jury, but can't really recall what's my line..... i was only a nipper in the 60's.... born dec. 58...... sshhhhhhhhh.. lol.. smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1043


sheryl. you are a spring chicken thensmiley - rofl

whats my line was a quiz, where a panel had to guess what some poeple jobs were, but they were very obscure jobs.

like.... a saggar makers bottom knocker.

something in the old china industry.

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1044


I was lucky really, as I was in my teens during the 60ssmiley - winkeye

Ah! yes, just at the right timesmiley - laughsmiley - winkeyesmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1045

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

a saggy wotsits who...... lol...smiley - laugh

i don't feel like a spring chicken, more like a saggy old hen.... smiley - laugh

hey, the party's still goin' on the other thread.... smiley - winkeye

smiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1046


Hey! your right Paganmoonsmiley - ok
come & join ussmiley - ok just bring smiley - bubblysmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1047


Hi all

What about 6 5 special and Oh Boy,i loved the sixties left school in 1960, got married in 64 had my 2 girls,in 65 and 68. they were bought up on Elvis,Cliff,Beatles,my eldest loves 60's music.


hi sal.

Post 1048


hi all..san..i was married in 67,had the eldest in 68,and loved the music from then.There still isn't anything to beat the oldies,nooo not us,the music!!!smiley - biggrin
smudger....i've pu put this in an another thread mother met jack warner when she worked on the railway buffet room.....she said he was a nice man!!I remember because she always said"i met him" when dixon of dock green came on the tv!!!
it's nice to see everyone appearing must be because the holidays are over!!
helen,whats a saggy whatever you said??????smiley - weird

hi sal.

Post 1049


mornin sal.

a saggar makers bottom knocker.

a saggar is something to so with the process of making china.
im not quite sure, but i think a bottom knocker was a person who went around knocking the bottoms of the saggars, which i think is the technical name for the moulds in which they were made.
once the bottoms had been knocked, the china came out of the saggars.

this was done in the olden days, before machinery took over the human element of production skills.
im no expert, so im sure that someone will come along and correct me if they know better.smiley - smiley

hi sal.

Post 1050


And there was me thinking it was gravity taking its toll on saomeones "behind"smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Does anyone remember them Coffee Shops that sprang up every where in the 60s, and those Pyrex Cups?
and the clothes that were, the fashion, (or in man, cool)smiley - laugh

Aye! Old Dixon of dock green, would have a fit, if he was in the modern worldsmiley - ermsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1051


Hi Smudger

I remember the coffee Shops,and the pyrex cups used to sit there for ages with one cup of coffee.listening to the juke box.hope MK2 is feeling better


hi sal.

Post 1052


Hiya! San, We have had a whole morning of hospitals and doctorssmiley - wah

We had to at hospital at 08.30 hrs to have the plaster removed from Mk2s arm, then just got back in time for the 10.50hrs appointment with doctor to have her INR test. (Blood thickness)

Now she has another infectionsmiley - ermsmiley - sadface

Anyway, I have just completed another CD of 60s Classics!!smiley - ok In fact Im playing it the backround now smiley - cool

Also found some photos the other night while looking for something else,
I had a lot of Hair in the 60ssmiley - laugh and bell bottom jeanssmiley - laugh
smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1053

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi folks.... smiley - love

helen, thanx for clearing that up luv, i was begining to get strange visions.... smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

we've still got a couple of them pyrex cups here.... i remember every home had them when i was a child.... and i vaguely remember the coffee shops, had one nearby to where i lived back then, it was called the sorento and was full of bikers, friendly bikers tho'.... i remember they used to sell cigs one at a time from the packet....
i remember as kids we used to but the odd one, pretending it was for someone else.... there would be about four or five of us sneaking off for a crafty puff, then we'd all slope off home as green as they come.... oh wot fun.... lol...smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1054

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

that should have said "buy" the odd one.... lol...

hi sal.

Post 1055


Yea! thats a point, cigarettes from the 60s,smiley - ok

Bristol, Capstans, No6, Cadets, Wills Gold Flake (I used to smoke them)
Senior Service, Embassy, Sterlings,.........any more?smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1056



my grandma smoked.... woodbines.
my dad smoked........ park drive
my uncle smoked...... capstan full strength.

now i wont have anyone smoking in my house and wont go anywhere near anyone smoking at all. especially cigars. they make me feel sick with the smell.

hi sal.

Post 1057

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

my gran smoked woodbines too helen, the ones without the cork tip.... my dad smoked a pipe, condor tobacco....
me, well i used to smoke owt cheap..... gave up over 18 months ago and never looked back.... i'm the same now helen, can't stand the smell and the house is a smokeless zone.... all visitors who really need a puff are banished to the back garden..... poor sods, it's cold out there tonight..... lol....
smiley - hug

hi sal.

Post 1058


serves em right smiley - rofl

going back to the clear glass cups...
i have a full dining set in the brown glass, in my caravan.
we bought it from a car boot sale. £2 the lot !!

hi sal.

Post 1059

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

the couple we got are a smokey grey.... (no, not with cig smoke... lol)
me mam had the brown ones, think she still has a couple in her kitchen cupboards....

hey, do you remember rolf harris with his stylophone in the ads..... smiley - biggrin

hi sal.

Post 1060


my ex had one of those. i think it went with him when he moved out. it never did work properly. or was it that i wasnt musical enough to play it??smiley - rofl

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