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hi sal.

Post 981


hi sal..

second time around eh???

im banking on the 'third time lucky' theory smiley - rofl

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 982


Ah! Serenity I thought you were going to add a cracker of a story there when I came onsmiley - laugh
So your looking for "third time lucky" Eh!

Ah! well, good luck with that one, Im just glad I got it right second time round like Abbismiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 983

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I believe in the third time charm thingeesmiley - winkeyeSerenity
It has worked on many things for me.
smiley - goodluck

hi sal.

Post 984


Hi Everyone, just popped in to have a sneaky look at the msg... hope every one is well... nice to see a cpl msg from sal... smiley - lovesmiley - hug. to every one... bye everyone smiley - kisssmiley - kiss got to smiley - run now...

hi sal.

Post 985


sorry to disappoint you smudgersmiley - smiley

not all of my marriage was bad, but in hindsight there was a lot that i didnt see at the time. probably because i was so gullible and naive.

this present relationship..... thats enough said about that.

i suppose there were some good times and stories to tell, but like most things in here, i need my memory joggedsmiley - biggrin

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 986


Ah! Serenity, Im not disapointed at all, its just that everyone who has a "second time" around, always has a story to tell, or points to watch out forsmiley - ok or humourous tails to tell.smiley - cheers Its just that we were talking about previous marriages and comparing them to recent onessmiley - ok

I know for example a couple who are staying together just "for the sake of the kids" and I was poiting out that is the wrong way to go, as everyone suffers then, even the kidssmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 987


hi smudger.

yes, i hear of couples doing that as well. as if that will make a difference. the children sense any undercurrents smiley - blue

another thing that i think is silly is when 'new' couples who have children from previous relationships....
have even more to cement their marriage.
a baby isnt glue and often becomes a victim later on in the relationship along with the older kids.smiley - wah

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 988


Hi everyone,just to let you know i'm back from my hols.had a great week,with my mates,but really missed my hubby,weather was great too reached 80 degrees.nice to be back,xxxSan

hi sal.

Post 989

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi Mistysmiley - smileyGlad you had fun!

hi sal.

Post 990


Hi Abbi,nice to see you on here ,your pc ok now.hope your ok,i'm off to bed now,work tomorrowxxSan

hi sal.

Post 991

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sweet dreams!
The PC is still bad, worse in fact.

hi sal.

Post 992


hi all,Glad you had a good time san....i got a brochure about the "universal mediteranean".It looks good,but not for us,from what i read i think it is near barcelona.smiley - smiley
smiley - discoabbi.i hope the pc is soon sorted out,,,it is irritating,and doesn't make for a smiley -

hi sal.

Post 993


Hi Sal,I could not find anything out about Universal,glad you did,I had nice time but also nice to be back,when we were kids we never wanted our hols to end,how we change or is it because we are older LOL,you take carexx

hi sal.

Post 994


OH NO!!! This thread had almost gone from my screen smiley - wah, I thought you were all going to keep it going!smiley - laugh

Have you ever noticed that when you watch old 70s programs on TV, just how much less traffic there was in those days??smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 995


Hi everyone,hope you're all okay.I have a picture of the street that i lived in when i was 16 smudger,and there was one car parked in the whole street.I also noticed that the snow was sooo deep,and nobody had cleared any paths..which was unusual.
I had a set of cd's bought last week,and it was all old music(well.60's anyway).it made me think of all the singers and groups that were around,we never hear of anymore.So far i have thought of dickie valentine,val doonican,perry como,and pat boone.Who's gonna nna ad to the list,and maybe their favourite songs from then???smiley - biggrinxx

hi sal.

Post 996


Hi Sal I'v got aset of cd's from the 60's theres Michael Holliday,Adam Faith,Lonnie Donegan, Floyd Cramer,and lots more all great songs,Eddie Cochran Three steps to Heavan,Johnny Tillotson Poetry in Motion one of my favouritesxxx

hi sal.

Post 997

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

morning all..... smiley - hugsmiley - rose

sorry not been in this thread for a while....

i have quite a few cd's n tapes of 60's music.... smiley - love most of it.....
del shannon, one of my fav's....
must admit to liking freddie and the dreamers... lol.... used to love the way he jumped around on stage, so funny......


hi sal.

Post 998

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi evryonesmiley - love
havent been around for a while, a whole load of greif from all over the place.
as my tag says im back on track more or less
sal, my search uncovered my grandfathers, brothers, wife, now 89,and three half cousins,and one is married to a fella that worked with my brother ron, for 10 yrs he wa there the day of the accident that caused his death.have now traced my faimly back to the 1750,ssmiley - disco jim

hi sal.

Post 999

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya jimbob... smiley - hug

good to hear from you luv.... so you've found more family, that's great, i think... lol...
well you know the hassle mine cause... well outlaws at least... think our lot are best off in the past... lol...
seriously tho', i'm pleased for you luv...

i've only been around in dribs n drabs meself for a while with one thing n another....
hope to be able to be on here more real soon.....

hope all is well with you jim, and of course everyone else in here...

bright blessings.... smiley - peacedove

hi sal.

Post 1000


hello all,it's nice to see the thread going again.I wonder who'll get to post 1000!!!!!!smiley - smileyWho thinks were all just sentimental,or is it that all these songs remind us of our "youth".They don't make songs like they used to,do they smudger!!!!smiley - biggrin
nice to see you sheryl..were like ships that pass in the the nightsmiley - love
JIM,i'm sorry things havent been too good for you,i was telling billy i ought to ring you,i haven't seen you around,glad you popped in.Isn't it interesting doing the family tree?I got back to 1780's then hit a brick wall,my gt,x4,grandmother had an illegitimate son in 1803,and the next time we found him was when he was in his early 20's and it was his marriage.I still haven't found her parents,which was way back in the 1750 or 60s,it's like she just appeared out the blue!!!!It was only last week i got her death certificate,she was 83 when she died,but i'd love to know why she wasn't with her son when she eventually married in 1807.
,smiley - sorryto bore everyone

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