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hi sal.

Post 1021


my friend,,who came here from ireland over 50 year ago,makes me laugh with her sayings!!
she says someone is "so nosey they would hear the grass grow!!!"
and i used to be told...if you're lying your tongue will turn black.
""it's like looking for a needle in a haystack" ifsmiley - smiley

hi sal.

Post 1022


Its true, there are a lot of old sayings and customs that have long gone nowsmiley - erm
For example, do you remember when the "happy couple" would throw money into the crowd at their wedding from the Church stepssmiley - ok

Now-a-days, all the money throwing is done at the divorce, along with the insultssmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1023



have you ever had the pleasure of talking online to heckinflips?

he is from the black country and types as he speaks, with a very broad accent.
im a brummie and struggle with understanding him and i should know what it meanssmiley - rofl

i met him once and he used to work for the local rail station and had to do the announcements.
i heard him and i knew it was him, before we even got togethersmiley - biggrin

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1024


eveningsmiley - smiley.i've never heard of that one smudger,,,i could have done with someone throwing it at us when we got married.We had £9 in the bank after we paid everything,and no wages for two weeks!!!smiley - sadface!!!
the old traditions seem to have vanished as well..the chimney sweep that was supposed to be be lucky ,i think theyre a bit expensive now!!!
helen, i know heckinflip slightly...he did have a space in here when i first came on.

hi sal.

Post 1025

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening all.... well nearly midnight... lol...

when i married hubby no.3, 7 n half years ago we were prey to an old irish custom..... a fella in the bar came to congratulate us and handed us a fiver..... he explained that it was custom where he came from to give the happy couple money on the understanding that it would never be spent, but kept as a good luck charm.... this would promise that the couple would never go completely without.... we still have that fiver tucked away, and although we have had hard times we have never sunk completely under, always a meal to be served up before next pay day..... smiley - rose

many thanx to our irish stranger, i believe in his custom, it has worked for us so far..... hope it continues to do so for many years to come..... smiley - peacedove

hi sal.

Post 1026



flips doesnt come into h2 very often. he couldnt get on with it.
i still chat to him on the pc or in the new LD site.
he is just as mad smiley - rofl

i went to a wedding once, many years ago, where they through old sixpences(shows how long ago it was)
the guests had never heard of that custom and didnt know what to do. we all thought that the bride and groom had gone mad. smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1027

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

i remember the old sixpences helen, but not the custom.....

i also remember tommy steele n his half o' sixpence...... then that reminds me of his little white bull..... if you'll pardon my phrase......pmpl... smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1028


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Good ones so farsmiley - ok

You see I told you there were amny funny rituals at weddingssmiley - ok

I rememebr my first weddingsmiley - sadface night before the wedding my best man arrives to stay with us, but only has his uniform with himsmiley - wah(he thought I was getting married in rig "uniform")

Well all H**l broke losesmiley - wah I had to contact my ship (Britannia) and get my rig sent up overnight express!!!

So my intention to get married in civies was shatteredsmiley - laugh

On top of all that, we both got our caps nicked at the receptionsmiley - wah
probably just for the Hmy Britannia cap talliessmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1029

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

ooo'er.... so it turned out to be a topless wedding then.... smiley - laugh

smiley - sorry couldn't resist that..... warped sense of humour me..... lol.....

hi sal.

Post 1030


Very good cheryl.....and you don't have a warped sense of humour love..smiley - smiley.

old sayings.....have you been in the knife you don't cut yourself!!!smiley - biggrin

hi sal.

Post 1031


hello, how are you sal? i dont come on very often good days bad days still xsmiley - hug d

hi sal.

Post 1032


HI DORIS.... (shouting on purpose).it's lovely to see you.I hope you're okay smiley - love,and a lot better than last time i heard from you.I have missed seeing you around,let's hope you can manage to come on a little bit more.H ave a lovely easter.smiley - lovesal.smiley - rosexxx

hi sal.

Post 1033


hi. thanks hope you have a nice easter too x am getting there slowly but surely will have to get your email add again or msn one lost all my email on the cable box through fault x take care d smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1034

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi all..... just popped in to save the thread, it had disappeared, had to a wanderin'.... lol..... smiley - hug

hope you are all well...... smiley - love

oh by the way, i remember being sane.... lol... i think..... smiley - laugh

hi sal.

Post 1035


hello all........aawww,thanks sheryl.I think were gonna have to let it sink into everyone feeling extra stressed for some reason,and not feeling much like posting doyou think???

hi sal.

Post 1036


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Its weird Sal, I reckon its the time zonessmiley - erm
Somtimes when I came in the site is full of folk, then the next time its really quietsmiley - ok

There is a good topic on the front page called "what were the 60s like" Ive added a bit to it, about the old radio shows we used to get!

Remember, the Billy Cotton Band Show, Ken Dodd and the Diddy people (where me shirtsmiley - laugh) Navy Larks, and Two way Family Favourires and of course at 5pm, the Top Twenty!
Remember......................smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 1037


hi smudger..i always say the sixties were the the best time ever,,,but it depends on what is best for you at a particular time i suppose.I had a lot of fun in the sixties,,going out dancing and having fun etc.....but i also got engaged,married and had my eldest dauGhter in the sixties,,,all very important,and all the best times of my life in different ways.In the seventies i had two more children,which were just as important.i shall have a look at the front page a little later on,got to see whats ben happening...but the bill is just starting for my other half!!!chat later on.smiley - lovexx

hi sal.

Post 1038


hi everyone.

im afraid that i was too young to appreciate the 60'ssmiley - nahnah

by the time that i was old enough, it had turned into the 70's smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 1039

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening folks, good to see you're still out there..... smiley - hug

well sal, way back then there wasn't any bill, it was dixon of dockgreen and z cars of an evening.....

and smudger, the top 20, do you remember when the charts were called the hit parade.... lol..

smiley - love

hi sal.

Post 1040


i remeber dixon of dock green. i had to sit in silence when it was on. and if i had the creaky chair and creaked too much, i was in serious truoblesmiley - wah

did you know that z cars was filmed live?? you dont get many live dramas these days.

smiley - rose

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