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hi sal.

Post 941


hello sal. and anyone else who can remember me feelin loads better got a little bit of energy back so i thought i would use it writin on here sorry to hear poeple cant get on here anymore dont quite know the full story but sounds complicated ? soon be spring light nights warmer weather well look after yourselfs smiley - love dx

hi sal.

Post 942


Thanks to everyone for their concern over MK2smiley - ok
Its great to have most of you all back with us again, I think that window has been ripped out by nowsmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 943


Ahhh Thats much better,THANKYOU The door is open now !!! Saves a fortune on stocking's.Hope MK2 is better soon.Jim THANKYOU so much for all your help(I'll e-mail you later,don't cry now please,not in public hahaha)Just wonderful to see you all.Love Pinky xxxx

hi sal.

Post 944


Morning Pinky and Sal, nice to be back and lovely to see peeps coming back.well it snowed thru the night not much though,started me thinking of the winters we used to have when i was a kid,thats what we called a snow fall.remeber making slides in the stree(naughty realy) the the old women would come out and put salt or their ashes on it..we would only go and start another,we did have fun those winters.

hi sal.

Post 945


Thats right I remember making "slides"smiley - laugh Is is just me, or were the winters more severe when we were youngsmiley - erm as I can remember having snow right up until May!smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 946

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

The winters were more severe when I was young smiley - brr

hi sal.

Post 947


Hello everyone it is so nice to see the familiar
faces back.smiley - smiley
Well,as were discussing the weather,i thought i might add to the thread !!It is bloomin'freezing here,and looks as though we might have a good downfall of snow befor very long.We had snow ,on and off,most of last evening,but still woke up to only a fine covering this morning.
I can remember going to bed,and waking the children to look out at all the snow,and promising they could build snowmen the next morning.,,then making hot drinks for them,and their little cheeks been glowing red.
We did have harsher winters,and warmer summers,that seemed to last for ages .
Does everyone recall the red lines around your legs that you got from "wellies"!!!

i wish it was sunny!!!!
smiley - lovexxxx

hi sal.

Post 948


Morning all.yes i remember the red lines,and our gloves being soggy and icy after havin a snowball fight.and our fingers aching with the cold,remember the length of the icicles then too ,I dont remember schools closing either then do you????we have been lucky here in Walsall we only had a sprinkling on Friday,but its really cold,the suns out though,iv just put food out for the bird.xxSan

hi sal.

Post 949


Hi all..San.i hadn't given icicles a thought,i haven't seen any for years!!!I can remember getting out of bed,and opening the curtains,and seing them hung from the guttering down past the top of the window .When we see frost now,what happened to all those lovely patterns that used to be on the windows as well????
My hubby feeds the birds twice a day,the poor things can't find food when the ground is so hard.Ah!!!smiley - titsmiley - tit

hi sal.

Post 950


Hi Sal,well im off to find the sun and warm weather on Saturday,me and 2 friends are off to Feutuvenurer in the Canary Isls,we are leaving the men at home,really looking forward to it.must be my age as he's letting me go could'nt hve seen it happening years ago,how things

hi sal.

Post 951


Enjoy your break in the sun, think of us all back here in the smiley - brrsmiley - wah only kiddingsmiley - laugh

Thats right, you dont see iceicles any moresmiley - erm it must be all this modern central heating we have these dayssmiley - ok

Its funny how we change, when we are young we love to go out and play in the snow, then when were old, we hate and even fear itsmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 952


hi everyone.

talking of the cold weather.

i remember when i was at school, that we had swimming one day. i put my cossie on the line to dry and when i woke up the next morning, it was frozen solid. somehow it had filled out as if there was an invisible person wearing it. it took me ages to get the pegs off it as they had frozen on.
talk about having a good chuckle over itsmiley - biggrin

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 953


Hi,san,i hope you have a lovely time,spare a thought for us all here freezing!!I am trying to get some info on the universal studio thats recently opened in spain.We've ve been to florida for the past five years,and visited universal there,but the flight is a long one.
smudger,,,,,we see things in a different light as we get older,i don't recall seeing any danger in snow years ago.....I dread it now!!!WE AREN'T GETTING OLD ,just more se sensible!!smiley - biggrin

hi sal.

Post 954


Ah! Thats ok then, but why does my hair turn gray then fall out??smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

hi sal.

Post 955

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Oh Spain maybesmiley - smiley
That could be lovely! Have you been before smurfles?

hi sal.

Post 956


Sal not heard about Universal in Spain.I will see if I can find anything out for you while on my travels,xxSan

hi sal.

Post 957



this universal place has been advertised a lot on the telly recently.

talking of holidays...

has anyone ever been to a hi de hi type place in the distant past?????

hsmiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 958


Good morning everyone.Thanks for that san,it looks quite good.'s funny you should say that..we must both have the same colour hair!!!!

hi sal.

Post 959


ive got the same hair colour toosmiley - wah

smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 960


Ah! Just because there "snow on the roof" it doesnt mean the "fire is out below"!!smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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