
HI,welcome to my space...sit down& ave a cup of tea or a ale with me. there is plenty for all..also cake crisps wot ever takes ur fancy..mind those disco lights... i am mmrd 34yrs, to jim, got a grown up daughter & a grown up son, i also ave 2 lovely grandchildren, sarah & daniel..i like football i follow my home team preston, cool i also like gardening.i love flowers rose r my favourites. i also like cycling, i dont like walking or run ing.. as i ave a sore foot,,,i also like chatting to people...
rose discobiggrinrainbowfootball ps u could say i am cracker s rose cat disco rose rose disco peacedove peacedove rose rose peacedove peacedove cheers We now have 3 lovely Grandchildren, Alicia was born on 23 May 2006. i look after her, during the day, while her Mummy is at work, i enjoy every minute of looking after her.. rose


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quick Visit!!! No Posting Nov 29, 2010
CHRISTMAS 2009 No Posting Dec 31, 2009
Missing???? No Posting Nov 21, 2009
Happy Times Ahead?? No Posting Jan 5, 2009
The Time To...... No Posting Dec 18, 2008


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