This is the Message Centre for deepdaleduck

hi sal.

Post 21


hi sal,off 2 email now. see if the smiley - thepostman sends it now... smiley - lovehazelxx

hi sal.

Post 22


hi there hazel.i'll look forward to hearing from you smiley - lovexxxx

hi sal.

Post 23


Hiya, i got ur email, hope u r well. i ave been busy burning music on2 my cd's. will email u soon...<loveLhazelxx smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 24


hello hazel.i couldnt reply to your last e-mail...the bloomin thing wouldnt let me yesterday,,,i just kept getting the service unavailable blue square!!!!!i'll try again today,lets hope it works!!!!chat soon.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxxx

hi sal.

Post 25


just saying hi sall.hope u get in here soon...footi went well we won...byee smiley - lovehazelxx

hi sal.

Post 26


hi there hazel.....its a lovely feeling been back in here..and not having to try and use the pc.i'm glad that you amanged to get back in your usual user seems that alot of people have lost theirs,,,,,,,i just hope we al manage to find each other again.look forward to the e-mail.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxx

hi sal.

Post 27


Hi Sal.. it is good 2 b in here,, was a bit worried, but got in no probs... i still kept me name so that is okay... i am listening to Queen at the moment,, gonna ,put them on cd, when i finished listening to them... catch u soon...,love> hazelxx smiley - rose

hi sal.

Post 28


Hiya, got in here at last look 4ward 2 ur emails.. catch u soon...take care smiley - love hazelxx

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