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hi hazel.
smurfles Started conversation Aug 25, 2003
hello hazel,thought i might as well post to your own name,and let jim have his peace!!!!i'm glad that your karen has ben out with you,but i'm sorry that she was must be an awful time for her,and it doesnt help seeing pregnant women and new babies everywhere you go.i really feel for her.i know someone who went through a similar ordeal a while ago,so i can relate to how she must feel.i think she's done well going out ,a lot of people tend to stay at home so that they dont have to face things,but of couerse it has to be done at some point.she must be glad of your and jims support,i just hope that you are both coping with it as well.
we have just been out to the white rose shopping centre,just a little break from the house,but i dont know what happened to the weather.called to see my mother on the way out,but we didnt stay long,,,,it took her a few minutes to realise ho i was today.she'll probably know full well next time!!!!!suppose i should make some tea now,but hope to chat with you take care,and helloooo to jim.salxxxx
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 29, 2003
sorry 4 delay in replying, i ave not been on line 4 a cpl of days... thanks 4 ur kind words... yes Karen is being brave, i feel 4 her, but we ave a good mother & daughter relationship.. she knpws i am there for her... doctors ave told her 2 wait 6 weeks then try again... i ave told her,think of the fun trying again... i know it will hurt seeing mothers tob, & young babies... but she ic coping well... jim& i give her & darren, he's hurting to.. as much support as we can... we went to west brom on monday jim & i, r footi team played well, but we still did not win,... we had r goal keeper sent off. we are at home 2morrow, we play stoke... them off to karens after the game, as the footi is on sky sports extra,, we will watch it at karens... take some beers with us... ave a nice weekend...
love, sal how do you get the hearts & things up, not fathom that out yet.. jim does not know either... your advice will be appreciated... bye for now.... love hazelxx
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Aug 29, 2003
hello hazel,i am glad that things seem to be improving my middle daughter has a friend who has had seven miscariages in the last two years,but that is something that is entirely different to karen,she wont listen to the doctors.i dont know how she can put herself through that,but she is desperate for a bay.she is only young as well,it seems such a shame.i hope things go well for them both,and before too long youre all celebrating.
right ,if you click on to any of the following "smileys"they will take you to the complete list ...there's loads of em.salxxxxxxjust putand thats it.have a good weekend hazel,chat soon,say hi to jim from me,please.
hi sal
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 29, 2003
well that did not work... i clickd on to a smiley. it took me to the list... but not sure how to get them into the conversation....
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 29, 2003
i hope karen does not have any more miscarriages, i dont think i could cope with the upset.. word ((())) still trying.. will get this yet,...xx
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 29, 2003
i ave shown jim how... this is 4 letting me in on the no how. do u want a drink
or a here r sum it is l8t si i will ay by 4 now
hazel xxxx
me walking away...byee
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Aug 30, 2003
hey,you did well hazel!!!!i got my hubby to print the ;ist out for me from the pc, way i could remember them all hazel.enjoy the match,and have a good day,chat soon.tell jim i expect a message from him,complete with smileys now!!!!take care,
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 30, 2003
i ave told jim, u want sum smileys off him....i ave done a print out of them, then i dont ave 2 keep going in2 them,,, we got 3 points 2day, it was a good game,i had a and another
in the pub, we watched the 5.35 game on the tv, went there after r game was over.. when we got home i had a sandwich,& a
then we settled down & watched a film on sky, jim is now watching the premiership,so i thought i would ave a hour on here, i ave the telly on in this room, got footi on as well... i can c
from the bedroom window.. i think it is
as it is very big & bright, i dont think it is a
i like looking at the
s ,i think it is
.gonna ave a cup of
now, then it is
my bed time... take care
hazel xxx
lots of xx
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Aug 30, 2003
wwooooowwwww,arent you getting good.dont the smileys make a difference hazel.?i
using them,but it takes me soooo long to go through them all,i tend to stick to the ones i know!!!sheer laziness really.glad youve had a good day,you seem a lot more relaxed tonight.i have just had to ring telewest agin,but ive told them ,if another engineer has to come out,he can take the lot away with him!!!i would have to use the pc thenand get myself an e-mail addy of my own.i cant use the pc,as it causes me too many problems,so it would only be for a few mnutes each time
anyway,i'm off for a
as well,then bed.hope to catch you again soon.have a good wekend,both of you.
s salxxx
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Aug 30, 2003
we ave t/west, got a digi box... only use it 4 the tv now.. dont go on interactive,,, stoppd using it when they started to charge.. i bought my pc... this is much better... yes the smileys r good, i have printed them off, this pc is <magic..BUT I THINK THE HAS GOT IN2 IT, SOMETHING JUST CAME UP ON SCREEN, SOMETHING TO DO WITH EMAIL PROBLEMS.. I AVE NO PROBLEMS SO DONT KNOW WOT IT WAS ABOUT, I AVE JUST IGNORED IT...SORRY the caps ave come up,, cant be botherd 2 delet & re write,, told u the has got in here..imm off 2 my bed noww... night night... catch u 2morrow...
& a
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Sep 13, 2003
hi,went to bradford2day for the what a diaster, we was winning 1.0 at half time.. when we came out 4 the 2nd half we was a shambles.. craig brown was booed off the pitch,(not by me) but other supporters.. they r going to ave 2 pull there socks up, or we will be in trouble. we went down 2 10men but game was lost b4 then,, i did not see you.when i came off the moterway,, but i waved anyway.. well sal off 2 my bed now cos i am
it is late.. hope u r well..
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Sep 13, 2003
helo stranger,i was waiting for you to come on during the week,so i could tell you where to look out for me.i wanted to wave to you both!!!i saw the result on the tv,and billy said uh oh.preston i decided not to look for you on the way back,didnt want to see jim crying!!!!i dont watch footie,so it didnt have any effect on me...but i felt for you...all that way to come and not win.never mind
theres always another time...and i'm sure if you have a word theyll buck their ideas e-mail addy is
[email protected]
if you mail me i will tell you how to find us next time !!!!have a god weekend.sweet dreams,chat soon.i hope everyone's okay.n
s salxxxx
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Sep 15, 2003
yes it was a long way 2 go, 4 nothing.. r team was very poor, we was good first half, should have killed the game off, but as usual they did not.. never mind it is only a game of we ave another game at deepdale 2morrow night. i hope they play much better..i looked on the street corners but did not see you.. never mind i waved anyway... we are all well here,, karen& darren came yesterday.. she had another little weep, cos her period had started.. but was okay by the time she went home... it is her day off 2day, she is gonna get her housework done, so i have not spoken 2 her yet, will phone her later...
i will email u l8tr.. going 2 get the tea on.. bye 4 now hazelxx
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Sep 15, 2003
hi there hazel.....aaawww poor karen...i dont think it'll be long before she is crying because her period didnt start!!!that will be hard for her as well.we went to shefield yesterday,to meadow hall,and there was a man there with a polo shirt on that had "st.ives cornwall"logo on it.i almost asked him if his name was jim!!!!!!saturday was a funny day,i intended going into the road to see if i could see the coaches,but i didnt get the chance.i did think about you though.ive just cleaned the cage out,so he's nice and quiet now.....and i still have the polishing in the bedroom to do.i'm going to try and get some early night s this week..i'm shattered.
.if you enjoy footie it isnt just a game ,is it???i think because i was only young when my dad died,and we havent had any boys in the family for such a long time...i just never took an interest in it,but billy enjoys it,and my son in law.they usually watch it together ,but only on tv.hope to hear from you soon.
s salxxxx
hi sal.
deepdaleduck Posted Sep 15, 2003
just tried 2 email u, & it came back, will try again love hazelxx
hi sal.
smurfles Posted Sep 15, 2003
i'm sure i'm losing the plot lately hazel!!!!it should have been
[email protected]
i missed the 1 off!!!!!look forward to hearing from you.xxxxxx
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hi hazel.
- 1: smurfles (Aug 25, 2003)
- 2: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 3: smurfles (Aug 29, 2003)
- 4: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 5: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 6: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 7: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 8: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 9: deepdaleduck (Aug 29, 2003)
- 10: smurfles (Aug 30, 2003)
- 11: deepdaleduck (Aug 30, 2003)
- 12: smurfles (Aug 30, 2003)
- 13: deepdaleduck (Aug 30, 2003)
- 14: deepdaleduck (Sep 13, 2003)
- 15: smurfles (Sep 13, 2003)
- 16: deepdaleduck (Sep 15, 2003)
- 17: smurfles (Sep 15, 2003)
- 18: deepdaleduck (Sep 15, 2003)
- 19: deepdaleduck (Sep 15, 2003)
- 20: smurfles (Sep 15, 2003)
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