This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 341

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

jim.... smiley - lovesmiley - hug
so sorry about your loss....
have replied to your e.mail luv....
smiley - rose

sal..... a smiley - rose for you too hun....smiley - love


Post 342


hi there jim,i have already said what i needed to smiley - love,but you know where i am if you need me.this is for bllly,smiley - rosexxxx


Post 343


hello sal, long time no spk that vertigo again! hope you are doin well? really miss comeing on here for a chat just hope these tablet's keep it away? take care hello to sheryl too xd


Post 344

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi d.... smiley - rose
i know all about dizzy spells hun... i'm a slave to them...
good to hear from you again.... hope the tablets work and you can get back to chatting again... smiley - hug


Post 345


hi all.we should form a club "the dizzies""smiley - biggrin.nice to hear from you both...this thread is getting tired.....we..we need some good old memories to cheer it up!!!!i arent dizzy today,but i am depressed,and have been for a ca couple of weeks now,anyone any good ideas to get rid of it????
i looked out of the window this morning,and it was dull,and sooo very took me back to when we always had fog around in winter..great thick pea soupers,as they use to be called.i can remember trying to find my way to school,and feeling lost,and not daring to turn back in case i couldnt get there either.does anyone remember the sound of footsteps,but not been able to see anyone,then just been able to see thei breath as they got nearer.brrrrrr,it makes me shudder when i think about it now!!!!


Post 346

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - hug


Post 347


Hi Smurfles, I know what you mean about depression, there is only one way out, and its DIY Im afraidsmiley - erm There are no quick cures or magic potions for it, you have to fight back to get rid of it.

I remember losing all track of time, days just drifted into weeks, and life just sailed right by. The smiley - weird thing is, that you cant remember a thing, when you come out of it.

So keep the shiny side up and the wheels down, and drive right onsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 348


hi i remember those bad foggy winter's brr! i hate the winter but here the last two day's have been like summer up here? sunny &warm we were warmer than barbaydos the news said it's get the old jigsaw's out time &doing the job's we put off though the summer & soup makin time here i like it when i have a jam buttie i can remember the day i picked the fruit &it bring's the memories of that day back it's good well enough of my rambling's take care all hope to spk again soon xxxd


Post 349

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi everyone,smiley - love

what ever happened to the so called peasoupers,

it was said to be the mill chimeneys
belching smoke that caused it,

sal,all went shipshape and bristol fashion as they say(re billysmiley - discojim


Post 350

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi al... smiley - hug
yes i remember the peasoupers too... think the coal fires had a lot to do with it as well as the factory chimneys...
i remember my grandma used to buy these masks from the chemist coz she had asthma... they were similar to the diy dust masks you get these days... she'd walk to n from bingo wearing it, must have thougt she was dick turpin... lol...
them days it was safe to go out on a foggy day/night, and the footsteps were just some poor soul trying to find their way....
smiley - love


Post 351


oohhh sheryl.i dont knt know why your mention of the ce chemist brought something bak to must have been because you mentioned your granma.does anyone remeemember those horrible bellbelladonna plasters tht people used to stick on on to warm the bottom of their backacks????they wy were black,and horrible,and when they got warm they looked like tarsmiley - yuk.i can remember my gran using them!!!
jim,glad things ws went okaysmiley - love,i was thnking of him..and you.xx.xxxx


Post 352

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya sal... smiley - hug
yes, me mam used to get those plasters for her back when i was very young..... they were red on the outside, like a fuzzy felt, and black gooey on the inside that stuck to you..... she used to swear by them.....
you can still get them i believe.... my friends hubby had them when he broke a rib to ease the pain....

smiley - love sheryl.... xxxxx


Post 353


hi all.yes sheryl ,they were red on the outside.dear me,me,i always thought they looked awful!!!
i think the fogs were due to all the differeerent chimneys that poured smoke out aut all over....but i seem to have noticed that we didnt see them for for a long time..why would they be back nck now???
can anyone tell me why my mother ur used to use linament if we had sprains etc...i'm sure it was called hellimans liniment,and it had a picture of a HORSE on the box!!!gracious me..i know ive never been exactly ladylike but.........


Post 354

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal, and gang.... smiley - hug
yes, the linament... we used to call it horse linement, must have been coz of the picture of a horse on the bottle.... i'll take your word as to it's proper name luv.... footballers n the like still use summat similar these days....
another one, as well as fiery jack, was buxtons rub.... it looked like red wax in a jar..(jam jar size) and smelled awfull, and used to heat up your skin n muscles for the fun of it.... ouch....
and scotch emultion... i think it was called that... it was some sort of tonic, or so i was told.... cross between cod liver oil and, well who knows.... it was a white snotty goo that stank of rotten fish n tasted even worse.... my mam used to ram it down my throat on a daily basis.... no wonder i gag easily these days... lol....
need a vodka smiley - stiffdrink now... lol....
smiley - love sheryl....xxxx


Post 355


hi everyone.
going back to the fog..
i remember being sent home from school early. the whole school was closed so that everyone got home safely and i didnt live in a built up area with loads of smelly chimneys.

i remember some plasters that didnt have the lint strip in the middle and they used to kill you as you pulled them off. if you didnt hurt, before. you did when they came off.

i remember having a thumb nail taken off as my finger had gone bad and and they had to keep putting a hot poultice on it. that used to be murder,

and whenever i had real bad cuts and gand grazes from falling over... out came the iodine. that was lethal and make your skin turn yellow for days.


Post 356


hiya all.iremember pulling a ligament in myn my leg helen,and having a plaster bandage right up to my kn knee.nothing underneath,just all elastoplast type se stuff.....i took it off in the bath,cos the hospital were going to cut it off!!!smiley - yukcome on then,en,medicines........that horrible violet stuff that kids used to have painted on.i remembeember iodine,wintergreen ointment for chilblains,bread pouloultices....they weere hot helen.....sugar and soap for spells,sheryls fiery jack and sloanes linament..........anymoymoymore??????


Post 357


the ralgex still going today and germoline phew they smelt the thick black licorice cough medicine or the cherry one yuk seeing kid's with the purple paint around their lip's the smell of tsp in the bathroom


Post 358


i remember that we always had a tin of 'andrews' in the bathroom cabinet. being a child, i didnt really know what it was for.
i still dont, but as it fizzed when added to water, i used to sneak
to me it was like having a sly glass of fizzy pop. which was still a rarity and a luxury.
we, was children lived on orange squash. something that i never touch these days.


Post 359

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi gang... smiley - hug
that purple stuff was gentien violet... it looked and tasted like ink.... i used to suffer bad mouth ulcers as a child and used to have to have that stuff painted on... yuk... it was used for a variety of ailments... think it was painted on ring worm, hence the puple heads...
the liquorise cough medicine may have been all fours, you can still get it today if you look around... it's the only thing that does any good with me....
andrews liver salts, to give them their full title... it's to clear out your system when you're feeling sluggish, also used for hangovers... lol....
indian brandee was another one for upset stomaches.... but it's not brandy but a medicine, a couple of teaspoons in hot water... and it worked... you can still get hold of that too....

smiley - love sheryl...xxxxx


Post 360


my mother gave me a glass of andrews liver salt's when ever i had a thing called a billius attack which today is known as migrain with sickness i got hooked on it loved the taste but payin now in later life

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