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Post 381

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

now i'm the opposite helen.... can only cook a family size meal....
ask me for bulk n the word off, springs to mind..... pmpl....
go to the chippy.... lol...

smiley - love s ... x


Post 382


i dont get to cook as half as much as i used to do.
when i was living on income support and had to feed 2 growing kids.
i could work wonders with a pound of mince or sausage.


Post 383

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

helen... been there hun.... stretchin' 3 days meals out of 1.... well still there really....
can manage that, it's like i say, can't cook in bulk for anyone....

smiley - love


Post 384


its surprising how you cope when you have to.
we didnt have much as children, but we always had a meal on the table.
the majority was home made and we had to eat every bit. there was no throwing anything away.

my dad used to mash the swede in with the potato as i hated swede, but now i love it.
we used to eat sausage stew or corned beef croquettes.
all cheap, but filling meals.


Post 385

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi allsmiley - love

i still remember the times we had nothing in the house to eat,or very little,and my mother would send me with a note to the local shop.

to get what they would let use have on tick,noadays you ask for one item on the slate and they look at you with disgust.

many a night ive come home from school to jam and bread for tea,
some people today dont even know they are born,

salsmiley - lovenats away till sundaysmiley - discojim


Post 386

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - love
there's nowt wrong with a jam butty for tea... my gran used to give me suger butties, no wonder i've no nashers... lol... and condensed milk on bread too.... now that was messy... lol...
i remember my gran having a little red note book that she would write down her order in then send me to the shop.... they would put the price of each item at the side, then tally up the total... she then knew how much she owed... it was only for bits n bobs til grandad got payed, and she always payed up on time.... it was a comfort to her tho' knowing she wouldn't go short.....
smiley - love


Post 387


hi all,ive mentioned before that my mother had a shop...she used to have a big book,and put peoples names down the si side..then when they ticked up something she wrote ie in her book,and in their red note book!!!!if anyone didnt pay after two weeks sh she wouldnt let them have anymore,,,but they were few and far betwetween..i still got jam jam and bread though,,and nestles condensed milk on was sticky stuff,but i loved it.when my girls we were little we once went to my sisters and she sent one of them to get a tin of salmon from tom the cupboard upstairs,(whewhere she kept her best shoshopping)...can you imagine how i felt when hen the youngest said we get thathat at christmas ,dont we mummum???always was the poor relative!!smiley - biggrin


Post 388

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

A cupboard for best shopping??!!!!??!???!??!?!??!???!?

How the other half lives, eh?smiley - laugh


Post 389

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

we have a box for best
at christmas, i make up me own hamper from bits n bobs bought up to the run up.... things, as you say, like salmon, and other stuffs you wouldn't buy as norm.... well it all gets boxed up and left in spare back room til we want it....
i can appreciate the best cupboard tho.....
think we should all start one up... we can hide suprises n the like in there for birthdays n christmas.... hey for anything....
wot do you think....

smiley - love sheryl....xx


Post 390


ive got one of those boxes, that ive started for christmas.

ive got the nuts and a christmas cake.
ive also got the turkey, but its in the freezer. i didnt think it would last if i put it in the same
i try to buy a bit each week, so that its not so expensive at the last minute.

i dont have a best box though. there are tins of salmon etc in the normal cupboard. not that i need them. we dont have people dropping in who need feeding anymore.
hsmiley - rose


Post 391

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal,smiley - love

my mother would buy condense milk,but it was instead of milk.

and ive we where luck at the weekend
a tin of surup would be on the table

one slice of bread with surup each,it was a special treat.

i also remember we had savour duck,
if we had a visiter coming,but not very oftensmiley - discojim


Post 392



our treat was to have syrup on our porridge.
the rest of the time we just had sugar.
i used to make swirly patterns with the syrup as it fell from the spoonsmiley - biggrin


Post 393

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

helen... smiley - rose
just askin' where you'd got to... lol...
i've not really started my box yet.... well got 2 cartons of brandy sauce (ready mixed) lol...
not going to bother this time with too many luxeries (? spelling) coz they get left.... just gettin' wot we need.... and a few bits we enjoy that aren't on a weekly shop....

smiley - love


Post 394


dont worry. im still heresmiley - biggrin

im cutting down on what we buy this year. we have things left over and are still eating them at easter.
ive deliberately bought smaller basket/bowls to put less nuts in.

there will only be me, ron and my aunt here and the odd visitor, so we dont need to buy as much as i used to when the kids were at home.


Post 395

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya jim... smiley - hug
oh yes.... savoury ducks... remember them.... think it could be a northern thing but don't know.... used to love them, in days before cholesterol n stuff.... lol...

helen... my hubby loves porridge with golden syrup now, n he's only a wee 35yrs... just, sunday gone... lol..
too sickly for me....

smiley - love


Post 396


a spring chicken thensmiley - biggrin

ive lost my sweet tooth as well. so i dont have porridge with syrup very often.


Post 397

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - hug helen....
he's a spring chicken, n i'm an old hen.... pmpl....
lost my sweet tooth when i packed in smokin' 15months ago.... although never been a great love of syrup....
i can stomach honey, and swear by it for sore throats n coughs....
even gone off chocolate from wot i used to be like.... lol...
must be me age eh.... lol...

smiley - love


Post 398


i dont know if its age 'age' thing or not.
i too have gone off chocolate.
i cant eat anything sweet. icing sets my teeth on edge and i cant even drink canned fizzy drinks anymore. the only one that doesnt do anything is sprite.
i used to think that it was funny how older people preferred water as a drink, but im always buying little bottles when i eat out at a cafe.


Post 399

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

morning allsmiley - love

ive be upgraded, but no arkwright thank someone,another memeory to add

from a tolerable email system to a yuck one,i do not like it smiley - discojim


Post 400


morning jimsmiley - smiley

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