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Post 421


hi all..i use low fat spread now as well..threw tw the chip pp pan ou out ages ago,and i dont even have a deep fat fryer.hubby,s heart attack saw thethe back of frying as well...and we use olive oil and sunflower oil...l...and for roast potatoes we uwe use the spray stuff!!!!
my mother in law uses oil as well..but she still has lard in the fri seems that yorkshrkshire puds HAVE to be done in lard!!!!!
helen,youre right about th best chipsips,,,,,,first lot out out,with a fried egg..mmmmmmm....ah well,back to the yoghurts!!!!!


Post 422


does anyone remember doing the stork challenge?
they used to have these little stands in the shops with 2 plates. one with bread and stork. one with bread and butter and you have to tell them apart.
but they always put something on like anchovy paste, to cover up the difference.
i was a kid at the time and i could tell, so surely the adults could too.

as for yorkshire puds.. i use those aunt bessie ones. im a qualified cook and i cant make yorkshire puddings that rise.
but my failing is cooking roast potatoes in the beef dripping.
the rest of the week im a good girl and have plenty of vegetables and mash without marg.

hsmiley - rose


Post 423


Hi H, Yep! we covered that advert for Stork on the previous page! Wake up, and smell the coffeesmiley - laughsmiley - biggrin only kidding H, you probably never saw itsmiley - oksmiley - hug
I think the bacon tastes different because the pigs dont get to wonder around and eat "free range" these days. Its all intensive farming now?? shame I used to enjoy that old tastesmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 424


hi there all...helen,..if you makmake your own yorkshires,instenstead of breaking the eggs straight in ,beat them in a dish first,get plenty of air in to them...mine used to alwa rise....i cant beat them i use aunt bessies as well!!!!
i remember the is it stork or is it butter testtsmiley - biggrin.dont think ik i ever trieried it thoughugh!!!


Post 425


Hi Smurflessmiley - biggrin, We are going back on Cable TV next month,as Sky got too expensivesmiley - erm. Anyway Ive still got that keyboard thing I used to have to have for sending E-Mails through our TVsmiley - ok
Is that the same thing you are using just now???????
BTW, My Dad used to make cracking Yorkshire puds, he never ever washed out rhe tray he cooked them in, he used to say that was the secretsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 426

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - musicalnote a million housewives everyday, pick up a tin of beans and say,
"beans means hienz" smiley - musicalnote


Post 427

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

black leading the grate..........
donkey stoning the steps........



Post 428

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

chimney sweeps being lucky at weddings......

me mam had one at hers.... she wed age 19, became widowed age 71.....
seems it was lucky for her.... 52 yrs wed..... bless smiley - peacedove


Post 429


hi smudger...yes smiley - lovei'm on cable tv...and the dreaded keybeyboard with a mind of its own!!!only been like this his since the upgrade on t/west everyone knowsows that i can spell really!!!!!
sheryl,when i first got married i use used to yellow and white stone my doorstep,and window sills..and bleach the fla flags outsitside the door as well.i got wise when we movemoved here....painted the winwindow sills,,and a beautiful straightight white line all the way round the doorsteps!!!!!thethen it matched all the neighbours..but it never looked as niceiceas with the stones!!
my gran had a massive ble blacklead foreplace..with an oven,and what my mother called a "set pot".when i si stayed at my great aunts i used to blacklead the firplace for her.......and i used to red cardinal my kitchen floor in the last house as wellell!!!!


Post 430

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

morning allsmiley - love

i hate sundays, nothing to do,
i remember getting my bike out at 9am

and riding to town called shipley,i couldnt even get on a bike now let alone ride one.

did anyone ever do the same,on sunday
then sit trying to catch fish most of the day in the river,trying being the
optimum word,i cant ever remember catching anything but a cold.smiley - discojimxx
but how i wish i could sit there all day now,oh for the bigone days.ahhhh


Post 431


hi jim,i cant remember what we useuse to do on a sunday,apart from go to dto dewsbury,to my mothers relatives ,and we had to be back to bto be able to open the shop as it was an off licencense,and hnd had strict opening hours...p...people wanted their jugs fs filing with beer sundanday night!!!
now if you were to ask billy ,he used to go all over on on his bike,andand he went ent fishing as well.sunday here is a day for gr getting together and having ing a good mealsunday roast etc.....and car boots of course.jim,ym,you should read the book i got about old west is brillilliant....i'll have to lend it to you....i'm sure youd ed enjoy it as much as i i have!!!!
SMUDGER..youre right about the yorkshkshir pud tins.ns......they shouldnldnt be washed ,otherwise the puds stick!!!xx


Post 432


On a Sunday, we used to take it turns to go out with our Dad on his ice cream vansmiley - ok It was hard work though as we had to restock it at dinner time, with lemonade and other stock, then refuel it ready for the afternoon & evening run.
Come to think of it, we never got much time to ourselvessmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 433


hi everyone.
from what i remember of our family sundays.... when we were 5-7 we used to go to sunday school. me and my younger brother, on our own and it was quite a distance to go. we had 3d for the collection plate and 3d to spend on sweets after sunday school. we always bought fruit pastilles and tried to eat them without chewing, hoping they would dissolve.
we came home to a full sunday roast. the radio was always on and it was the bfpo services link up from around the world. i cant remember the name of the programme. as we got older it was our job to wash up and i hated sundays as it seemed as if every plate and saucepan had been used.
we also had to listen to something called 'sing something simple' on the night time, just before bed. we did have a telly but it wasnt on as much as it is these days.


Post 434

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

till i was 12smiley - love

sunday was the worse day of the week,
me and billy,would go to church in the morning,boys brigade in the afternoon and church again at night,

the only good thing about it was we got paid for singing in the choir,

and at the age of 12, i got up the courage to refuse to go anymore,
our billy stayed with it an extra 7 or so months,but only for the money.

then he and my aunt/uncle,moved away
and that was the end of an era, never to be repeatedsmiley - discojim


Post 435

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya folks.... smiley - hug
sing something simple...... well that takes me back..... and the world service..... now i got a lump in me throat... lol... the simple days of childhood....
yes we had the sunday roasts n stuff.... if me mam didn't do them coz she worked the bingo, me gran would do them....

jim.... can't see you at sunday school somehow, or in the choir... lol.... awwww bless....
mind you i was sent to the salvation army sunday school..... didn't mind at first coz we had pop n choccy biscuits.... but as i got older i said no more.... wasn't really gettin' anything from it....

smiley - love sheryl.... xxxx


Post 436


sheryl.....jims cousin billy.lly..the one tne thst died recently..was a proper ittle choihoir boy!!!!smiley - biggrin.he had a a lovely smile,and blonde de curly hy hair.i dont remember jim from those days,,,b,,but i rememmember billy well...we lived in the same street,,he lived ne next door tor to my hubby for a while...well..not my hubby then of course,,,but the he lad i eventually;ll have to see if you have any photos of you and billy when he lived down there!!!!i cam vaguelguely remember my dad taking me for sweeteets after sundayschool...but he diedied when i was it is very vague!!!!


Post 437


Someone mentioned the Radio on Sundays, we used to listen to it when we were out with my Dad in his ice cream van. There was the "Billy Cotton Band Show" Clithero Kid" Ken Dodd" Two way Family Favourites and many more that I have forgotten.

Such a shame that what used to be, a vey different day, has just melted away to another ordinary day! I suppose it was because it used to be a Family Day", now, well now we dont have families anymore, just the memoriessmiley - erm

Or maybe its just me, yet I can still smell the roast beef, and the sprouts as they spill over and hiss, on the hot plate of the AGA, Ah! such happy dayssmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 438

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all,salsmiley - love

sorry sal i only have the one of me and billy in our choirboy stuff, i think we would have been about 9 or 10.

taking of radoi, i can remember the sunday forces favourites,woe betide if we even twitched a mussle while it was on,my mother would sit near the speakerbox(thats was all the radio was then)and sit through to the end,

nothing got done,and if me, mary or billy said or did anything, we where slung in the backyard.smiley - discojim


Post 439


two way family favourites... thats it.
i couldnt remember the name.
i remember the clitheroe kid as well. didnt mollie sugden play his mom?.
i also remember the black and white minstrels. my dad had all of their records. i didnt realise that it was 'white' men with blacked out faces till i was much older.

we always had to go to bed at 7.30 on the dot on a sunday night, ready for school. which really annoyed me, because there used to be a film on sunday nights at 8 and all the children at school would be talking about it and i couldnt join in the conversation.


Post 440

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

<hi helensmiley - love

we went to bed about 8.but we had no tv(no electric)the only entertainment was the radio(a i said a speaker on the window)and a channel thing on the wall.

jimmy clitheroe,and his black han gang(i think)hey helen what about the
(right hand down, left a bit)yep the (navylark) every sunday about dinnertime,wasnt leslie philips,john pertwee in it,(by thats just taken me back)lolsmiley - discojim

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