This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 481


me cause bother??

you must be mixing me up with somone else.
im a good girlsmiley - whistle

going back to the point of this thread.
i went to walsall today. i havent been there for at least 10 years.
its a place that ive always known ever since birth.
i went to college there.

it aint half changed.
it was strange walking in places i havent walked for so long.
seeing various shops bought back many memories.
it was a good trip.


Post 482

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

helen..... ay, i'm mistaking you for a trouble maker.... smiley - rofl

it's nice to stroll down memory lane, literaly....
everywhere seems to be changing these days, and not always for the good ....
our local mall has pics of the town from many many years ago.... horse drawn carts, trams, open air markets.... place looked much better then.....
smiley - love


Post 483


last week i went to birmingham and i havent been there for a good few years either.
they have now built this new Bullring shopping centre. for those who dont know, there has been a market there for hundreds of years.
every now and then it gets a face lift. this time its had major surgery.
they have upgraded the outdoor market bit(fruit and veg, clothes etc) and rebuilt the indoor market(clothes, materials, meat). which isnt too bad and doesnt look out of place.

they have also built this great monstrosity which houses all of the modern designer shops.
selfridges is in part of the building that looks like a giant longline bra with records(45's) stuck all over it.
what makes it look more ridiculous is that the way the centre has been designed, its right by an old church. the type with spires and loads of intricate stonework.
talk about ancient and modern..
im not inpressed with it at all.


Post 484

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all, smiley - love

i take it you have all noticed that the tv is off down memeory lane again,

this time the rehashing of doctor who, mash forom the start,

are we going to get any of the good old shows,like,leeds variety reruns,

they even started doing all the old gameshows on challege,

last night i caught the whelltapers and shunters,with lonnie donigon as the star,smiley - discojim


Post 485



wheeltappers and shunters has been showing on and off for quite a while now. on granada plus, late at night.
its been great seeing some acts that were on there, before they were famous.

i love watching mash.
i think alan alda has some brilliant lines.
another person who i think, gets some brilliant lines, is young mr grace in 'are you being served'. he has me in stitches.

its strange how they have to keep going back to the older programmes.
cant they think of anything decent to come up with these days?


Post 486

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ah helensmiley - love

you just hit the nail on the head

the reason they keep rehashing the old stuff is the new stuff is not worth calling a memory,

its poorly done, at time crude,and theres nothing like,the old shows.

even the kids shows are being shown on challenge now, crackerjack,for one,smiley - discojim


Post 487


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Dont worry about your keyboards winding you up! we all still can read your postssmiley - ok
I remember when I was young we heard the old folks talking about the good old dayssmiley - ok
Now here we are saying the same thingsmiley - laughsmiley - laughIts true though about the modern stuff being crap, all the oldies are bettersmiley - cool

I really enjoy reading all you posts, keep em comingsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 488


i cant believe it!!!after all the things that have been said about the old ways,last week i indulged myself,and bought an electric knife,cos my poor hands ds arent too good at slicing the the joint.
it must be the bestest £5 that ive spenpent in a long time...ju..just imagine...when an electric knife gets you all giddy...........everyone thought i was mad!!!!!!!smiley - sorryto have to say thisthis,,,especially on this thred...but everyone should have one!!!!!xxx


Post 489


Hi Smurflessmiley - biggrin, We will let you off having such a modern itemsmiley - ok
must admit we have one as wellsmiley - laugh
As long as your happysmiley - laugh Hey! do you remember when Sunday dinner was a big family thing, and all the family sat around the table, it was probably the only time we all ate togethersmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 490

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi all smiley - love
sal... i wouldn't be safe with an electric knife.... lol...

i like all the old comedy shows too, all the innocent humour...
wheeltappers used to have me in stitches.... if i'm not mistaken cannon and ball started off there.... i like to watch them....rock on tommy.... lol...
smiley - love


Post 491

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

In defence of the new

"little Britain" on BBC3, surreal but funny

I recomend you try itsmiley - biggrin


Post 492


hi doubt my hy hubby will take a a look at tat that now he's seen it recommended...which means i'll be watching too.
sheryl.i used to like cannon an and ball,they were very good.i sometimes wonwonder what becomes of these comedians..they just seem to fade into oblivion.i thought if this thredd earlier today...flicking round the channels,my hubbys favourite pastime...e...we saw peters andand lee!!!anyone remmber them???
smudger.its rare that wt we dont have a family sunday's the only chance we all hae of caf catching up on thingsngs..even though we see each other durduring the week....theres always girl guides des or brownies,or some such thing to rush out for!!!!!smiley - grr(keyboard)!!!


Post 493

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

sal... smiley - hug
yes i remember peters n lee..... bsically they where sh**e.... lol....
morcombe and wise..... mike and bernie winters..... charlie drake.... and the old george formby films.... and gracie fields.....
even coranation street has looked back.... bet lynch... liz n jim mc.donald.....

hey sal... trish is doing a kareoke in tea room 4, with the wonky key boards... mine doesn't stutter but when i try to type fast it misses out letters n spaces.... i did acouple of songs, it's hilarious....
go check it out hun.... smiley - love


Post 494

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Oh my I hope you did not cut yourself too badly sal!

Those knives are fun to use! I have not tried one for a long time.
I can see how it could be dangerous smiley - yikes

That keyboard is bothering you a lot more than ussmiley - hug
We can read it OK.
Keyboards are very inexpensive if it is a regular PC type one.
Has anything gotten stuck under it? Have you opened it up and shook it out good? It does not take much, a few crumbs if you ever eat around it will do thatsmiley - erm
I use a can of air to clean mine out.


Post 495


smiley - discoabbi..the knife was brilliant..i didnt even nick myselself.....but give me time...i was bs been very cautious...i only need to become too oo confident ont oncesmiley - biggrin,and i could end up with four fingers!!!!!!
the keyboard is one one that has to be used for cable tv only...nd is about $ is the upgrade that has caudaused the pe problems with it,,so a lot of people have the same problem,it has developed a stammer!!!!


Post 496


hi sheryl...i have been trying to remember the ld as ast from coronation street,,,,,,,,,blimey,my memory isnt what it used to be...SO,SO,LETS SEE,ENA SHA SHARPLES,MINNIE COLDWELL,MARTHA LONGHIRST,a,ALBERT TATLOCK..elsie tanner,valerie barlow.lucille he hewitt,and her dad hary,concepta.florrie lindley,...i cant do anymore till ive had another smiley - tea!!!!
do youyou remember the two who did the sand danceance..i used to watching that!!!!!(not in corrie,of course))smiley - biggrin


Post 497


hi sal, i rember peters &lee the song i rember the most is welcome home come on in & close the door a electric knife would be to much of a danger for me bad enough with a still one & can cut myself on the elecy can opener hope you are well on this cold morning ? we had frost for the first time this morning BRR glad am not goin out today


Post 498


good morning doris..........hey,,i have always been scared of those knives,ves,but its great!!!and it didnt nt cause me half as much pain as using an ordinaty one...if i do that5 i have to stop three or four times....this was so quick i did it in two!!
i wish i coulduld go out doris...i used to smiley - lovewalking where there was frost,st,i liked to hear the sounound of it under my feet........blimey ,it's a long time since i did that.everywhere is white this looks lovely but it scares me when its bad on the roaads.if it ca carries on like this we'l be able to to throw smiley - snowballs before that i DONT like!!!


Post 499


i cant wait for the snow.

it will hide the garden and the way my garden looks at the moment, it could snow foreversmiley - biggrin


Post 500


good evening everyone....see i really can spell!!!just a case anyone hasforgotten...i can recall been able to get into h2g2 through my digibox.smiley - bluei cant anymore...looks as though thats gonna be a distant memory as well!!! so ,here i am,satb at hubbys myself neck ache.hope i can join you all tomorrow. garden is just like yours by the sound of would benefit from a covering of snow!!!!!!

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