This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 501

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

I was also going to recomend the League of Gentlemen, but for the life of me I could not remember the name! Pehaps I need a shot of memory booster. Anyway it is very dark, very strange, near the mark in places but very very funny.


Post 502

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya sal.. smiley - love
i've been wracking my brains as to the sand dancers.... don't actually remember them first hand but seen reruns and the like..... if memoery serves me right, it was wilson, ceppall and betty.... (not sure on spelling of ceppall).......
hope that helps....
smiley - love


Post 503


hi sal well i spoke to soon had to end up goin out in that cold weather by gum it was cold off to the dentists tomorrow afternoon my crown fell out thought it was to good to be true when they said i did'ent need to go back till jan for the root canal work under sedation would of be the first week of not travelin to the dentists in four weeks are you havein trouble with cable again?


Post 504


hello all..i dont remember their names sheryl.but i always found it very funny. tempted fate smiley - love,never mind,as long as you arent in pa pain/
aaahhhhh!!!!!the memory of toothachesmiley - yuk......havent had that for a long time....ut tut then havent ha teetheth either!!smiley - biggrin
i goi got back in to h2 on my linksmiley - biggrinsmiley - hugssmiley - kisshoooray!!

i dont knownow if anyones noticed,,but weve passed 500 memories on this thread........and.and ive enjoyed it all!!!xxxx


Post 505

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi d. smiley - rose
don't have to worry bout my teeth... they're another memory... lol...
had them out years ago and never looked back....
don't envy you one bit hun... hope all goes ok for you... smiley - hug


Post 506

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal... smiley - hug
just got here hun... i know, so many posts.... probably be more if folk could work their piggin keyboards... lol....
mine sticks n misses things out if i type fast.... yeah right,i type with 2 fingers... lol...
no not them 2, they're up to telewest... lol...
smiley - love


Post 507

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi everyonesmiley - biggrin

Hope you had a better day smurflessmiley - goodluck


Post 508


YOOOO HOOOO abbi..ive had a frufrustrating indeed.eed.that might be what they call themselves.
i have been very ery tempted to use those same fingers that sheryl uses for telewest on the builders!!!!!!!!!
i can remember when you paipaid for a job doing,and it was right when it was done,hence the lack of need ,years ago,for trading standards etc,it doesnt say much for modern workmanship,does it????let's hope that at when the drive goes down this time it wont crack.....after's only the fourth time its had to be be replaced!!!!smiley - grrsmiley - steamxx


Post 509


Ah! Well Smurfles, you will just have to trade that TANK your driving in, and get a car, Lot less weight!smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

I know what you mean though, thats why I did most of the work myself when I was doing up all those houses I used to live in.smiley - ok
Mind you that does qualify as a memory, when you used to get value for money??smiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 510

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I know three people doing remoldeling and all have fired at least 2 crewssmiley - cross Sad that integrity in trade business is not the norm. Part of the problem is so many think they can do that sort of work without training or knowledge as if it is "just labor" so anyone could do it.

Smudger you mentioned once that you have to have a license or certificate for every little thing. Are there requirements other than money to get them? Do you have to prove your worth,experience or schooling?

The good guys (hubby is one)get more headaches than you can believe after others work behaviors. The owners original trust turns sour on the *new guy* who is having to fix their botched jobs. My hubby is very patient when he gets an ear full about the last guy and his mess to fix.


Post 511

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

League of Gentlemen
What is that about tonemonkey?


Post 512


Ah! Yes Abbi, If your doing the work yourself you have to prove to the council that you fully aware of all building standards and regulations!
You also hace to submit your plans to them, including a listing of materials to be used, for their approval.
Also you have to allow the council inspectors to come and witness various stages of construction. For example, the foundations and drainage, prior to being covered by construction.

Of course all this applies in full if you are receiving a council grant, If not, you still have to abide by the specs and regs, and have your work inspected in stages.

If none of this is done, then you will not receive the certifacate of completion from the council? and may have to demolish he lotsmiley - wah
So it pays to find out before you startsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 513

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Very similar thensmiley - ok
They have made people tear down things here toosmiley - yikes


Post 514


hi all...smudger,abbi..this shoshould be clased as a memory..i had the work on my house started just over five years ago.i .i had the bathroom re-tiled,the staircase replatered,and the drive re-le-laid,,as well as new drains nd snd some trees removed.the bathroom was was re-plastered and retiled three timeimes before it was right,,the second builders even ut the patternerned tiles on upside down,the ne new bathroom suite i ad wasnt put in properly,and leaked through the the ceiling ig in the hal underneath,which had had just been tha that had to be done again,and the dr drive is almost reay to go down ag again...this time will be the fourth!!!!!the standard of workmanship has been deplorabrable...and we even stopped one workman,and told him him toget out...well,billy did!!!!that was when he trid to put a second layer of tiles on top of the the first to straiten it up!!!!!!memories like this arent the bestest...buti suppose we'll laugh about it in timtimtime......but when en i arent too sure!!!


Post 515

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya sal.. smiley - hug
and these workmen are still living and breathing......
or do they now work for telewest...

smiley - love


Post 516

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

League of Gentlemen. A village called Royston Vasey, whos inhabitants make the banjo playing kid in Deliverance seem genetically diverse. Lots of small town perversions and wierdness!

Here are two links for the curious A568154, someone around here likes them along with me! And it really is very funny if you are blessed(?!) with the appropriate sense of humour!smiley - rofl


Post 517

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I like shows and movies that include "Lots of small town perversions and wierdness!" when they are humorous.
Thanks I'll take a look at the link .


Post 518


Ah! Paganmoonsmiley - wah Dont say these guys now work for Telewestsmiley - erm We are having cable (Telewest) installed next week, as Sky prices went
SkyWards!!!smiley - laugh(Like it?)
So then we will have TV, Internet and phone, all with themsmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 519

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Advice smudger, honest as I can make it!

Telewest seem to strongly believe that customer service ends as soon as the installation crew leaves, if not as soon as you sign the contract, and while the 3 in 1 deal may be cheap on the surface sky is cheaper if you get the right deal from BT. Sky also has vastly better picture quality and vastly more potential for expansion in choice.

In regards to the thread though I can remember before I had digital tv I used to find it hard to find something to watch. Now I have sky it just takes me longer to decide there is nothing I want to watch.smiley - laugh


Post 520

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hello gang... smiley - hug
smudger.... i have no probs with the tv or phone, it's just since the upgrade the e.mail and anything that involves typing is a nightmare....

tone.... i'm beginnig to agree.. i agee bout the channells too.... gawd knows how many on, but nowt to watch on any... lol..

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