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Post 401


good morning all....hey sheryl..i havent lost my sweet tooth...i lost all of em...years ag could have been due to the sweetweets though.i smiley - love>sweet things,always have done,but nowhere near as much uch now.i arent a lover of fiz fizzy drinks either...apart from lucozade.never drinl orange ge doesnt snt agree with enjoy a ""puding "after my meals.treacle....smiley - yuk,unless its on my puds.
i wonder der why our tastes change as we get older????
must admit have a tin of salmon in my food cupboard as well....not that anyone will eat it,but its there ..justust in case.we dont enjoy it that much,,and billy wont touch it at all...he dislikes the stuff intensly.i thinkwe should list all the extra things gs we buy at christmas that wet we wouldnt usually buy....i bet we'd save a pretty penny if we worked out what ends up in the bin!!!!


Post 402

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal.. smiley - hug hi gang....
i always buy stuff that gets left way after christmas.... going to try to do it different this time, just buy the essentials along with a few treats that we like.... well it'll only be us anyway so don't have to please anyone else... just can't afford to waste food these days can you.... oh, i'll eat the salmon, so will shannon....
at the mo. i can't eat much, me gums are sore.... hey, here's another food memory.... bread pobs.... remember them.... well i made some dinner time as it was nice n mushy.... lol...
hope everyone is well.... smiley - hug
smiley - love sheryl... xxxxx


Post 403


smiley - yuksheryl...i never liked pobs..s...but i used to lo like breadead n butter puddin.i 'd jam roly poly,and loads of custard,and i can remember my mother making a tinned treacle pudding,and letting the pan boil dry!!!th!there were bie bits of it stuck to the kitchen ceiling for months!!!!whatwhats up with your gums<smiley - love???xxx?xxx


Post 404

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi sal... smiley - love
me gums are all ulcerated, n me tongue's prickly.... it'll be summat i've eaten that's set 'em off, scratched 'em i suppose... i've no bottom set so everything get's direct contact... i'm a bugger for crisps when i'm typin' in here... they'll clear up, they always do...
i've never been a lover of stodgy puddings... too sickly for me...
hope you are well...
smiley - hug sheryl...xxxx


Post 405


whats a pob?


Post 406

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

bread pobs are made of a few slices of bread, broken up in a pan and heated with warm milk... add sugar to taste.... or in my case, honey...
i made some today as my gums are sore and i can't chew anything...
used to have them as a child, especially after illness when i didn't fancy much....
smiley - love


Post 407


its must be a northern thing. ive never heard of them.
if we cant eat anything because of a sore mouth, we used to have tins of soup with small chunks of bread in it.


Post 408

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

i've had the soup hun, with bread as you say... did the pobs as a change.... substitute the soup for milk.... the bread idea stays the same really....
it could be a northern thing... not sure....
smiley - love


Post 409


used to love that bread&milk dish my dad made it with sugar yummy


Post 410


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Do you remember when food tasted like real food? Bacon for example, used to to taste gtreat in the old days, before they started packing it and covering it with preservatives!
I remember when it was hung up on a hook, then the butcher would take it down and slice it in front of you, just the way you wanted it.smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 411

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hey smudgersmiley - love

whats real food, i dont think ive seen any for donkeys years,if we beleive whats told ua even the meat is part added water.

pot noddles ans dried fruits, what happened to the real stuff,

if you can find any,it cost an arm and a legsmiley - discojim,hi smudger where you been hiding jim


Post 412


Hi Jim, Ive not been hiding really, just been busy, its a full time job looking after MK2smiley - ok
I was over in Edinburgh yesterday, being examined by a specialist for my compo claim regards to my accident 4YRS ago!
Also been writing a load of stuff for smiley - thepostsmiley - ok So been busy in general, glad to get back and catch up with everyone againsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 413

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I am so behind. I have not read smiley - thepostin weeks! That is not like me. So many links to catch up on in posts I have read toosmiley - erm

I have not forgotten your writings Smudger!smiley - smiley
I hope all went well for you Smudger.

*waves to Jim*


Post 414

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Paganmoon, serenity and helen we used to eat stale bread in chuncks with sugar and warm milk it was a real treat at the time.
I have not thought of that in a very long time!


Post 415


we used to sneak sugar sandwiches when we were children. i dont know why, but my mom didnt approve of them.
i do remember that we used to use 'stork' margarine and it came in a wrapper(before the age of tubs) and my mom used to scrape every scrap of marg off the paper. we werent allowed to through the wrapper out until it had been done. there wasnt even enough to spread on a slice of bread.
i suppose its her way of making things go further.


Post 416


good mornorning all......i used stork when i first got marrirried.i am sat here racking my brainsas to hat at else we band margarine....does anyone remember echo marg???
smiley - yukand lard....whenhen i think ofthe chip pan ad makes me feel smiley - yuk,,,but food did taste beter then thats mother had a bacon slicer in the shop jim...she used to clean it down every night before she closed up...and she had cheese on a round marble slab..with a wire cheese cutter.....weighed all the dr dried fruit and flour out int in to bags,we had a big metaetal bin type thing ,witha roll top lid,,for keeping the flour in,,it was big enough for me to be be able to climb inside,,,,,and proper hand pumps for the beer she take out in jugs!!!big sg sacks of potatoes to weigeigh from,,,m,,,and crates of model milk!!!


Post 417


i remember echo margarine and blue band.

we always used lard in the chip pan and the best lot of chips to ever come out of the chip pan was the very first batch after cleaning the pan and having fresh lard put in.
those chips and a fried egg were heaven.
we now use oil and im not really happy about it, but its one of the many things ive had to give up for my partnersmiley - wah


Post 418


Yea! I remember Stork margarine, the used to be,"you cant tell Stork from Butter" or something like thatsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 419


PS. Note the missing word, is "Advert"smiley - blushsmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 420

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi gang... smiley - hug
yes i remember using stork, and the advert.... i'm not too keen on it now tho.... maybe it's because it tastes different in the tubs as to the wrapper.... i also remember blue band and echo....
these days i use low fat sunflower spread, mainly for health reasons...
corner shops with the bacon slicer, cut as thin or as thick as you wanted.... i'm sure the pigs were a better breed in the old
smiley - love sheryl....xx

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