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Boots Posted Sep 20, 2003
Hi Pin
Yes I agree it is very odd. Even the threads seem to have lost the plot. I have a nasty suspicion that you are 'write' as usual. H2G2 was becomming too much fun by far especially AWW. Not nearly 'proper' enough for aunty beeb, so let's throw a spanner in the works and create a new site. Leave the sad little hitchhikers out there to post to the Adams dream and see if we can't get some cheap ideas for new programmes. (Do you think I will get moderated for this treason ).
I shall still send in to the post but am trying to work on other stuff as well and what with juggling work, offsprung departing on new journies and the other stuff, suspect I will not be as active in convos as have been. Miss Ben, miss Funderlik, where's Trout? Waz and Jodan are still here but the gang seems to have moved on and I'm not sure I have time, or inclination, to join a new one.
Have to put in some day job time now but will catch up on on the Byron entry tonight and comment later.
Hope all is well with you and the Weddell and all.
Take care
boots (off for brekkie!)
Pinniped Posted Sep 25, 2003
Hey Boots!
You in the mood for chat, like we grown-ups don't do?
Pin *wallowing somewhat*
Boots Posted Sep 25, 2003
Hey friend glad someone I know is still up!
Sober evening which means no sleep till gone the witching hour. Can't make up my mind which is worse, hangover following alcohol induced amnesia or cafine (sp... sorry can't be ar**d to get dictionary out)poisoning and stinking early morning ashtrays.
How's things with you?
Pinniped Posted Sep 25, 2003
Good, Boots. Good, as always.
Poisons? Now there's an interesting subject...
Boots Posted Sep 25, 2003
Lucrezia's tale springs to mind. Sorry for the call from 'Angela' cooking for the finest in Corfu...munching her way through a mountain of crisps and impressing me with the 'visitors' list...They really are the other half. I do so love characters and the dynamics of relationships. Ravager and I would delight in bringing together a disparate mix and watch the play unfold, incredibly the unlikeliest of pairings always delighted and many new and unexpected friendships still endure.
Pinniped Posted Sep 25, 2003
I meant you poisoning yourself, dear. Never mind...
Not sure I can wholly relate to the dinner-party-social-engineering bit either.
We live in different worlds, Boots. I love characters and relationships too, but is love compatible with human-cocktail-mixing?
Incidentally, I haven't smoked anything for over 40 weeks now
Boots Posted Sep 25, 2003
No Pin wrong (Oh good this is turning into a proper argument what fun!)
I don't do dinner party social engineering...I don't even cook for G*ds sake! And of course love isn't compatable with human-cocktail mixing you daft brush. I wasn't talking about LOVE, I was merely remarking on the dynamics of relationships...any relationships..old man/young boy/old lady/young girl/same age different backgrounds/different ages same backgrounds/different ages different backgrounds.
Ravager and I had very different backgrounds and a fair age gap so the mix at what can only be described as our arrestable bashes (generally birthdays with loud music...very loud music... nothing more perverse) was delicious. Scaffolders to stars of the silver screen, mercenaries to monks, musicians to morticians (well maybe not morticians I have been known to exaggerate) Songwriters to secretaries and cleaners to clairvoyants.
And for your information there is nothing worse than a reformed smoker! I did six months last year and was hell on legs!
Pinniped Posted Sep 25, 2003
Oh bugger - now she thinks I was having to think about it, whereas in truth I was lurking elsewhere, only just found this, and am retorting off the top as per usual...
(Yep, it is fun, innit)
No, I wasn't accusing you of being some kind of Nigella Mengele. Interesting thought, though...
I just don't subscribe to the fact that people are different in the way you imply, that's all. You find philosophers and charlatans everywhere. The real secret is to bring them out and listen.
OK, here's provocative. What is fame? Are the glitteratti you clearly know any different from the rest of us? Or are they just the particular butterflies that got put in the belljar and nailed to the board in the presentation case?
And don't you lecture me about reformed smokers, Mizz-Hell-on-Legs. Come Christmas, I'll have packed in for over a year three times in my brief but terribly interesting lifetime. That's why I'm so even-tempered and totally in control of my nervous energies...
Pin *hastily stands bottle upright*
Boots Posted Sep 25, 2003
'I just don't subscribe to the fact that people are different in the way you imply, that's all. You find philosophers and charlatans everywhere. The real secret is to bring them out and listen.'
Which is precisely what I was getting at. Div!
Fame? And no I don't know a whole ream of glitteratti that was in a previous and most happily left behind life.
OK my take on fame. Most people who have the 'need' to be famous, as opposed to those who are driven to achieve in whatever field their talents embrace, are usually very insecure. They may even despise themselves and rarely know who they really are. The only way they can feel self worth is to bask in the shallow sunshine of sychophants and adoring faceless fans.
More often than not the true achievers (who by the nature of their job have incidentally become famous) live very ordinary short (legged) lives like the rest of us, spend little time in the company of other 'famous' people and regard their achievements as the day job. It just happens to be one they adore.
So Mr-I've given up smoking three times - But I'm not stressed about it...put that in your bottle and sup up!
take care
Pinniped Posted Sep 25, 2003
"Precisely what I'm getting at" is no way to conduct an argument. Anyway, it isn't precisely what you were getting at, because it was me not you that said it, so there.
And I am so not stressed, you vexatious ...
Sycophancy? That reminds me, I haven't fawned over the latest DT...(slight hiatus while seal-boy rights the bottle again), not that DT.
It a particularly good 'Tails', I thought. Sometimes you can tell where you've been making adjustments, and it's kind of distracting. Note this one. Boots at her best just seems to gush.
The Jerusalem congruence was neat too, yeah?
Being undeservedly famous must be a curse. I think I should stick to being undeservedly obscure...
Pinniped Posted Oct 26, 2003
Wo Boots...
NoNoNo - you've got to be a bitch.
By which I mean a female canine, so don't be offended.
If you think it'll help, you could post a there or something like that, only you shouldn't actually say anything.
A little peer-pressure might help, yeah?
Seriously, it would be so-o-o good if it flew.
You reckon she'll play?
(what species of dog are you anyway?)
Boots Posted Oct 27, 2003
Not sure what a bookmark is. I do hope she come out to play it would be fun.
My journal states I am a cross between a great Dane and a golden labrador with a little foul play on the part of a sadistic alien.
'Mongrel' sounds just fine.
Just realised what you meant by (so stupid boots bitch). Leave it a couple of days eh Pin...she'll reply
Boots Posted Oct 29, 2003
I'm assuming you've read the reply on the other thread. (always a dangerous thing to do with a phocoid )
Yes I do understand. It is all in the words but I have the advantage of having read the script to date.
This is not about writing Pin. This is about RL and choices. She's agreed to play. Be happy with that. Play your story game, enjoy the story, just don't push too hard. Let it be fun.
Gosh boots that's almost grown up.
take care
Pinniped Posted Oct 30, 2003
You bet it's grown up.
I'm kind of frightened now.
How did everybody get so wise?
You been paying attention all these years, or something?
...So...if I throw this stick, are YOU going to come bounding up?
Pin *off to search for that other thread, like a phocoid. Like an idiot...*
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- 87: Boots (Sep 25, 2003)
- 88: Pinniped (Sep 25, 2003)
- 89: Boots (Sep 25, 2003)
- 90: Pinniped (Sep 25, 2003)
- 91: Boots (Sep 25, 2003)
- 92: Pinniped (Sep 25, 2003)
- 93: Boots (Oct 26, 2003)
- 94: Pinniped (Oct 26, 2003)
- 95: Boots (Oct 27, 2003)
- 96: Boots (Oct 29, 2003)
- 97: Pinniped (Oct 29, 2003)
- 98: Boots (Oct 29, 2003)
- 99: Pinniped (Oct 30, 2003)
- 100: Boots (Oct 30, 2003)
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