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Boots Posted Oct 30, 2003
And, no, I'm not going to come bounding up. It isn't my story. I may be invited to walk a while with the Seal and Ben as the journey unfolds, but you will get fed up with me. I should feel compelled to run off and chase rabbits and then get wet and shake water all over you, so would be most tiresome company for too long.
take care
Pinniped Posted Oct 30, 2003
You can't not bound up! You can't!
Listen...I don't mind wet smelly dogs...I love 'em in...fact...
...and it's so not my story...I don't have a clue what's going on...
...I was only trying to get Ben back...
Please help me out, Boots. Good dog! Fetch!
...Oh, bugger...
Boots Posted Oct 31, 2003
Well if you put it like that...
'God boots you're a pushover!'
Check the Christmas meets and see who might have signed up
Do you think I'd make a good spook? They're private detectives...I've just found out. OK I might be the last to know but it has been a sheltered life!
take care
Pinniped Posted Nov 2, 2003
You're not even subscribed, are you, you silly animal? And there we are, expending all that wasted effort being rude about you
10th Jan, eh? Dunno; really don't know about these things. Kind of bursts the bubble, actually meeting people, maybe. But I'm thinking about it, which is a long-way moved on from the so-far no-chance reflex, I guess.
You're quiet just now, Boots, yeah? Is everything OK?
Boots Posted Nov 3, 2003
Off to try and subscribe to something...not sure what I'm supposed to be subscribing to? Don't mind eavesdropping a little, but have learned it is rude to butt in.
Not too bad cheers Pin. All sorts of day job pressures, Christmas and all that. Business may be gone as early as the end of this week, but have to put in three months after that. Not sure how I will feel about that until it happens. (no day time hootoo I suspect).
Christmas will be another hurdle methinks. But on positive side, I have Ravager pup with me for a while (he needs lots of cuddles) and work wise have had a couple of cracking gigs to turn around with no lead in time and I do thrive under creative pressure, so they were fun.
'OK boots he didn't ask for War and Peace!'
Take care
boots (off to get the Christmas road show started)
Pinniped Posted Nov 3, 2003
Sounds good to me, Boots.
You enjoy it all. There's good and bad in this new detachment, yeah? If I were you, I'd just milk the good.
Thanks for joining the BenStory. I hope I didn't nag you too much. We can all have fun, if we do it right. I just threw another smoke-bomb in there, so let's see what that creates.
Incidentally, after I log out tonight I'll definitely be off-line till Wednesday night late at the earliest, so if you can stave off rebellion for 48 hours, I'd be grateful. Get Jodan to help. He's what we need. Level head and broad mind. A rare combination. As a tutor, once said, a huge expanse of intellectual flatness
Sometimes I'm amazed at just how objectionable Pinniped is. He's a disgusting little monster. Ugh.
Back in RL, I've got some public speaking to do Friday night. Quite a big do, very swanky venue. Should be writing the speech, really...
Boots Posted Nov 4, 2003
venue dropping again eh Pin? Think I might have unwittingly aided the rebellion. I simuposted with Jodan and it doesn't work with my post coming second...sorry. think you might have to dive in there!
take care and watch those vowels!
Pinniped Posted Nov 4, 2003
Can't dive in. Not now, not till I'm rescued.
Have you met Alberta before? I never can remember who knows who. She came to the Pier in about my second month in hootoo, employed as some kind of secretary/PA to Pinniped. That's why she calls him 'Mister'. At first she was more or less completely insane, with a thing about the orangeness of cement-mixers, for some reason. Gradually, she became quite sagacious and maternal. She has a specially-inappropriate thing going with RedDog, too. Her nerves are bad, though, and have been ever since she got shot...
Not boring you, am I?
Come on, get working on a seal-rescue. As incompetent and calamity-strewn as you can imagine, if you don't mind...
Boots Posted Nov 4, 2003
Did met Alberta before but must have read too fast. She seemed to be based on the Weddell, the calming influence and sagacity in Pin's mad world . Looks like you're out of the pooh pile for a bit.
Well done that Waz!
take care
Pinniped Posted Nov 13, 2003
Wo Boots
How's it going?
(kicking heels, waiting for the Post to pop)
Boots Posted Nov 13, 2003
Evening Phoss
Yea also bored. managed to get something in to Shazz...easy stuff I'm afraid but what with the French classes...God I hate French why can't they just do simple verbs...what's with the e, a, as, eaux, aissing? A real pain in the pro verb ial!
If you are really really bored do me a fave and read the scorpion script on
Old radio script I am updating. Don't think I'll get away with the narrator now. Have listened to some stuff on radio 4 and was advised to update some old stuff produced elsewhere and submit. Very R4 (they cater for the over 50's) but pointers would be appreciated.
take care
Pinniped Posted Nov 13, 2003
Easy stuff maybe, but you do it well, ma'am.
The 'passing on the calamari' bit made me LOL
Scripts in daylight, I reckon.
Night, Boots
Pinniped Posted Nov 15, 2003
Up early, eh Boots?
I can't get onto your Half-Baked Sadie thing.
I can tag it with Google (Half Baked Sadie rambles with Boots), but then it just comes up This Page Cannot be Displayed. If I enter it directly as a web address I get the same.
Any suggestions?
Boots Posted Nov 15, 2003
Think the servers are down. Not getting emails through either. Had lunch with footprints yesterday Actually had coffee and then straight into lunch, a four hour ramble in most delightful company.
take care
Boots Posted Nov 15, 2003
It was fun, she is most special lady and proper grown up! huge respect.
take care
boots (off to work...back later if the Tweedle army actually works this morning!)
Pinniped Posted Nov 16, 2003
Waddya mean, "Mind Games"?
Straight as a die, me.
(Don't forget the lithp when you do Orchid. Routemathter, etc)
Anyhow, looks like I'm asleep till Waterloo.
Pin(off to try that Sadie-thing again)
Boots Posted Nov 16, 2003
You thet the rulthes old chap! And wot's this with pinching my brackets game!
Don't be too harsh on the old 'Final fling' it was written some twenty years ago and is probably the weakest in the series (eight more to follow) but I had to start somewhere. Took me ages to master scrpt smart and guidlines have changed a bit over the years. I think I will have to write out the narrator, not a tool used much now on R4 but ever so useful in moving the plot.
Mind games refer to RL btw but I think I've wrested back control.
Don't like my new life sometimes, never knew there were so many sharks out there!
take care
boots (the brackets!)
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- 102: Pinniped (Oct 30, 2003)
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- 106: Pinniped (Nov 3, 2003)
- 107: Boots (Nov 4, 2003)
- 108: Pinniped (Nov 4, 2003)
- 109: Boots (Nov 4, 2003)
- 110: Pinniped (Nov 13, 2003)
- 111: Boots (Nov 13, 2003)
- 112: Pinniped (Nov 13, 2003)
- 113: Pinniped (Nov 13, 2003)
- 114: Pinniped (Nov 15, 2003)
- 115: Boots (Nov 15, 2003)
- 116: Pinniped (Nov 15, 2003)
- 117: Boots (Nov 15, 2003)
- 118: Pinniped (Nov 16, 2003)
- 119: Pinniped (Nov 16, 2003)
- 120: Boots (Nov 16, 2003)
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