This is the Message Centre for Boots
Boots Posted Aug 25, 2003
Hi Pin
Thanks for being there. It doesn't get easier which is a bit pooey and I'm such a wuss!
Am doing lots of things with people I like but would so much rather be doing lots of nothings with the one I love.
Even rubishy ramblings proving difficult...However, pull yourself together you stupid child, on to trivia. Noticed there is a new series on great peeps from the past starting with Brunel, which you may enjoy methinks, another production from our redoubtable gods.
Have busy day today, Lunch with mother whom I do neglect too much, scrabble with friend who is very poorly and who cannot be left alone and who's own god has been rushed into hospital and then Dinner at the Dorchester you do! A nintyeth birdthday bash for a friends aunt. Well I bet that'll be a drunken riot! However as I usually go in through the back entrance (with the flowers) it will be quite novel pretending to be posh!
Looking forward to wednesday's golden girl reunion, where I shall meet more great minds from this site. Ben is overnighting here so had best remove all traces of home grown penicillen from the offsprung's bedrooms and search for clean linen! Oh my god the lawn...I have to cut the grass!
Drove to Southampton on friday to watch Ravager pup doing his Clapton impression...excellent as always, and his friends (who we have known for some 15 years) did take good care of me. Totally useless as always had to ask taxi to show me the way to venue!
Right, off to tackle the lawn and get todays show on the road. Haven't heard from Waz for a long time I hope she is Ok. You take care too young man...alchohol may be a great anesthetic but it is not the cure as I am finding out.
Thanks for the post it does get lonely.
Pinniped Posted Aug 25, 2003
Hi Boots
Waz is back; Jodan's around too. There's always company if you need it
Your boring social life sounds exhilirating as usual. What can us mere phocoids say?
Brunel thing - yeah, worth a look, but if only they had a bit more imagination. They're all bl**dy artists, your gods, of course. No remote comprehension of the breadth of engineering. They probably believe that the Industrial Revolution was brought about by half-a-dozen illiterate guys in stove-pipe hats, plus a few bankers.
I'm trying to convince a guy I know, an academic in industrial history/economics and a bit of a showman, to push the Beeb for a series on the enabling technologies. Steel, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, thermosetting plastics, the junction transistor, nylon would probably be my series of six. Done well, it could give a few million feckless Brits a real kick in the proverbial.
What do I mean? Well, fr'example, it's all very well berating the railways. But had it not been for them, we'd probably still have typhoid and child labour. They pulled us that far forward in social development.
(No, I can't substantiate that ridiculous assertion, you're quite right...)
Tell you what, you give the hobby-horse a lump of sugar, and we'll talk about something else. Don't worry about the alcohol, btw. I'm not a frequent user, even if I write like it. Heavy binges are very infrequent these days.
More guitars in the family? I'm jealous. I like to excel at everything I try, and I usually succeed. (Vain git, yeah, OK...but you knew that anyway, right?). Guitar is one of the relative failures. I can play, I can even sing, but it's painfully ordinary. I can't rock.
That and plastering, and welding. Three things that invariably result in outcomes that will "do" at best.
Mowing the lawn? Now you're talking. I'm so-o good at that, particularly when the Weddell's complaining at having to do all the ironing.
Well, OK, this has been a bit of a rough effort, but you're owed a few lines, Boots. Just you stand a bit straighter, yeah? There's no use bottling up sorrow, but there's no use letting it spoil everything else either. You've got one helluva life to live, judging by the snippets you give us. It would be a crime not to appreciate it.
(Oh, and enjoy the girlie-thing. Some gossip on those great minds would make a good read in the Post, as I'm sure you've realised already)
Boots Posted Aug 25, 2003
Oh Pin you are a laff!
Hobby horse first. I'm sure most of the populus (even the mirror readers!)have worked out that were it not for the enabling technologies we would be back in the dark disease ridden ages. They may not mumble about it into their beers or bray into their camparis, they may take it for granted, expect it as a right even, but give them a little cred. FTR I always find the best bits about buildings is imagining the people who built them...the actual builders, along with the engineers, the surveyors and lastly the imperious architects, but then I'm a bit of a people sucker. Pavements fascinate me, the brick ones especially (sucker for bricks and stone too). Sometimes you can see where the pavement layer has had a bolshy moment and changed the pattern (you have to be a good pavement lurker to spot this) and sometimes you can even find initials carved into the bricks. Don't tell me that's your average 'I was here' merchant? No it was the bricky. Who was he? Was he young, old, married, orphaned? What music did he listen to? etc.
Engineers (and my father was one) speak in their own special language like mathmeticians (which they often also are). To the uninitiated this is about as exciting as an average Sun reader (both sides of the political mass media now duly covered) listening to the footy results in serbo croat. They have a genuine interest in the subject but the language is frankly alien. Someone tried to explain 'to the power of ten' or whatever it is to me the other day. I couldn't understand why he wanted to witter on about to the power of thirteen...I was having a hard enough time grasping the ten. THEN he said if the answer to the whole world the universe and the galaxy was 42 and that that answer was based on the assumption that one was working to the power of ten (which probably came about because man has ten digits,fingers/toes) it could be the wrong answer. IF aliens had thirteen digits they would work to the power of thirteen in which case 42 wouldn't be the answer! Now I am fascinated...I don't understand the maths but the concept intrigues enough for me to want to.
The music talent is all from Ravager. I have no talent in most fields, just a contrary determination. I do love to hear them all play though and Ravager pup is an extremely fine axe man. Baby boots plays a mean sax and a fair rhythm guitar...they both sing and understand maths!
Had a good day. Mother made me laugh, Friend not up to scrabble so chats and rain check on the scrabble till tomorrow. Dorchester...grand in a non threatening and quite cosy way...nice flowers. Met a poet who knew how to escape into the innermost corners of his mind, a 98 year old lady (I thought she was ninety) with more marbles than I've been blessed with, a survivor who imports material for holograms (she thought that was boring, it wasn't), An HIV positive delight who can spin a yarn with as much flair as Rapunzel and an ex policewoman who adores health farms. Ate far too much, drank far too little but it was delicious wine and have actually managed to write half an entry for the post.
Yes and definitely no, on the girlies night out. Some things can be posted others could be construed as taking advantage of! Will keep the goss to friends who don't frequent site and who, hopefully, would barely recognise themselves if they did!
Phew that's it methinks. Off to lurk for ten minutes then bed, alarm set for 6!
Take care
Pinniped Posted Aug 26, 2003
I think you should be doing something constructive. However, until something suggests itself, have a look at this and give us some Editorial Advice, yeah? There's a good girl... Pin
Pinniped Posted Aug 28, 2003
You're the best read around, Boots.
Now, how are you going to counterpoint the resonances between SBSTM and your night-out report?
*wonders if she'll ask Shazz for a double slot next week; set 'em side by side, spot-the-difference style...)
Girls just wanna have fun, whereas ladies of a certain age just wanna have august conversations about it?
I jest, and I'm jealous. And I just hope that all this is more than filling the space in your life. I hope it's the restoring friendship that you make it sound.
(I get the Dick Tracy reference now. But the subterfuge line isn't the dramatic pivot of APNO, of course. The pivot is the skilful exploitation of "glimpse of stocking" principles. A different kind of provocation entirely. More Bluebell Girls than Golden Girls!)
Boots Posted Aug 28, 2003
Hoped you would like it. All your laddish chatter with trout about pre raphaelites (sp) made me think that laying a paper chase would be fun. Find the tense thing too tricky in that genre. Read a Lindsey Davies book (the silver pigs If memory serves) very clever and very funny. Light but well worth whiling an afternoon away're at it with those words again 'resonances'? Thought that was something to do with vocal chords.
Yes it is helping. Ben wisely said 'you do grow into the empty space' a way to go yet though, it's those ciggies stunting the growth again!
Take care
Pinniped Posted Aug 28, 2003
Well, if the Witches of East Grinstead ever need a Daryl van Horne, I can recommend a wet, wobbly, whiskery one who smells of fish...
Pin *resonating nicely*
Boots Posted Aug 28, 2003
Oh but he surely couldn't be as good as Dennis the Menace?
Trouts piece. Need to read again. Not sure I have a handle on the psyche of the character. A car salesman noticing fine details of his customers? I'm not sure. Well crafted but I want to know more about him. Off to read again and see if the clues are there.
take care
Boots Posted Aug 30, 2003
Ben is one of the most giving peeps I have ever had the priviledge to meet. No I don't think I should throw any light on the matter...I could but I don't think I should. I think you should mail her. She has huge regard and respect for you and I would not be a good friend if I did goss. You know her better than I who only knows what has occured and has only known her for a little while (but I would like to hope that she is my friend). As very new friend I can only wait until she needs should talk. She may well slap everyones face with a wet fish but that is why we are here not? All I can do is echo her words... Love's a bitch and then you cry.
take care
boots x
Boots Posted Sep 6, 2003
Lots but day job a bit all encompassing at the mo. Will be catching up monday/ tuesday blasted social life permitting..."I can be left on my own good friends...I won't break...I am allowed to throw china round the house and shortly I shall say 'no' to all your kind and wonderful you are such a wuss!"
Just one of those weeks.
Catch you later Pin
take care
ps hope all OK your end you've also been a bit quiet?
Pinniped Posted Sep 6, 2003
We spent a few days in London, the family together. It was great. RL is really fine; it's just hootoo that seems a bit flaky. Ben on virtual walkabout, Jodan's dipped, you apparently putting work before self-indulgence...
(Don't you dare treat your social life as a burden. That way madness lies. Either go and enjoy it or just tell 'em you're not coming, right?)
Still - you know where I am.
See you soon, friend
Boots Posted Sep 6, 2003
OK, right! and sorry. They are all very special and very caring, you're right I just have to learn to say no when I truly am too tired but then I'd never go out Oh lordy best go and buy some juggling balls. You lot came to Lunnun and you didn't drop by? Well that's not very caring and sharing!!! Would have loved to have met you all.
In particularly foul mood as all the contract flowers are the wrong colour. Ordered purple and got cerise pink yuk!
The Trout seems to have disappeared too? And Funderlik is not back yet. Hootoo is very odd at the moment lots of chats but not enough to read. I posted to the 'wot ho trout' thread re my intentions. Really am going to try and do something proper with dialogue (time permitting ). Did you catch the Brunel programme btw? and if so was it good? Think I'll go and order breakfast for the Tweedles they need a break from my snapping this morning.
Take care
Pinniped Posted Sep 6, 2003
It's Weddell-coffee-time again, so a couple of lines is all you get...
If I'm in London again soon I'll try find the shop. Sorry, but it was definitely the kids' agenda and a tight schedule.
Saw your Chaucer-intent. I might too, if inspiration dawns. Probably won't, without research. At the moment, Blake and Comstock are my playthings.
I missed Brunel. Will try catch it somehow, though.
(Yes, dear! In a minute...)
...See ya, Boots!
Pinniped Posted Sep 10, 2003
Hey Boots
Hope you haven't been pining?
Found the Albion-comment (for which Thanx) through a Waz-lurk. Good job you Pinned the title, else I'd never have caught on.
Yep, my old non-subscription habit again...
I've not been around much 'cos of work, but it should ease off middle of next week or so.
Got a couple of pieces I'm working on off-site but ultimately for hootoo, the Batavia follow-up and one on Blake which is getting strange. Should be good for Scout-baiting if nothing else. Playing with the Beeb's Chaucer bit too a little (you got me going). Plus some other stuff, too good to waste. Even old "don't-care" baulks at the foregone copyright now and again.
Rejection slips on b2alpha have now gone silver (ie 25 and rising). I really wonder how it's done, getting the attention of these morons. Can you imagine, 100 kwords+ of Pinniped, just waiting to make someone's fortune? And no-one's biting my flipper off...
Boots Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hi Pin good to have you back. Arse on the Turner prize collage! still at least I feel I'm now in good company! We can do an 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours...Excuse me!!! that the best possible taste sort of way! Let me see I've got an Oxford university press, a Random house, The Chicken shack etc etc etc. One day our turn will come! The new stuff sounds really good. I wish I were better disciplined in the researching department, but my mind goes walkabout...I start rewriting facts and characters in my head and, before I've finished the research, I believe my adaptations. The offsprung assure me I do it with RL as well, but it makes the story so much more fun. off to the other thread. there seems to be a bit of confusion over Morris dancers, late night drinking habits and saloons...For goodness sake boots remember to put your teeth in when you speak!
Take care
Pinniped Posted Sep 19, 2003
Hi Boots
I don't know what to make of "Get Writing". It's as if the Towers have suddenly decided h2g2's exclusively for factual writing. But the stuff in the new slot is pitifully straight, most of it. No real spark.
I guess I'll have to mull it, but just now I don't feel too interested.
The whole DNA world seems pretty tits-up at the moment. It's like there's no-one here but the two-words-and-six-smileys brigade.
(Having said that, Caper Plip on Byron in PR is well worth a read. Awesome in fact)
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- 72: Pinniped (Aug 30, 2003)
- 73: Pinniped (Sep 5, 2003)
- 74: Boots (Sep 6, 2003)
- 75: Pinniped (Sep 6, 2003)
- 76: Boots (Sep 6, 2003)
- 77: Pinniped (Sep 6, 2003)
- 78: Pinniped (Sep 10, 2003)
- 79: Boots (Sep 11, 2003)
- 80: Pinniped (Sep 19, 2003)
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