This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 761

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Oh, once you came up to my knee.
When I am gone, remember me.

I lose things now, and get upset.
I hope my face you won't forget.

And when my name goes on that stone,
The battle you must fight alone.
Some thought of me you'll always own.....

Next topic: Why does the rose bloom for only one day?

New Poetry Game

Post 762


Roses are like buses
There will be another one
When this one is gone
That's why nobody fusses.

But when there are no more
Or when you no longer care
You don't deserve them there
Forgotten what they're for.

When you've forgotten me
When my petals fall
And you don't care at all
A better time will be.

For those who pick me
And those who me discard
It's not so very hard
There's plenty more, you see.

"Fading": Algernon Splingebucket.

Next topic: "All at sea".

New Poetry Game

Post 763


I've married many women in my life
And all at sea
Because I am the Captain of the Special Cruise Ship
The 'Marry Me'.

Next: Starlight

New Poetry Game

Post 764

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

How small we are
When we set our minds to wandering among the stars.
How miniscule those minds
That try to comprehend the immensity around us,
That try to plumb infinity, eternity.
Was there a beginning?
How could there be?
For then there would be a first causation,
A nebulous force, a manifestation.

Perhaps an intelligence from the end of time
Has travelled back,
To a place where nothing was,
And made it so.
And now the stars shine.

Next......How mindful we become of our inadequacy.

New Poetry Game

Post 765


smiley - ok Lew!

Shortly after being oh so coolsmiley - cool
I realise what I said or did and feel a fool.
There's no need whatever to come and tell me
About my inadequacy: it's plain to see,
And ultimately it's even obvious to mesmiley - jester

Next: winter trees

New Poetry Game

Post 766

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Arms stretching towards the greying glow,
Clouds heavy with unshed snow.
I shiver, pulling my hands inside my sleeves
As I look upon the trees - bare of their leaves.

Stand upon the landscape straight and proud
Is the fir tree, surrounded by a singing crowd.
It is Christmas. They sing with glee,
As they all dress their Winter Tree...

Next ... summer friendships

New Poetry Game

Post 767


It wouldn't be the same, I would not have asked your name, or joined in with your game if the summer sunshine bright had never shone its light upon your skin.
We could easily begin a friendship which was every bit as warm as July pebbles; every bit as fluid as the sand between our toes.

It was a love that withered as the autumn shadows grew long.
Our love was not so very strong.
A fleeting friendship ends my song.

Next topic: "Pleasure and pain."

New Poetry Game

Post 768


"Pleasure and pain."

What is real pleasure, and what is real pain,
To risk one without the other, is clearly quite insane.
If you always look for safety, and never risk the chance,
Your life will be forever, just a catatonic trance.

Next: 'Wit's End'

New Poetry Game

Post 769

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm at wit's end to write
A poem on such a dreary night.
All inspiration's gone,
As I fidget, blink and yawn.

One day my batteries to recharge,
To rest, avoiding labors large,
A trip to see a funny flick,
Then one last time to Hootoo, quick.

Next topic: Where does all the dust come from?

New Poetry Game

Post 770


Where does all the dust come from?
Housedust? From dead skin, human skin.
Where does all the skin come from?
The human body makes it out of food.
Where do all the human bodies come from?
Other human bodies.
And where does all the food come from?
The supermarket.

Next: Poets

New Poetry Game

Post 771

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"I want to be a poet," I remarked when I was five.
My folks said, "You will change your mind a lot while you're alive"
"I want to star in movies!" I announced when I was eight.
My parents smiled and said, "The lack of privacy you'll hate."

When I was ten, I said, "In the Olympics I will sprint,"
And yet I'm now a poet, though my stuff they will not print. smiley - sadface

Next topic: can you change your fate?

New Poetry Game

Post 772

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Can you change your Fate?
The answer in a word
Is NO!
Whatever path you set your feet upon,
This is where you were meant
to go!

New Poetry Game

Post 773

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Next.....Are we there yet?

New Poetry Game

Post 774


Are we there yet?
Are we nearly there?
The kids asked mum -
Mum stayed mum.

Are we there yet?
Are we nearly there Dad?
If we were there we wooden narf be glad!

Kids can be so full of fun
And open hearted:
All this was before
The car had even started!

Next: chocolate

New Poetry Game

Post 775

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

When I was two, I went to have
My tonsils all cut out.
The hospital was scary.
I was small, and full of doubt.

Then, after it was over,
I thought I was in a dream,
Because the nurses brought me
Some chocolate ice cream.

So, now when bad things happen,
I fall back on something sure:
The feeling that I get from taking
My own chocolate cure.

smiley - drool

Next topic: when you dread going to the hospital

New Poetry Game

Post 776

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Such terrible nightmares once I had
When I was a timorous wee bit lad.
A frozen spectator of illness and pain,
Unable to run from this frightful domain.
But now in my last years, though timorous still,
I know that this feared place can be good when I'm ill.
But with luck I'll avoid it, this hospital hell,
'Til at last I'm set free from this flesh and blood shell.

Next: Life is ephemeral.

New Poetry Game

Post 777


___________________The Noble Nature_____________________

It is not growing like a tree in bulk, doth make a man better be-,
or standing long an oak, three hundred year,
to fall a log at last, dry bald and sere.
A lily of a day,
is fairer far in May,
although it fall and die that night,
it was the plant and flower of light;
in small proportions we just beauties see-,
and in short measures life may perfect be.

Ben Jonson

The longest day does always have its end
But kindness an eternal Lilly - friend
Death comes my bones are dust blown by the wind
Another day, another lilly - bloom

smiley - ermMesmiley - winkeye

smiley - zen

I hope i didnt break any rules there - i have to thank Waiting4atickle
for smiley - erm the inadvertantly pointing me this way smiley - cheers

If that was in the spirit of the game , may i suggest the next subject might be: computers?smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 778

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

They lurk in their dens
These sniggering fools
Who see something good and sharpen their tools
To hack and to scrape
And happily spoil some other man's toil
Some other man's pleasure they nastily spoil
And think themselves clever, the iworlds bees knees.
They seek to destroy man's most helpful invention
I'm sure they would say that is not their intention
If you can't help, can't do good, can't create
Then get out of my world mate

Next...Why can't you all be like me?

New Poetry Game

Post 779

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I never rush. I never shout.
I'm cool as ice when grades come out.
I float serene in frenzied sea.
Why can't you all be like me?

(Not really a description of me, but I'm taking poetic license, of course. smiley - smiley)

Next topic: at the beach when the hurricane goes by

New Poetry Game

Post 780


(at the beach when the hurricane goes by)

I was sitting on the beach one night,
When a hurricane passed by,
It made me wonder pensively,
Why God made butterlfies fly.

They say 'tis the flap of a butterly's wing,
Nobody can explain,
What unleashes natures mighty ire,
And starts the dreaded hurricane.

As it whirls in mid-Atlantic,
Increasing in its might,
Devouring all before it,
Destroying all in sight,

The Caribbean islands,
Get shaken by its wrath,
Yet somehow they enrage it,
As it sets off to the North.

Across the Gulf of Mexico,
More angry then before
To wreak hell and destruction,
Upon the drowsy mainland shore.

It leaves a trial of flattened palms,
Trash strewn along the shore,
Yet nature copes and very soon,
Tis all as was before.

Next one: 'Fast or Farce'

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