This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 841


Pedantic - to set your mind at rest:

Raga Man = Anagram
Cockpit = just a joke
Coptic = just a joke

nuffin' poisonal intended

Jabsmiley - smileysmiley - jester

New Poetry Game

Post 842


None taken but stupid people are easily confused.

It's a new page so the next subject is:

Food for thought.

New Poetry Game

Post 843


Nothing better
Than Food For Thought with butter
Although the nutritional value
Persists in being insignificant -
Except for the butter.

And for the best of tips
Try our Wittgenstein Special -
The Tractatus
With a plate of chips.
Yay! Give us the old T L-P Mum!
Mmm, yea, yum yum yum!

smiley - jester

Next: Thought For The Day

New Poetry Game

Post 844


Thought For The Day

I thought for the day, all the daylight hours,
And with my few deductive powers,
Concluded, in this brain of mine,
It was a complete waste of time.

Next: Lumbricus Terestris

New Poetry Game

Post 845


Oh Lumbricus Terestris
I know that I would really miss
The way in which you sweat and toil
To enrich my garden soil.

Spring Fever

New Poetry Game

Post 846

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My temperature has not gone high,
And yet so light-headed am I,
Since I woke up early this morn,
The best Spring day since I was born.

Next topic: Anagrams

New Poetry Game

Post 847


A Tot Regenerates Humphing - Oh My
A Maidenhead Listed Go – Thy
Cheekiness A Win Or Tour Imply
A Cabbed Gee Swinish Spin Snort Try

Next: Horror

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