This is the Message Centre for Zakaria_A

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 101


'He' also looks like a hit & run sorta person.

Guess he's having some fun lurking and seeing how seriously you are taking him.

Troll feeding extraordinaire guys . . .


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 102

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Does anyone remember where he said this earthquake would strike

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 103

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Who said we're taking him seriously smiley - rofl

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 104

Gnomon - time to move on

He was highly original, in that he said that it would strike in San Francisco.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 105

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

mutters about the iranian, indonesian and armenian earthquakes, then wanders off to prod otters with branches

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 106

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ah yes I remember now

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 107


Okay, how many of you here on this thread ever took part debating with Justin the Preacher or others of his ilk? - I don't actually recognise any names here.

What you are all doing now is simply taking the p*ss out of someone who temporarily signed on to spam and has obviously left h2g2, with the security that they won't come back to challenge anything you have posted.

I suppose it gives you some sense of superiority or summat - that you can carry on so nastily about someone who may well be mentally disturbed without fear of them ever replying to you.

Nice one, guys.

Part of what makes h2g2 such a special community, eh?


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 108


"may well be mentally disturbed"

You can tell that from one post? That's some going.

Debating with Justin is about as amusing and useful as gnawing off your own bottom lip.

This thread is, thankfully not a discussion with the gentleman responsible, but a community discussion about a range of issues. As such it is more productive and more interesting than the 'baiting bible basher' convos that you refer to.

Having said that, even if he does come back, I'm certainly not quaking in my boots as you seemed to infer. At the end of the day, this is an anonymous Internet forum, so notions of courage are somewhat relative.


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 109

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


I've had words with GrandSamDonald, some civil and some not-so-civil, but he's allegedly quit in protest at Justin's banning from the Religion forums (all part of the BBC's anti-Christian agenda apparently). Never spoke to Justin but have read his posts with a mixture of interest and disbelief.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 110

Trin Tragula


Az - why is that relevant, exactly? smiley - smiley

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 111

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Much of the thread seems to have been silly chatting of the sort you often get on announcements threads, why is that bothering you az? You have contributed several posts here youself so I'm not sure what anyone is doing that is so different?

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 112

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit defusing a serious <?> warning
"We (most of us) are here to have some fun, some distraction from more serious things.

This Researcher created a thread in full public view, probably aware it was not the right Forum to give the message. Anyay they managed to get us all together here in a half serious discussion about religious fantasies smiley - ermor topics if you like that more. "

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 113

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

San Francisco...ah the modern Sodom, right?

Well, at least it's not Northridge...or Santa Ana. Then I might have to worry...

Okay, not really.

Hamsters? I like them boned and lightly sauted.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 114


kelli, I am talking about this very odd thing whereby certain researchers seem to have taken a strange spattering of spam postings overnight to declare 'open season' on weirdos and post a lot of pretty nasty stuff.


I am posting to the people posting here, not the one who started the thread. I think it is beneath them (hoping to think better) and also that it is not what h2g2 is all about.

<> (sprout)

Is it really a community discussion? If so, I may want to reconsider being part of a community that partakes in this sort of nasty free-for-all, knowing that they are simply using the 'prompt' of someone who has 'hit & run' to post a lot of very unpleasant things.

And yes, I do find it somewhat cowardly that so many people are suddenly 'coming out of the woodwork' here to naysay bizarre Christian fundamentalist beliefs on *this* thread (when it is obvious the person is no longer here) rather than on others where they may be challenged.


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 115

Gnomon - time to move on

Where's the nasty stuff?

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 116

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hmmph. I must have been reading an entirely different thread to the one you've been reading az.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 117

Trin Tragula

I agree - having read the backlog just now, there were a couple of quite angry posts early on, but nothing 'nasty' as such

>>bizarre Christian fundamentalist beliefs<<

Wasn't the original posting bizarre Islamic fundamentalist beliefs? smiley - huh

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 118

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Got it in one Trin.

Did you actually see the original post Az?

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 119


Yes, and I see no difference between Islamic and Christian fundamentalists - sorry, talking about Justin got my terms mixed up.


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 120

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Do you mind pointing us at all of these nasty and unpleasant postings, because having just read back through the thread again up to the point where you started posting and I really can't see what has upset you so much. Is it the nighthoover references? Or the Flying spaghetti monster worship?

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