This is the Message Centre for Zakaria_A

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 121


Don't know why this showed up at my space but very intriguing.

Been hearing a lot of "preachers" saying all that is happening to the Ameiricas is due to the bad moral people that we are. Primarily linking it to abortion.

So I figure that it was meant for us to send our boys overseas so that we would be inundated with natural catastrophies. Boy He does work in mysterious ways.

smiley - sheep

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 122

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

MoFoLo, this was originally posted to the announcements page, so if you are subscribed to that you'll have it in your conversations list. The eds have since moved it to the original poster's U Space.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 123


MoFoLo it showed up because you, like most people on h2g2, are subscribed to the site announcements page.

This thread as started by some slightly strange person blethering on about eartquakes and San Francisco and the word of God (Islamic version). The original post got killed because it was way off beam, and so doing the subject title gets changed to .

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 124


Yeah, what she said smiley - tongueout

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 125


<> (kelli)

Actually, I do mind, kelli, given the snide tone of that last post of yours.

Hey, I'm just disagreeing with you guys, though perhaps not with 'all of you'.

It's a silly thread that should have died a short death after the first posting or two. It basically turned into a 'hey, let's make fun of this person' sort of thread that I think (I hope) should be beneath most of you.

And now it seems to have turned into a 'hey, let's pick on az for trying to spoil our fun' thread. smiley - winkeye

Just so you all know, I am not taking this at all seriously or personally, I am just simply stating my opinion. Take it or leave it - and it seems most of you want to leave it. Okerly-dokerly.


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 126

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Why are you still here az, I thought you had unsubscribed

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 127


Nice, Reefgirl.

smiley - ok


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 128

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Snide? Ok so you flounce in and start ranting about everyone in the thread making nasty comments and feeding trolls. When people that have been reading or commenting in said thread ask what the hell you are on about you turn all enigmatic and don't want to point to what has upset you.

Fine, that is your decision.

Just as it is mine to ignore your rather bizarre and seemingly unjustified ranting.

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 129


Okay, okay everyone - I think perhaps now is a good time to draw a line underneath this matter.

I'd suggest that everyone unsubscribes from this thread and tunes in to their regular h2g2 programming! smiley - smiley

Nothing to see here, move along... smiley - cheers


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 130


Thanks, Paully! smiley - ok


Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 131

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

*Just arriving.*

Aw poo! smiley - sadface

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 132

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Paully, why have we got to bookmark the front page, Jimster has it on his tag too

The Front Page

Post 133


Because lots and lots of users don't tend to visit the Front Page very often, which is a crying shame - after all, that's where all of our new Edited Guide articles appear, and where we're now re-promoting older articles, conversation threads in Askh2g2, Challengeh2g2 etc, trying to get people to help out with items sent to the Flea Market, publicising clubs and societies (coming soon!)... in fact, we really would like people to visit the Front Page at least once per day, because if they don't, they're missing out on a lot of the great stuff on h2g2 that they may not be aware of... smiley - ok

smiley - smiley


The Front Page

Post 134

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Oh, I see, thanks

The Front Page

Post 135


Don't you have to see the front page when you log on?smiley - huh

Bookmark The Front Page

Post 136

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit searching for the Forum
"How can we smiley - bookBookmark the FrontPage ? There is no discussion Forum on it smiley - huh "

Bookmark The Front Page

Post 137

Number Six

Add (Or in your 'bookmarks' or 'favourites' section in your web browser.

smiley - mod

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 138



I have tried unsuccessfully to unsubscribe from this thread. Most times there is only a Subscribe button, and when there has been an Unsubscribe button it hasn't worked.

I asked before on this thread, but have now lost track of the post with all this smiley - bleep

A word in my shell like would be much appreciated as I really don't want this smiley - yuk cluttering up my space.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 139

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

GT - You can log straight into your PS, I do

Spam of an idiot, 119 2005

Post 140


How? do I have to memorise the adress?

Key: Complain about this post