This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 161


In others he doesn't know Pat!

What's up Kris?

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Post 162


Dagmar has landed! Stick to Dagmar as well kris, it doesn't matter!

And we have a winner ... It's Pete D (Brad's favourite moronator?) Anyone know any German?

I only know... Das este meine beste gans!!

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Post 163

kri stickle mass

hey bushy, i LOVE the eyes.

i want to do something like that, tell me what to do.

i am dags anyway. you can be the mar smiley - tongueout

(ps i just hired my first employee) woohoo smiley - silly

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Post 164

kri stickle mass

err. that was quick - unless we all have eyes smiley - run

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Post 165


I think the BBC just did the eyes because h2g2 collapsed for about 20 mins!

Hired an employee? Explain please ...

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Post 166


did somebody drop acid in Peter Pooters Frosties this moring?..have you read his post!

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Post 167


What can you say about that then? He's trying ... sort of!

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Post 168


do you think he secretly wants to be in our Pirate gang?

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Post 169


We can always "keel haul" the lubber?

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Post 170



"I've written to the moderators about it!" ROFL ...

Oi.!! The rest of you lot where's all of Dagmar's friends then??

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Post 171


I blew Paete a kiss too...Jesus I better slow down!

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Post 172


Morning all,

Good idea Brad about introducing Jennie slowly. I've replied to your last sermon by the way...

Hi Kris - no, I didn't tape it (wish I had). I was a bit naughty with poor old Adrian smiley - smiley

Bushy, do you want me to appear as Jackie when I talk to Dagmar?

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Post 173


Hello Sarnia, how are you today?

If anyone appears as a German teenager they can be one of Dagmar's friends and anyone else she'll just be really nice too... at all times!

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Post 174


Hi Sarnia all the gangs here except Pat...better knock him up from his cabin he always responds best to a female hand

is Chelsea Girl in on the joke?

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Post 175


She is now or will be soon... I've left her a note!

Where is PP anyway? Has he got his German teenager ready yet?

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Post 176

Pat Pending

Sorry everyone: have been trying to (a) work (shock, horror) and (b) boost Carola's post count at least into double figures by conventional means before she debuts on Haven't decided yet whether she's going to be in the Dagmar camp or the Jennie one: sod it, why not both?

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Post 177


LOL! Dagmar is in everyone's camp!! Do Dagmar and Carola know each other then?

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Post 178


Grrrrrr cannot get onto the 5 Live Boards at the mo - keeps coming back "Website not responding".

Look forward to meeting Carola, Pat.

Hmmmm maybe I'll post to "Jennie" as me.

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Post 179


Im having a woman to woman chat with Linda...and by Golly its turning me on!

is anyone else wearing womens clothing, ...... to get into character??

just me then........

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Post 180


Still can't get on 5 Live boards. Is that the Linda that I told my most memorable chat-up line, Brad?

Catch you all later.

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