This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 221


If they were Mods they we'd have ding'd ages ago!

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Post 222


they fancy her..your just jealous of me..because all the boys fancy me!...erm...I think I'll lie down now

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Post 223


I'm laughing so much that I appear to be typing in Dagmar mode still! Who is Hans Velderkrakk?? ROFL!!

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Post 224

Pat Pending

I thought you were Hans, and have just replied on that basis. Oops.

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Post 225


I think we've been infiltrated ?
maybe Daddy Cool is smarter than we think

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Post 226

Pat Pending

Bl**dy brilliant: I've not only been singled out by Simon B for a bit of "calm down" advice, but have been put into pre-mod on all my identities. What a bunch of caber throwers. I didn't even swear, I just called Jennie an ignorant lesbian muppet. No fair, and now I really will have to just watch from the sidelines.

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Post 227


Well I have to say guys, we should have been infiltrated by now surely ... It isn't too difficult to find really is it and we've dropped enough hints for Dr Strangegloves! Bet it is one the MC-H'ers! William or sandy I reckon? Chelsea Girl perhaps?

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Post 228



Just get another e-mail account at Yahoo and grab another identity... Pat Pat(2) perhaps?

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Post 229


Pat I can't believe it!!

what a bunch of tossers the MODS really are

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Post 230

Pat Pending

Won't the mods be able to work out I'm coming from the same computer though? Still, worth a go. See you later, under a different but recognisable name (if I can't persuade them that Bradford's been nothing but charm itself).

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Post 231


They can if they check the IP address... Logoff and log back on to change your IP address if you are using a dial-up modem. Seems they do not check though as I have been jumping between Dagmar and Bushwhack'd all day without any grief from that lot! The only grief I'm getting is from "nasty bitch" Mule Girl!!

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Post 232

kri stickle mass

oh dear !!

i have beeen really busy with marat and alan (who has just started his second half) and missed all the fun, i just want to let you know that mel is deffo not a mod. at least, it would be upsetting to think so because i speak to him every week or so and i would swear he is genuine with me.

back after the match, i am more entranced by alan than ever - no time for emoticons seeya later boys soreeeeeee

luv kris

ps me galli

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Post 233


That's a shame Pat, what a drag. I know Mods do post under different identities as on the premiership board the other day, Jane Thurlow answered a Moddy type question and ended with "cheers, Jane" and at the top of her post was "kenny" and a surname which I can't remember. "He'd" posted about 30 times.

Oh talking about premiership boards Pat, I've replied to Carola. And....another poster heard my contribution to 606 last night!! Fame at last!

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Post 234


I see that Carola has already replied to my reply. Well, I've replied back (snigger, snigger).

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Post 235


bye everyone...I have a headache and these heels are killing can anyone walk in these?......

I've got to get ian in the shower somehow

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Post 236

Pat Pending

Da Da,

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Kev the Shed". Not sure what his personality is yet, but it will be developed overnight to explode onto the screen tomorrow. Possibly a homosexual lexicographer from Banbury: or a reformed car thief who's found Jesus but worked out a lot in jail and finishes every post with "Be lucky". I'll sleep on it.

Very amusing today. See you all tomorrow.

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Post 237


"Kev the Shed" eh Pat? Got to be a Chelsea fan too of course. Look forward to meeting him/her/it.

Until tomorrow all.

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Post 238


Pat, have replied to Kev the Shed. Thought the name sounded familiar....smiley - smiley

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Post 239

Pat Pending


Sorry for the abruptitude of Kev's first post: had to try him out somewhere.

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Post 240

Pat Pending

PS: Kev is actually named in honour of an ex WBA chairman who had made his money in prefabs and was called Trev the Shed. So he's very much NOT a Chelsea fan (if he was he'd be called "Kev the Matthew Harding Stand (Lower)" wouldn't he?).

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