This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 281

Doctor Strangegloves


Cop for that, then, bitch!

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Post 282


That's right Brad, I remember him joining in on a cheese conversation I had once months back, and he put me down for a minister of cheese.

Love your posts to Tim (the Jennie ones). You MUST develop that adoration thing further.

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Post 283


Peter Pooter has put himself down as Sid James in Carry on UP anything..could this all be a huge double bluff? Is Peter Pooter one of us?

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Post 284


Jennie just said "homosexuality contravenes the fundamental laws ofsurvival"

can somebody tell me what the hell she's on about???

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Post 285

Doctor Strangegloves

No matter, I'm moving the conversation on to bestiality long can this continue before it gets pulled?

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Post 286


What have you lot been up to? Anything I can assist with before I sneak off early as per usual on a Friday!

Brad: Please note that you are NOT a wizened old kick-boxing harridan with a corncob up her a*se! You're way too good at this role I fear...

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Post 287

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

This Posting has been hidden during moderation because it broke the House Rules in some way. You can find out more about moderation on h2g2 here.

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Post 288


Bushy you can lay into Jennie she s about to go ape on the good Dr...the bitch!

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Post 289



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Post 290

Doctor Strangegloves

Good stuff. I have to go to a meeting in 10 minutes and I won't be back, so I need you to pick up the baton of "straight man", Bushy.

Have a good weekend, y'all.

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Post 291


Unfortunately I have must disappear as well! Have just dropped in a little something to get all the "moaners" and "groaners" going something good style!

Have a great weekend everyone and hopefully we can catch up next week.

P.S. Anyone notice that the dummy moronators finally removed Dagmar Hilter's filthy German message to Hans Velderkrakk?? Anyone know what it meant?

See you ...

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Post 292


bye Bushy

Jennie says "sod off" btw

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Post 293


There's a few things for Jennie Maniac to consider...

Later 'taters!

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Post 294

Pat Pending

OK: who was the first person to get modded in this conversation? Come on, own up, else KtS might forget he's reformed and have you.

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Post 295


They've pulled about 30 posts off the Call Centre thread.

Are you going to the game on Sunday Pat? I have a hunch you might do well. Hope so, anyway.

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Post 296

kri stickle mass

hi playmates!

i just wanted to say have a good weekend to those who must leave us. <

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - stoutsmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

and whatever takes your fancy !!

i will try and get galiana off and running better while some of us are away and will look forward to seeing you again next week smiley - biggrin (i am here till sun morning but i might not be back till tuesday)

brad, smiley - fullmoon i put that german you posted on dating through a translator and it didnt make sense cos it couldnt translate "plombe".

you lot are great fun to hang out with,

love till later
krissmiley - rose

Is this........

Post 297


Lurve those disco lights Kris.

I've got to be at a winetasting starting at .....5.30! I'll pace myself and try to be an smiley - angel.

Pat - have seen Kev's reply, am trying to think what to say next. Mods might intervene and say we're off tropic.

Have a good weekend all. smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterfly

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Post 298


Damn! Ob. no emoticon for wineglass smiley - smiley

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Post 299


Found it now! smiley - bubbly

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Post 300


I was ahead of myself - just went to reply to Kev's post and they've removed your last and mine (my email says for being off tropic). What the hell is On tropic on that board anyway? Thought anything went....

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