This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

attention brad

Post 321

Doctor Strangegloves

Bugger, I've naused it up already.

I am going to cook my head.

attention brad

Post 322


I was enjoying him too..good Bhoy

I see Iam Proud2B a dickhead is back on line in the todays news MB....Sgt Rednck is only fun when he's around

have to dust off that helmet

attention brad

Post 323


Morning all!

What have I missed? Why has Pat mutated into Dougal? Am I on the right MessageBoard or what?

attention brad

Post 324

Pat Pending

Mutated? Who's mutated?

attention brad

Post 325


Somebody has ... I will be waving my OED and bible 'til the culprit owns up and goes to prison forever!

P.S. Will anyone be my friend?

attention brad

Post 326

Pat Pending

Well, it's not me.

Is it funny if I call you gay?

attention brad

Post 327


No not at all ...also a necrophiliac masochist too! Can someone let me have 10 mins with MH before they bury her by the way?

attention brad

Post 328

Pat Pending

heh: this thread is supposed to be about news, and it isn't so stop it and listen to me me me me me me me me..............(contd ad infinitum).

attention brad

Post 329


none of this is funny

attention brad

Post 330


I'm going to use my obvious charms on flirting with the lasies and pulling a huge sulk fest if they talk to any other blokes

attention brad

Post 331

Pat Pending

Oh good: i love it when we have these little off-topic discussions (film trivia question anyone), just as long as no-one else does, cos then I'll cry: I've had a bad day you know.

attention brad

Post 332

Pat Pending

Anyone else finding everything running very slowly today?

attention brad

Post 333


jermaine...i never said "unnatural", i know i didn't because it is not in my posting notes so i never said it ok? anyone need a word looking up in my oed?

mel gimpsoid...i agree with you entirely on every matter, please be good enough to come over me ... erm... i mean here and rub my flaccid little ego a bit more please cos nobody else will. thank you.

p.s. does anyone elese like me yet?

attention brad

Post 334

Pat Pending

I like you: but only because you like me and because we agree on absolutely everything (what role did jennifer Aniston play in Office Space?).

attention brad

Post 335


Right that's it...your ALL BANNED, the lot of you, for impersonating other poster and making fun of the humourously challenged

for life

so there

attention brad

Post 336

Pat Pending

Wanna buy a dictionary? Hardly used: only words looked up are "perverted" and "homosexual" (and "cottage", "repressed" and "personality").

attention brad

Post 337


MOD SQUIRT...oh please dont ban me im a sensible god fearing pervert erm... subject, and always stand for what is right as long as everyone agrees in which case i claim victory after victory against the scum like Bushwhack'd, Pat Pen, Dr Strangegloves and Brad! if not i just change the empahasis of whatever load of cobblers i was previously spouting and claim victory anyway.

p.s. any girls like me yet, my hand hurts!

attention brad

Post 338


your hand hurts?...hold on I'll go get Pete D

attention brad

Post 339

Pat Pending

I like you and don't think you should be banned: you and me baby, right here right now: show me what Scotch men are really like. Don't like Brad though. He should be banned: thay all should. You shouldn't be allowed to bring knowledge and a sense of humour to a MB.

attention brad

Post 340


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