This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

attention brad

Post 341


I say ban the whole lot of you. You are always so serious and never make me laugh. Sod off.

smiley - smiley

attention brad

Post 342

Pat Pending

Ooh get her.

And how dare you come on here pretending to be Sarnia?

attention brad

Post 343

Pat Pending

Anyone else care to help me with ij over on "Today's News"? (Click latest messages: you'll find us): he's just told me to read his post.

attention brad

Post 344


Do you need any help with that numbskull?

attention brad

Post 345

Pat Pending

Fair point: I see you're involved in bigger and better matters over there anyway, and I'm not alone.

attention brad

Post 346


I could send Jennie in and get him in the shower

attention brad

Post 347


Stuff it PP! I will drop something on him now that should get him going like a swarm of angry bees...

attention brad

Post 348

Pat Pending

Go on: do it. Get Jennie to agree with whatever he says.

attention brad

Post 349

Pat Pending

Be careful there twotson: you've got a lower case "pp" on your tail in the Labour Party thread.

attention brad

Post 350


Done! tee hee ...

attention brad

Post 351


Not really a stunning riposte is it? I'd have more challenge arguing with a dead slug than peter "closet" mutley I suspect?

Wonder if I should launch "Oi.!! pooter this is a serious news board and there should no silly comments from little unfunny runts like you!"? Maybe not ...

attention brad

Post 352

Pat Pending

Maybe not...............but Dagmar could, couldn't she?

attention brad

Post 353


I think he's onto us now isn't he? Who blew our cover? Dr Strangegloves or Brad? One of 'em! Dagmar has, in the words of johnston, been deflated, folded up and put in her box until next time!

attention brad

Post 354

Pat Pending

Brad and the good Dr have both had "identity" incidents recently.

Great post to ij: I wonder if he'll come back at you with (a) the OED (b) an invitation to read his post (c) an allegation that you and I are one, or (d) a claim that he's "won" the argument.

attention brad

Post 355


e) all of the above?

You should be crucifying that little worm on legal matters PP! Go get 'im!!

attention brad

Post 356

Pat Pending

LOL @ the phrase "moralistic numptytude"!

IJ is going to tell me that my scenario is too far fetched to be taken seriously, I bet. People really do believe that any constitutional safeguards (even imperfect ones) should be abandoned when the politicians are pandering to their particular DM prejudices, without being able to see that one day it could be them in the hot seat of having their sentence decided by the Home Secretary (without appeal) rather than a judge (yes, an unelected one, but one governed by rules and subject to appeal). Of course, Ian will say none of us need worry as long as we don't commit crimes........AAAAAAArgh.

attention brad

Post 357


I could not agree more PP!

I have outlined this scenario to bonehead johnston several times however; he will indeed persist with the myopic approach!

I do not think for one second that this or even the Tories would use their powers over the judiviary to subdue us however; a future government might and that is too greater risk for me as an individual to take. I am fed up of the state holding a threat against me to continue to follow their idiotic and religion based morality code. That may be acceptable for the ignorant reactionaries but not for me!

Thank Darwin there are people like you maintaining this system.

attention brad

Post 358

Pat Pending

I agree that abuse is unlikely, but why take the risk? 1930's Germany and, more recently, Mugabe's Zimbabwe show that it IS possible for the state to overrule the judiciary, so why help them by agreeing to the start of the process? Of course the judiciary aren't perfect, but they're better than nothing, provided that they remain independent and are not liable to be overruled every time the tabloids don't agree with what they do.

attention brad

Post 359


I agree wholeheartedly.

hi you lovely fellow cahooters !

Post 360

kri stickle mass

i am back and having finished reading the strand here wonder why you think ij might be too thick to find us (he is bound to be reading this at some point (hi ian - you sneaky :-p!!) so he probably knows who we are from revealing our identites here or something like that.

i vote that we should get new i.d.'s or resurrect an old little used one, then not tell each other who we are till we have spent a few days setting something up, somewhere other than the "and finally" board. we can use here to direct each other to the right board when we are ready and already have the victim hooked. we could even execute a double bluff with the use of two i.ds. one not revealed till the tease is done and dusted. or am i just too sneaky?
smiley - biggrin

krissmiley - rose

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