This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

That's better

Post 401

kri stickle mass

hi - just popped in to say i am not kim, i havent got cracking yet but wil tomorrow. busy day, daily bread etc.

luv krissmiley - rose

That's better

Post 402


UURRRGGGHHHHH... !!! Kim Deeley agrees with Bloody-Stupid Johnson! She is getting the Spanish Archer I'm afraid! Hang on? Kim Deeley is ian johnston isn't she?

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Post 403


looks like you kicked Jennies arse again no sign of Johnson to defend her?

just got Jennie to call Mel 'scotch' as oppossed to he loved that

That's better

Post 404


LOL! I'm having fun today, trying to make up for all lost time... Bet I get DING'D for what I just said to Iam Proud2BAmercian?

By the way he/she is English as they use English vernacular constantly!

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Post 405


Hmmm... That's enough damage for one day! Think I may re-invent myself soon like you lot have. Bushwhack'd has had far too many posts to be taken seriously now!

Any suggestions?

See you tomorrow all! Bye!

That's better

Post 406

Pat Pending

I'd suggest we go easy on Kim: I think she might have things to say as the days develop. No hard proof, but just a feeling. I think she might wear weird mittens.

That's better

Post 407


Good morning Brad, Pat, Sarnia, kris and Dr Strangegloves! (oh and anyone else peeking in ...)

Got plenty of time for mischief making today so what's the plan?

Agree re. Kim by the way Pat unless she is the first "fight-back" clone from the moaners? Deffo a religious-bewildered type!

That's better

Post 408


Mornin see the good Dr is debating himself on todays news doesn't he know he can go blind doing that!

Bushy had an idea what if we create a poster ID and post the login codes, email etc on this site and everyone here can use it to post from time to time a shared personalitty...with wildly different styles each time one of us uses him/her?? what ya think?

That's better

Post 409

Pat Pending


I think the group poster may be your most inspired idea yet.

That's better

Post 410


Absolutely inspired Brad! I knew there must be areason that you are the captain...

Now then, what can we name it?

I just set myself a up a new login but I'm still in pre-mod! A small prize for the first person to guess who I am! I notice Ruth is back on the manor as well. Wish she'd have been around for the fireworks of late!

That's better

Post 411


[email protected]
password 123456

login : 123456

god bless it and all who assail her/him

That's better

Post 412


details are on "my space" for BradSlovan

discussion called "shared poster"

That's better

Post 413

Doctor Strangegloves

Got to have a look at this one! Nice idea Brad!

That's better

Post 414

Doctor Strangegloves

btw, I'm debatig with myself to distance TM from Dr S - but I love it too!

That's better

Post 415

Pat Pending

Oi, wife: what are you doing out in public having views of your own? Don't you know women should be totally subservient to their husbands? Back into the cottage now with you woman.

That's better

Post 416

Doctor Strangegloves

Bugger. I'm going to have to shag the donkey again.

That's better

Post 417


..did you know the word "shag" means dance in America? blah blah blah ... ZZZzzz ...

That's better

Post 418

Pat Pending

Fantastic: I didn't realise we could swear on here. Bum.....

That's better

Post 419

Doctor Strangegloves

wee wee...belly button...

That's better

Post 420

Pat Pending

A helpful hint for IJ's Mum (or maybe not helpful at all, but where's the harm?).

I suspect you type your messages on the MB in a different form and then copy them onto the boards, and this is why certain of your punctuation marks (particularly the opening set of inverted commas around a quotation) come up in &37684 code or whatever.

If, after you've pasted, you go back through and erase these inverted commas and then immediately retype them, the problem disappears.

Now get back to cooking some unleavened bread for me.

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