This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Bushy takes one in the testes

Post 461


Ummm... Well if I had to write a power-script (don't ask why it is called that, some programmer cr*p I think) for you all it would take a rather long time as well me gaining intimate knowledge of your machines and how theya re set-up and that wouldn't be healthy would it folks?

Try visiting a site called They used to be pretty cool but I suspect recently they have been "pressured" by the authorities. They act as a pseudo-proxy and re-issue your IP such that you cannot be traced using TCP/IP command line tools or other sites like etc...

Bushy takes one in the testes

Post 462


Next time I borrow Camile, she's going to start a thread about darning needles.

Bushy takes one in the testes

Post 463



Kim Deeley is really Kris, gotta be

she knows about the Singles board - gave her away

Bushy takes one in the testes

Post 464


I just put back in the garage Pat! She's still inflated if you only want a quick go...

Bushy takes one in the testes

Post 465

Doctor Strangegloves

Where's Johnston today? Doesn't he finish school about now? Or is he in detention for trying to make the dinner ladies wear burkas again?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 466


Sounds like a good new character?

Sort of cross between Walter the Softie and Tory Boy?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 467

Pat Pending

The schoolboy's back, on Today's News.

Isn't it about time we all changed our nicknames on this site?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 468

kri stickle mass

i am not kim, i always tell the truth.

hi brad, suitably accoutered as ordered smiley - tongueout

i will have a go at the multiple soon as i have a chance to look at what has been going on. can hang around for a bit. smiley - zen see y'all soon

smiley - rose

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 469


Ask him if he's just got in from school!

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 470

Pat Pending

Not quite what I had in mind on the name changing front, but LOL anyway. PS: Kris, I think you may have been mistaken in thinking the name changing advice came from Brad: it came from me.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 471


Bushy I thought this was in your space, 'this is ' is now in

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 472

Pat Pending

It's Ian's magic interfering with the boards.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 473


I nicked it off him!! See you later gang...

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 474

Pat Pending

See ya, thief.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 475

kri stickle mass

"Subject: That's better
Posted 3 Hours Ago by BradSlovan
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 449

Hi All

Kris can u wear the uniform too, I insist I'm afraid"

look at that bushy !! go to previous page and see for yourself.

well, i never believed for one minute that the mods or some other person (you know who you are smiley - tongueout) wouldnt keep right on us. did you ??

ne'mind, anyway as you will see from above, it was brad in rl. but bushy you KNOW if you asked me, i would do it for you too sweetie, i love having fun. smiley - winkeye

sexy but stern smiley - rose

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 476


Good morning all Pat Pen reporting in for duty! Hey Bushy looks like you may have an an admirer in kris?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 477

Pat Pending

Morning all.

Yeah Pat , do you think I'm in there?

Where's Johnston gone? He posted some gibberish yesterday, I replied, and now he's gone silent.

Are you here Ian?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 478


Mornin All!!

is anyone up for a rip roering Friday invasion tomorriow???

not to just to p**** off the winging minnies ... perish the thought

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 479


You lead, we follow!!

I had a pop at him just before I disappeared last night. I am getting a bit suspicious to be honest because I never seem to get deleted however rude I am to the moaners! It's not as much fun as it used to be... Perish the thought but are we becoming establishment?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 480

Doctor Strangegloves

I know - plus the number of posters has dwindled - Tango Man isn't even very funny any more as there are plenty of weirdos who seem to trawl the boards looking for a chance to post racist stuff.

Since you are the new establishment, I am revolting.

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