This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 481

Doctor Strangegloves

Alos, who was Artemis Schickelgruber this morning? That was excellent! Shame it got pulled, I was about to post back as an Iraqi general...

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 482


we know your revolting

thats why we need the stir thing up!

who's with me, me hearties?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 483


Schickelgruber was hitlers real name

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 484

Pat Pending

I'm with you Brad. Just give us a sign and a destination.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 485

Doctor Strangegloves

Yeah, go on then, anything to stir things up.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 486


see and finally

Yeee hah!

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 487


Hmmm... I know I've mentioned it before but Bushwhack'd has far too many posts, why won't the MODS delete 'im??

By the way, does anyone know who Tramzi Parti is? Do we have a manic multi-personality nutter lurking somewhere? Kim Deeley is a "character", we also had Shickelberger and Tramzi recently ... Who is it? Confess!! ...Or it's the comfy chair!!! CONFESS!!

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 488

Doctor Strangegloves

I reckon that TP is none other than Bushwack'd. Count the !!!!!, there can be no doubt.

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 489

Pat Pending

Yeah, yeah, whatever Pat: you want me deleted? Come round and do it yourself (or will you hide behind hardman Kev the Shed (who I see incidentally is trying to pick a fight with teresa: oh very brave big man)?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 490


Oi Strangegloves, leave Bushy alone!!

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 491

Doctor Strangegloves

Oh it's no good any more is it Pat? You sussed me W'day.

Yes Kim Deeley is me.

But there's a plan, so please don't post knowingly:

1.) There's a trail back to the singles board so Kim has a legitimate reason for arriving at af;
2.) Kim's quite an upstanding member of society, and a Protestant to boot;
3.) Kim loves IJ's posts and will defend him; shortly, Kim will be a "damsel in distress" for IJ to save;
4.) Kim will proceed to flirt outrageously with IJ; he will reciprocate - we know this works from the shower scene;

and most importantly...what IJ does not realise and will not until he's well into the flirting...Kim is not necessarily a girl's name...

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 492



Flippin' heck Dr Strangegloves I hope I never upset you in the future mate...

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 493

Doctor Strangegloves

I just got fed up of all that "gays are wrong" stuff...just wanted to show him how natural a love between two men can spring up...

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 494

Doctor Strangegloves

What's ROFL Pat?

SchoolBoy Johnston

Post 495


ROFL = Roll On Floor Laughing

LOL = Laugh Out Loud

ROFLMAO = Roll On Floor Laughing My Arse Off

Can't think of anymore right now but do ask if you need further assitance.

I know what you mean about the topics he chooses! I have gay friends, I have dated Asian girls, I have worked with homeless people, I have met former prisoners and everybody I meet is just a person struggling away to get the best they can out of life! Moralistic toe-rags like that set the cause of evolution back billions of years. You are not alone!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 496

Pat Pending

Just wanted to congratulate Bushwhack'd on getting the phrase "snatch of Fi Glover" onto the board without being modded off. ROFLMAO, and when I get up again I'm off for a sherman.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 497

Doctor Strangegloves

Perhaps we can try to get as many such phrases onto the board today? Prize for the best one before 5.00.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 498


I rember Father Ches managed to get Japs eye in on eof his sermons

some mods are more 'educated ' than others

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 499


You're on ...

Now then what can I get away with? tee hee!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 500

Pat Pending

Do hidden words count? i.e "what Wat Tyler forgot"?

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