This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 541


What's up Brad? PP has been quiet today...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 542

Pat Pending

Sorry Brad: position remedied.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 543


What did you do Pat? ... Err ...Can I have go?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 544

Doctor Strangegloves

Do we have any advance on Richard Madeley for Greatest Briton? Jeffrey Archer maybe?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 545

Pat Pending

Guess which dictionary wielding puritan is back on Today's News as we speak.

Dr S: Richard Whiteley?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 546

Doctor Strangegloves

Not bad, not bad Sarnia.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 547

Pat Pending

PS: Message from Pirate Peter Lovegloves just appeared in "Calling All Seadogs": he's making a late bid to move away from Fame Academy.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 548

Doctor Strangegloves


All, Kim Deeley has just posted on Today's News with a fictitious story.

This is bound to attract Ian like blood attracts a shark. Do me a favour and tear into Kim for me, will you? Ian needs to rescue Kim...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 549

Pat Pending

Am on to it now.
PS: I'm not really Sarnia

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 550

Doctor Strangegloves

Damn. I was just about to stick my tongue in your ear.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 551


You naughty boys! Who wants spanking for pretending to be me?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 552

Doctor Strangegloves

Me! Me! Me!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 553

Doctor Strangegloves

Nice one Bushy!

The shame is, I have to get off now and can't be around for the Johnson baiting.

I really need someone to mimsy up to Johnston as Kim if he leaps in to defend her. Any volunteers?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 554

Doctor Strangegloves

Right, can't wait no longer.

If Johnston takes the bait, I need someone to smoooch up to him - big man, unafraid to voice hisown opinions etc. Kim's logon is akimbo and the password is fanny1. Look after her!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 555


Busy Busy Busy today, sorry seadogs

Pat I was joking

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 556


ROFL!! akimbo? fanny1?

Dr Strangegloves is bonkers isn't he?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 557


its why we all get on with him so well

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 558


I'll agree with that ... Sorry chaps by the way, I've also been w**king for a bit!

Back now though for a breeze around! I have 25 mins to get the phrase "kipper crotch" onto the site without the Mods seeing it ... Hmmm... This maybe beyond even mine or Brad's and Pat's powers??

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 559

kri stickle mass

hi bushy,

i have been really busy and have had a computer prob since my son loaded a load of new sites from the net and i cant get rid of one and... i wont go on.

look, i am always laid back and easy smiley - biggrin you need to keep your end up bushy, remember who you are etc.

i am busy being a capitalist so i have to say things like, i miss being with my fave boys but money's money !!

the phone call was creepy, i prefer the one i had yesterday when the man whispered "i want to have sex with you" and then left his phone number in case i was interested.

i will be around for a coupla hours from now (about 5) i will go see what is happening.

smiley - rose

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 560


done it

3 mins

I claim my prize and fish supper

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