This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 561

Pat Pending

Oooooh you're a quick one. You could have let the rest of us have a go.

Who's going to take Kim out for a run (not me: I'm about to abuse her again I think)?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 562


Where is it Brad?

Hi there kris... Will nip over when these dalts aren't watching and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. I have until about 5.30 tonight but I must continue my dismal 4 match losing streak at squash just after 6!

I managed to imply the "F"annie, do I win 5p?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 563


see new discussion on Todays news...also managed to slip in a slit for good measure

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 564


HI Kris

wanna swop stalkers?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 565


Oh dear! I just could not help myself again could I? Intead of looking get the "kipper crotch" into play I just could not resist steaming into poor ian johnston yet again!!

Check out Final Copy's autopsy thread on Today's News

Sorry ...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 566

kri stickle mass

hi brad, no smiley - ta, yours sounds like a bunny boiler.smiley - vampire

hey bushy smiley - wowsmiley - zen

i miss having the time to play on here. smiley - wah

smiley - rose

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 567


we miss ya

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 568


Hello you lot, seems you've been busy today.

Shall go and see what you've been up to with poor old IJ smiley - smiley

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 569


L O Sarnia! Hope you don't mind us wearing your clothes so to speak! We just feel more comfortable in the afternoons... Ahem!

Well gotta go now gang so see you all tomorrow...

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 570

kri stickle mass

i looked all over the station site and & finally and couldnt find any posts by ian. i will have more time to play tomorrow. i tried to use the camile id yesterday but the login kept failing. will start a few new characters off and bring them in over the weekend while it is quiet.

dr. strangegloves, you are uniquely and fabulously funny smiley - smiley

hi pat, hope you are fine sweetie.

smiley - rose

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 571


Surprised you got into them Bushy (Pat?). I'll have to tat you some new ones tomorrow. The Dr. just loves the undergarment I tatted for him a few weeks back. I am, at present, very busy tatting away on a repeat order (he's worn it out it appears).

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 572

Doctor Strangegloves

I do indeed need a new garment, Sarnia, as I have worn through the crotch on your previous effort.

Just logged on and can't see any IJ posts. Wheredego?

Is Doug Deep one of you? He's not funny!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 573

Pat Pending

Doug Deep not me: that's why I raised the question 10 days or so ago. I think he's serious.

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 574


Morning everyone!

doug deep? Hasn't doug been bordering on the insane for some time now? I find it difficult to take anything he says as serious although I am thinking the same about myself lately!

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 575

Doctor Strangegloves

Just surprised that someone usually so affable could go on like that. Where are those IJ posts then?

Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 576


You lot know doug better than I do. What do you think of his bmp thread? I get the feeling from the way it's worded that it's just a wind up. (Or you're right - he's barking) smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers


Snatch of Fi Glover

Post 577

Doctor Strangegloves

He's posted a couple of times recently about mass immigration and enoch powell being right. I must admit that I though the first post was a joke, the second i wasn't sure about. Now I'm worried.

Urban Myths

Post 578

Pat Pending

He's posted about the BNP before, suggesting he's a supporter/member. Kris "knows" him quite well: do you think he's serious on this Kris?

Somebody called Andy Christie has posted on Kim's "Travesty" thread: the vandalism has now become "terrorising a community" and he's apologised to Kim for our stupidity. Seeing asw Ian's not around, would anyone mind if I call Christie on his sources?

Urban Myths

Post 579


Mornin All

Doug is beginning to worry me too, I thought it was just me but I've noticed him having a few strange posts of late

reality has finally caught up with a magazine deadline this Tuesday

may not to buckaneer with you as much as I would like

Urban Myths

Post 580

Doctor Strangegloves

If I were you, I'd ask him for details of the story and see what he comes up with. Seeing as I made it all up it might be entertaining to give him some rope.

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