This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1

Pat Pending I start a conversation Bushy?

Is this........

Post 2


As no-one seems to have replied, perhaps it's not smiley - winkeye

(Just thought someone ought to reply 'cos this posting looked lonely on its own and the blue boards continue to be absolutely rubbish - heaven only knows why they can't sort it out. smiley - grr

Just heard that I haven't won the lottery so I'll put the smiley - bubbly away again, have a smiley - coffeesmiley - ant go to bed !


smiley - panda

Is this........

Post 3


Yes Pat! It is is how you start a conversation...

Who's the bear by the way?

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Post 4

Pat Pending

Oh good.

The bear is a friend of Chelsea Girl's/Scarlet Woman's and Pirate Peter Lovegloves.

If you go to "Akira 100" I think there's a conversation called "Yaks" in which he appears (although the conversation might be on Scarlet Woman's space): he seems like friend not foe.

Is this........

Post 5

kri stickle mass

hi everyone,

i have sent an email off to sarnia and she should make her way over here today.

this is nice, let's hope more shipmates turn up cos we know we wont be seeing any moaners here !! we can relax and socialise without watching our backs smiley - boing

Is this........

Post 6


Ummm... I kind of like the "moaners" in a strange kind of Freudian way! It is sort of like the pleasure one had as a child when stick a twig in a wasps nest!

My question Doctor is, am I mad?

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Post 7

Pat Pending

Thank you Bedford: you're more than kind to have posted any sort of reply, and I look forward to talking to you some more.

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Post 8

Pat Pending


Oh, I don't propose abandoning the message boards (I see your old Keanu Reeves impersonating friend is back today reworking an idea he's put forward before), it's just that this is an alternative forum.


I posted to Brad on films telling him to get his @rse over here: we'll have to wait and see. Looking forward to Sarnia's arrival from the Channel Islands.

Is this........

Post 9


Yes, I saw Johnny Moronic pop up earlier but I think his post must be a wind-up! Nobody can be that idiotic ... can they?

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Post 10

Pat Pending

He's proposed that idea before: then he suggested some questions the answers to at least 2 of them wrong.

I see IJ's corrected your "facts" again.

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Post 11


Me and my facts eh? tee hee! He never fails to rise does he?

Is this........

Post 12


Hi all,

Yes, I'm here (just!). Am terrified that when I leave this board (or whatever it is) I'll never be able to make my way back again!

Read somewhere Bushy, that you're a Leeds fan. Bet you feel a bit sick after last night, but what commentating by J. Pearce! Tremendous!

Kris - if you're reading this, thanks for email telling me about it. Took me bloody hours trying to work out how to get here, but then I am stupid.

Is this........

Post 13

Pat Pending

Don't talk to me about last night Sarnia.

Joe Cole for England.

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Post 14



I'm quite pleased about last night.

Carlton Cole for England.

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Post 15

Pat Pending

"Carlton Cole for England" my @rse. Nat King Cole would get in before him: were you down at the Bridge last night?

Is this........

Post 16


Ummm... I did not even bother listening last night! It is all getting a bit depressing at the moment however; when we trounce Wet Sham this weekend I am sure I may feel somewhat more cheery?

Will you be going Pat? We normally take over a place in Plaistow but I am not sure if the usual numbers will be amking the trip this time around!

Is this........

Post 17

Pat Pending

We should consolidate these conversations in one thread: your space or mine Bushy? Yours is called "Is this...." (although started by me invading your space) I think, and mine is "Just testing" (vice versa): this information given primarily for Sarnia's benefit.

Is this........

Post 18

Pat Pending

Not sure if I'll be going this weekend: home form so awful, I always come out feeling like a moaning minnie caught up in a pirate invasion. Probably end up down there though, although my patience is being tested sorely.

Is this........

Post 19


Thought you had a meeting Pat! Anyway, I'm sure I can keep Sarnia entertained whilst you're away...

Right, I will make my way to Boleyn and shout "Ahoy there shipmate Shammers! Anyone for an invasion..?" Then I'll run away before before I'm lynched!

Is this........

Post 20


No, I wasn't Pat. Manage to get to about 4 home games a season though. Bushy - friends of mine from here are going over to the Wet Spam - Leeds game this w/end.

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