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Post 81

Pat Pending

Too late: I've had Benjy the binman Pell rifling through Bushy and Brad's domestic waste, and the incriminating evidence on world domination through humour is as we speak winging its way to the Daily Mail: they hate humour there you know, which makes what they write even scarier because they're being serious.

Yes, I know knocking the DM is a cliche, and an easy target, but until people stop taking it as gospel, it must be challenged in all circumstances.

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Post 82


You can never knock the DM enough! But try to do it in an especially condescending manner such that no credence can ever be attached to the steaming great pile of pulp!!

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Post 83


Pat and Bushy,

Am laughing at the Lord Timothy thread - so glad I got the "white cottage" in! Couldn't think of a reply using Mutley, so didn't.

I'm off to save the world.

See you in a couple of hours.

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Post 84


tee hee! Just added to your thread! Excellent posts you two... Let's see if I can draw out the dreaded johnson and mutley!

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Post 85

Pat Pending

Not sure if I'm talking to you anymore Bushy, what with you and The "English Bull Terrier" being so chummy together in criticising the divine Fig Lover on the "The Station" board. Are you 2 friends again now then?!

Going to check the white cottage thread now.

Use 3: Bashing non-believers over the head.

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Post 86


I have not answered the EBT nor will I? Not exactly chums but always open to live and let live and I know you are too... Only joking re. The Fig Lover (I still love her!) but did you notice the "Fig Lover Look-alike" on The Project last when Ms. Producer went back to Radio 4?

Just spreading a bit of acerbic Marxism over the serious news board as well, even got a flippant comment from Dim Richens!! Amazing, the bloody little hypocrite... Has he ever considered a career in the church I wonder?

Use 4: Makes a practical and solid cushion between yourself and reality!

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Post 87



I have pooter in my sights... Do I have permission to fire?

(You can have 'im if you want, go on I don't mind!)

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Post 88

Pat Pending

Just got Muttley into the conversation (well, sort of).

Use 5: Avoids the need to read anything which might actually lead to (or even allow) independent thought, what with all the answers being between its covers.

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Post 89


My finger is hovering over this trigger! I can take him out ... I have a clean shot from here ...

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Post 90

Pat Pending

If Pooter in sights, fire at will........... everyone.

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Post 91


Got 'im!!


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Post 92


Well done! (Actually he's replied with a bit of humour!). Just had a quick look to catch up, haven't time to add anything on but will do so later.

Em Mental.

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Post 93


Good shot that man..BUshy, Pat, Sarnia - took me a while to cross reference the h2g2 posts with the 'and finally' Peter PooFter ones...but well worth it...LOL

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Post 94


Yes, he's been very gracious! Bravo peter pooter is what I say... Much more humour than ian johnston?!?

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Post 95

Pat Pending

Have to concede that, surprisingly, he has been gracious. Will Ian?

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Post 96

Pat Pending

Humourless: you want humourless?

Anyone here like cricket?

On the 'Five Live Sport' MB there's a thread called 'England v Australia - Lighten up'. It was started by a Host and is a spoof press release about how the rules are going to be changed to favour England in a school playground type of way. Bits of it are very funny. Our old friend Muttley has taken against it somewhat, but some character by the name of 'Richy the Y*d' has gona absolutely ballistic about how it's unpatriotic and will upset the England players.

Anyone up for a visit?

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Post 97


Yep, that'll be me then! On me way now...

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Post 98

Pat Pending

Good work Bushy: think we might have to wait a while for a bite, but sense it might be worth it.

And while I'm in praise mode, I do like your style: once you're on to something there are no half measures are there?

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Post 99


Thank you very much Pat! It seems to me though that when trying to illicit some kind of reaction there is no sense in jotting down a few idle musings moreover both barrels right in the face gets the thread going much quicker!

Not sure if anyone really believes in too much these days either. Its all throw away culture, throw away food and throw away politics! Am I that old that I can see my world disintegrating around me already? Thought this did not happen until my frail dotage...

By the way, whilst in mutual praise mode myself, the best post I ever saw was by your friend Bradford Quigley. The one which demolished ian johston, twice in fact, a few weeks ago. I can tell you are a very educated, analytical and thoughtful person.

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Post 100


Have to be off now Pat! Enjoy your evening...

P.S. Couldn't resist a parting shot at Melvin (hiss!) but I bet it gets ding'd soon anyway!

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