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Is this........

Post 101

Pat Pending

The Quigley/Johnstone exchange was one I spent (wasted?) time on because I'd engaged with him several times in situations where he would just change the meaning of words when backed into a corner: bit of a shame it got wiped I thought.

Anyway, enough mutual praise. Perhaps I can deal with your throw away society point from my own perspective: it won't explain it, but might point to an explanation for the apathy

I'm early 30's, so until 97' had only known Tory governments: so Tory policies when at school, when in my first job (I was originally a professional squash player, but knackered my knees badly and had to jack it in), and when at University. My family is from a train-building background, and might have been expected historically to be labour, but by the mid-80's it seemed that you voted Tory or became irrelevant. Of course, gradually this me, me, me attitude turned, and so came 1997:..........and nothing changed. I think there's a fair proportion of people who simply think: "What's the point? Same old, same old, whatever happens". This is, of course, a defeatist attitude, and we can all make a difference: but I often wonder if it's worth it while we continue to have cut-out politicians and a first past the post system which hands too much power to the executive at the expense of the legislature.

So, there you go. Of course, there are even greater numbers who want to maintain the status quo.

Off to buy a new bike: speak to you all tomorrow. Keep up the good work everyone.

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Post 102


Let me add to this litany of praise by saying that I think you both (and Brad) are extremely witty, articulate and intelligent and always make me laugh!

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Post 103

Pat Pending

Not just us Sarnia; have you looked in a mirror lately?

Really must dash now; can we agree we won't turn this into a mutual self-appreciation society tomorrow (even if we are all great!)? Can't afford to rest on our laurels.

Happy white wine Sarnia: have one for me.

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Post 104


That was nice of you Pat (albeit undeserved smiley - smiley )

Have just popped on to find out about cheap flights. A friend of mine is getting a table together for the Players Christmas Dinner Dance at SB in Dec and has asked if I want to go. Have just "got permission" so am attempting to sort it out.

Hope you managed to get your new bike.

Am sipping at a well chilled Pinot Grigio as I type! Cheers!

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Post 105

Pat Pending



It's all gone very quiet here; when I suggested yesterday that this conversation shouldn't turn into a mutual love-fest, I didn't mean for everyone to run away.

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Post 106


Hello Pat! I'm around ...

How are you today?

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Post 107

Pat Pending

Fine thanks Bushy: and you?

New bike runs like a dream.

You had too much coffee today? You're whirling like a dervish over on 5L. Is Daddy Cool anyone we know do you reckon? I think I might recognise Brad's finderprints. Talking of which, it might be time for a bit of bitching on the Swap shop thread.

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Post 108


Hi you two,

Was about the same thing Pat (re: being quiet).

Catch you later.

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Post 109


Meant to say "was about to say the same thing"

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Post 110


Hello Sarnia, how are you today?

Hmmm... Been a bit of jack-in-the-box today on MB's haven't I? Feeling really disillusioned with government at the moment! It is so disappointing to see a Labour government behaving like a a Tory government after all these years! Oh well! How do you feel about the law? Is it fast becoming a stick to beat us with? Has the law sold out?

I see thus : (in my darker moments obv!) Big business buys politicians, politicians make the law ergo the law is becoming part of the armour surrounding our capitalist alter-ego's? Am I wrong? Hope so!

Been chattering to kris as well, she is very interesting indeed!

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Post 111



Hello Sarnia, how are you today?

Hello Pat! Hmmm... Been a bit of jack-in-the-box today on MB's haven't I? Feeling really disillusioned with government at the moment! It is so disappointing to see a Labour government behaving like a Tory government after all these years! Oh well! How do you feel about the law? Is it fast becoming a stick to beat us with? Has the law sold out?

I see it thus : (in my darker moments obv!) Big business buys politicians, politicians make the law ergo the law is becoming part of the armour surrounding our capitalist alter-ego's? Am I wrong? Hope so!

Been chattering to kris as well, she is very interesting indeed!

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Post 112

Pat Pending


Re: The Law ((un?)fortunately have to keep this short, so outline points only).

1. The judiciary also have a role to play in making law: they're more independent than people give them credit for;

2. Europe, and particularly the Convention on Human Rights, should serve, at least partly, to at least slow down the developments you foresee.

More later.

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Post 113


Ah ha! The European Project... I feel much better already! Thanks Pat! I'll get me Euros..?

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Post 114

Pat Pending

Let me clear about this: I see the European POLITICAL institutions as subject to the same criticicsm as the UK Parliament, if not more, for there seem to be less well developed checks and balances.

The European Court of Human Rights however is a different matter: yes, it's slightly susceptible to political fudge, but by and large it seems to have a general interest in promoting the rights of those who otherwise might be unrepresented in the face of excessive state power.

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Post 115


HI Pat and Bushy, Kris, Sarnia anyone else listening at the door

not posting much as the deadlines loom

sorry to hear about the bike ..The B****ds!

I wish I shared your optimism . In the realm of natural health (something I'm passionate about) A new EU law was passed earlier this year sideline natural medicine in favour of Drugs. The European Parliament made a decision on a 'Directive on dietary supplements' which will ban effective vitamin therapies and other natural remedies throughout Europe

The pharmaceuticals industry and other major corporations dictate draft legislation to the Commission in Brussels, which acts in its interests..Big Business dictating policy

a member of the supervisory board of the second-largest pharmaceutical group in the world (Merck, Sharp & Dohme), Frits Bolkenstein, sits in the 'Cabinet' of the European Parliament

not to mention the seed rights being thrown to the wind by Monsanto in the third world

seeya around seadogs!

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Post 116


Hello Brad! How are you?

Hmmm... I am a bit ... erm ... oh you know, confused today I suspect? Can't think straight or focus on anything! Don't know what's wrong with me!

Need some input from somewhere I think?

Is this........

Post 117

Pat Pending

Brad (if you're still here),

I quote from

"Pat may I remind you today is Wednesday..or hump day as our US brothers call it
need I say more?..round up the other choir boys and meet me in the vestry"

Er.....yes, you do need say more I'm afraid: brain not working properly. Where are we going? [Anyone else know?]

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Post 118


Hi Bushy

Busy getting busier!..times like this I earn my money (peanuts!)

yep I was reading yours and Pat's take on the Strike/University admissions .. good stuff

Daddy Cool is Dr Strangloves btw

still don't know who the Colonel Foaming Nutcase was?...any ideas? remember that time they revealed their name as Suzy Sue (by mistake ?)

is it Pat (Mr Quigley) ?

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Post 119


PAt I never realised it sounded like a bugle for invasion!..sorry not intended!

I thought every one was fed up with them..natural life span and all that

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Post 120

Pat Pending


1. Invasions: I think we ought to keep them going on an ocassional basis, but when we do, we should make sure we organise them overtly on the board just to annoy the self-appointed mods (childish, I know, but hey, sue me). I'm just restless and fancied some baiting: I see a certain poster has just rejoined af for the day, so the chance might arise soon

2. I'm not Nutcase: wish I'd thought of the name though.

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