This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 121



Can I be frank at this point? [was going to do my Mike Reid impersonation at this point but I won't!]

B*****ks to what anyone thinks, if we decide we want to be stupid and be pirates as well, then that's it! We bloody well will be and I don't take too kindly to any self-righteous t**ts telling me otherwise!

Oh, that's better... I needed that I think! Sorry guys ...

Why has Dr Strangegloves changed his name again? He's a top geezer (might be a geezer-ess I suppose?) and no mistake. Wish he wouldn't bounce around identities quite as much though! Any chance of getting him over here?

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Post 122


Who has rejoined Pat? I've been quite sensible today, has anyone noticed? Don't know what the hell is wrong with me ... Help!

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Post 123

Pat Pending


The charming chap with the great sense of humour to whom you posted just before you went home last night has told the good Father he's not funny: however, I think the Priest is already on the case.

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Post 124


sounds good

may have to miss a few though...I hate it when work gets in the way of a good time!

I was having an idea of everyone logging in under girls names (i.e. all german sounding and flirting outragously with Ian , Mel etc) what you think?? and all spouting right wing posts? or something we've not tried before?

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Post 125

Pat Pending

I assume Dr S changed after being pre-modded for pretending to be Ian Johnstone.

Must admit, I've always thought Dr S was Brad: am I wrong?

And why have I during the course of typing this had a huge deja-vu rush?

You're right about the invasions by the way: what about giving us a blast of non-sensibleness before you call it a night?

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Post 126


Pat: After I handed out the Olive branch ealier as well! Right, well I may just have to make that dude's life a total misery from now on...

Brad: Excellent idea! I knew you'd come up with another gem given the chance. Please to meet I'm Dagmar!! LOL!

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Post 127


Hi all of you,

I thought foaming Nutcase was you, Brad.

Another place we could organise invasions, Pat is here. But then I suppose you wouldn't get the chance to wind up the usual suspects. smiley - smiley.

I'd love to start a thread on what everyone thinks Tim the Traffic Warden's real occupation is.

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Post 128

Pat Pending

is it possible to set up different idents using the same e-mail address? Pat and Bradford have different e-mail addresses: could they share these with, say, Carola Rouw?

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Post 129


Yes, PLEASE do log on under girls names and flirt with Ian and others. Excellent wheeze!

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Post 130

Pat Pending


We'll do it if Jackie Tinn joins with us: I need IT help to do it (see above please).

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Post 131


Ok Pat, I'll get Jackie to have a go. I'm not sure re: the IT bit. Jackie is from another email address.

Why don't you try it and see what happens? I would have thought that you could use the same email addie as, for example, a genuine case could be made for doing that (husband and wife sharing same email addie and both having separate posting names for example).

I'd imagine you'd have to log out (from the 5 Live Boards)first before trying from the same addy.

Good luck!

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Post 132


Pat you can use the same e-mail however the Mods will know it is you straight away and may ban you ... They can always check IP addresses so there is little or no way around this!

You can set-up an e-mail on Yahoo in minutes ...


Dagmar Hilter

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Post 133


Sorry for saying "for example" twice.
Sorry for saying "for example" twice.

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Post 134


Dagmar Hilter! Love it! LOL

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Post 135


Pat take it from someone whos been banned 8 times (count them) all for libellous stuff to do with Bush I might add in my old Sept 11 days

get a new email from yahoo and completely diff login codes etc

Sarnia, we had a three way conversation with the Colonel remember?.... I know I’m an ego maniac but I draw the line in leading myself on

I never realised you where Jackie!..

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Post 136


So we did Brad, I'd forgotten. Oh yes, about hooks and embroidering etc - very funny it was.

Thought you knew I was Jackie - we posted on the Dating board!

That cracked me up, couldn't believe I got SERIOUS responses!!

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Post 137



Shall I post as Dagmar and then say I will get all my German girl-friends to enjoy the "R5Live Pardy"?

Yah, das ist goote, nine? [spelling???]

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Post 138

Pat Pending


Just going to set up an e-mail address.

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Post 139


Right chaps! Here's the plan...

I will wait 'til I get my confirmation e-mail from Beeb and then jump in first thing tomorrow! How about something like this:

"Hey guys in England! I am coming on you from Germany where we listen with R5Live all day. Yeah, ok then it is great and we love to party. My friends love English footballers but we now listen to Fi Glover in night. Great R5Live guys! Nice writing on you!"

Imagine me doing it in that Paul Whitehouse low countries accent! Good enough? Then you lot pile and say the rudest things poss. without giving the game away???

Bet some tw*t is reading this and will grass on us first thing! DING!

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Post 140

kri stickle mass

hi guys and my mate sarnia (who i have known for a long time is a bit of a naughty puss) !! smiley - blackcatsmiley - tickle

i will join in with you on this one - just off to think up a realistic name. are we being teenagers as well?

krissmiley - rose

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