This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Surprise, surprise ...

Post 10041


bushy all you hae done is show everyone how full of ugly nasty feelings you are

i hope you get better soon you are emotionally disturbed and therefore i will just ignore you and feel sorry for you cos you obviously think you are well and people want to listen to your spiteful greetings.

Surprise, surprise ...

Post 10042


not only that but you are a liar too bushy.

i never said those things you are a sick puppy

For all on is this.... It's BoP's crazed lunch adventure.

Post 10043


i reckon ol bushy is jealous of you doug mate.

i was off the net for a month apart from a few visits to the library. it was good to take a break - i think bushy has been on here too long cos he has lost tough with reality.

big hugs doug my mate - be popping by again while it is a laugh smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

kris smiley - cuddle.

Surprise, surprise ...

Post 10044


You still here doug? I remember back to when you first shuffle din here, stinking of cabbage and blocking the thread! And you're all alone left mumbling to yourself ... How bizarre!

doug deep - neo-Nazi BNP supporting wetbag!

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10045



Thought your were going undercover to catch doug deep out? You think he's a dangerous mental patient don't you? Also, why are you posting again when you swore blind you'd never darken the Internet doorstep again?

Oh I know why! Because you're utterly bonkers aren't you? You and doug can go stalking together! Remember though Braindead: Take it turns to fill up that Thermos as waiting about all night in the hedges can be quite nippy ... Brrr!!!

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10046



Thought you were going undercover to catch doug deep out? You think he's a dangerous mental patient don't you? Also, why are you posting again when you swore blind you'd never darken the Internet doorstep again?

Oh I know why! Because you're utterly bonkers aren't you? You and doug can go stalking together! Remember though Braindead: Take it turns to fill up that Thermos as waiting about all night in the hedges can be quite nippy ... Brrr!!!

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10047


anyone reading this thread would be more like to conclude that you are the one who is bonkers bushy. i can get someone to give a second opinion about it if you like dearie


intelligent bloke like you completely showing yourself up here bushy

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10048


anyone reading this thread would be more like to conclude that you are the one who is bonkers bushy. i can get someone to give a second opinion about it if you like dearie


intelligent bloke like you completely showing yourself up here bushy

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10049


I'm surprised you can type wearing that straight jacket kris!

Is dirty doug there with you? Give him a bath please love, he stinks!

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10050


IHRES GEISTIGES BUSCHIG!!! Its about time you pulled yourself together young man and acted your age..ooooooooh you are sorry.smiley - cupcake

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10051


Bang on queue, kiddy fiddler takes over the communal keyboard at the "home" from vampira! Welcome back you old smell BNP scumbag, you!! Everyone really loves here, you know that don't you?

doug, has kris told you the story of the tribes people that play with each other's dicks when having a conversation? ... Sad old trick I know but ... smiley - sigh she will!


Post 10052


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Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10053



That last nonsense message from doug means he's s*** himself again ... Get the hosepipe! ...And try not to wash the wrinkled brown thing away sat next to him, it's not a turd, it's kris! smiley - whistle

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10054


you are still showing everyone the sick state of your mind bushy.

your are a classic example of a psycho-emotionally dysfunctional character. high iq, low emotional intelligence. i shall be using you as an example of a dysfunctional twot in future.

i feel sorry for you - for real. it seems like you think you know what you are doing but i dont think you understand what you are doing at all.

i certainly am not bothering to come back and read anything else you might put - you need help and your stuff is muck from a mucked up mind

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10055


kris, before you and BNP-scumbag boy slope off to whatever miscreant pastimes you two enjoy together (oh, never to ever return again now doubt? ROFL!!) I was meaning to ask you a question about your phot that you sent to me after approximately 7 seconds of e-mailing me ... Had someone just vomitted on you before it was taken or are you really that weird looking in real life? You look exactly like the poor slob from "The Shining" so take a tip from me and don't let pig-pen deep get his hands on your chopper eh?


Post 10056


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Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10057


doug are you sat beating off to this or something, you've replied faster than kris hands out her photo and cunningly turns the conversation to what she likes to insert up her ass! Believe me, that's quick!

Get a life my dear old thing!


Post 10058


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Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10059


Temper, temper Ober-grupen-fuhrer! Blimey, they let anyone in the BNP these days, have you mentioned to these people that you're a neo-Nazi doug? I thought you brown-shirts were supposed to keep the stiff upper lip at all times ... smiley - whistle

Mad as pants, the pair of 'em!

Post 10060


Actually Bushy-Baby none of my posts are ill-tempered its only your posts thats calling people if you dont believe me call Ashley-and he will confirm this.Its you that showing yourself up old chapsmiley - cupcakesmiley - whistle

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