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This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10001


Wheres all the other tuff guys Ali,Bushy,mags dont they want to be i on this.

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10002


Pat!!! you are scaring me. Or are you just a incredible sales man? If you are than you can be proud, all I want now is pastasmiley - biggrin

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10003


Hey Pat, would not have do this without the help of owld doug..and where were is macho mates when he needed them Ali,Bushy, Mags etc...they would have been on the teen boards again!!smiley - strawberries

smiley - cupcakesmiley - footprintssmiley - chicksmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - whistle

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10004


Hey Patsmiley - smiley! (And everyone else esp. CG for all her hard work with the liquitabs!) Pat this ain't fair! I seem to recall you hitting the 9000th...haven't seen you on here for ages ... and up you pop to take the glorysmiley - erm

How are you anyway? I noticed that there's been an ongoing debate about swedes and turnips somewhere on AF... weeks ago I know, but I've been too busy to contribute...a swede is larger than a turnip, it has a purple skin and the flesh is a pale orangey colour.... when the Scots speak of haggis neeps and tatties, the neeps are swedes!... and powder detergent tabs are much better than the liquid variety...much easier to crumble for handwashing those delicate items...smiley - winkeye

The eviction of Lisa from the most boring BB house ever now beckons...if "is this..." is now closed can nobody reply please so I can have the last one??smiley - smiley

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10005


Well...well Lou,Now you turnip now that the job is done where were you when Pat, really needed you.I was with Pat-in his hour of need none of the other Macho guys Ali,Bushy,Mags,there was no sign of these guys.But owld Doug Came to his friends rescue just like Superman does when his friends need him.smiley - strawberries

smiley - spidersmiley - footprintssmiley - handcuffssmiley - footprintssmiley - thiefsmiley - footprintssmiley - whistle

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10006

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello LLB

I am soooo glad that Lisa is out of the house - yes, it has been the dullest one ever - but I am still itching for Noooooosh to get her come upance - nasty piece of work methinks. Not sure that I give a monkey's who wins - but .....Cameron is lookin' good .....Scott has blown it (although I did dream about him last night)...but I didn't like him much in my dream - so there you go...!

PS glad you appreciated my fumblings with the glupey things - now I know they are really liquitabs!

Seriously now, do you use them LLB?

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10007


About Scott blowing it???smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10008

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Legers - Scott blew it for me last night ......

just watching him watching Jon Tickle come back in the house - Scott and Nooosh were not happy one bit!

But the whole thing made ME smile!

Does that make me a bad person?

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10009


smiley - laugh Thats awsomesmiley - cheers

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10010

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

What is?

Awesome I mean .....Ledgers,is there really anything remotely worthy of awe about watching Big Brother?

Apart from admitting to it of course! smiley - biggrin

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10011


To be honest, I've got no clue. NEVER watched BBsmiley - biggrin

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10012


Esperanzo justa la grieta buena manana Legers-Viejo que...i just hope you never try to eat that chicken.Strawberries>

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10013


WHAT!?!?! BB got a Chiken in it? I'm positive it will winsmiley - laugh


Post 10014


This post has been removed.

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10015


NO COMPRENDEsmiley - laugh

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10016


Sorry Legers-I forgot to but your name in there it means "Good Morning Pat,Alistair,Magster-And what a good morning it is the strawberries did very well and we made a heap on them.The tomatos are going rather slow but old Doug will sort that out"smiley - tomato

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 10017

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

hey! why don't I get a good morning? - after all you seem to have made the others all pissed off!


Post 10018


This post has been removed.


Post 10019


Good Morning Scarletsmiley - cheerup

Was it I who made everyone pissed off? And is it also the reason why noone shows up anymore?smiley - wah

Look Around You

Post 10020


Hey Legers - we all think you are smiley - cool. No-one is pissed off with you! You are not the problem smiley - smiley


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