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Post 9921


yep that sounds rightsmiley - schooloffish

smiley - cupidsmiley - footprintssmiley - pumpkinsmiley - footprintssmiley - dogsmiley - footprintssmiley - whistle

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Post 9922


Well, I don't have any appliences I'm proud of. My frige doesn't want to close at times, I told you about my washing machine that vibrates better than... (imagine this part yourself). As a matter of fact, the only thing that work fine so far is my ...damn forgot the name of it... the thing that warm ups the water for teasmiley - erm

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Post 9923


Well legers-Old chap u do amaze what about ur cuffee puckalator.

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Post 9924


Well, its not really just for coffee. You can use for so many different things: tea, coffee, washing (when hot water isn't working), torture, and many many more

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Post 9925


Well Ledgers-rather u than me old chap.Hey! whats happened to all the tuff guys who used this board Pat,Ali,Bushy,Mags etc..have they found pastures new or what.smiley - strawberries

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Post 9926

Pat Pending

The kitchen utensil of which I'm most proud is my IPS Electric Pasta Maker.

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Post 9927

Pat Pending

I was excited when this sleek looking machine arrived, and even more excited with what it could do. This pasta making machine has an integrated motor which is designed not only to feed out endless sheets of pasta but also has cutters to make fettuccine or tagliatelli. I just switch it on and with a turn of a knob, 6 variations of pasta thickness can be produced. Hygiene and safety are guaranteed by the innovative non-stick coating. It's made in Italy and is 26x27x18cm deep.

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Post 9928

Pat Pending

Before that, I had a Popeil's pasta maker.

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Post 9929

Pat Pending

The Popeil's claims to be the best selling Pasta Maker in the world, and the most efficient! "Make Homemade Pasta: The Healthy and Economical Choice. Once you taste fresh pasta, you won't be satisfied with the dried or canned variety! Create healthful, economical and delicious meals in minutes with the Popeil Automatic 5-Minute Pasta and Sausage Maker. Easy to use by just viewing the instructional videocassette (included). Just select the pasta shape (die) you want, then add water or juice to any type of flour (all-purpose, whole wheat, flour for bread-making, semolina, etc.) you measure into your machine and it automatically mixes, kneads and extrudes fresh pasta".

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Post 9930

Pat Pending

The Popeil's features were listed as:
Recipe & Instruction Booklet
Instructional Video Kit
12 Pasta Shaping Dies
Pasta Measuring Cup
Automatic Pasta Cutter
Built-in Dryer
1 Italian Sausage Horn
12 Feet of Italian Size Casings
1 Italian Spice Seasoning
Dishwasher safe and easy to clean non-stick parts
All FDA approved materials for food contact
Lightweight with powerful motor
Makes standard and gourmet pastas

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Post 9931

Pat Pending

I didn't like it though.

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Post 9932

Pat Pending

I also have a Kenwood FP690 Food Processor.

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Post 9933

Pat Pending

The FP690's stand out features are:

Wide range of attachments for all food preperation needs

High grade stainless steel knife blade for precise chopping

Compact overall size to take up less worktop space

Stylish design is attractive and easy to clean

Safety interlock prevents motor from starting unless the bowl lid is correctly positioned

Double sided shredding and slicing disks

Complete rigid steel disks no awkward or hazardous assembly

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Post 9934

Pat Pending

All too often the food processor is consigned to a cupboard and rarely used because it takes up too much space on the worktop. Happily, Kenwood have come up with an alternative. The new FP690 is designed with the bowl or blender on top of the machine, running from the same motor drive outlet, which results in a much more compact unit.
The FP690 offers the quality and reliability associated with all Kenwood products. Contemporary in design, it tackles a wide range of food-preparation tasks. The product features a powerful 600 watt dual-drive motor (fast and slow speeds) complete with intelligent attachments that automatically select the appropriate speed.

Attachments include a citrus press attachment, a geared whisk with twin beaters, a dough hook, a stainless-steel julienne-style fine chipper, a centrifugal juicer, a chopping mill attachment, a selection of course and fine-shredding and slicing disks that pack away in a tidy disk storage unit and a generous 1.5 litre mixing bowl and a 1.5 litre liquidiser jug.

Blending, whisking, chopping, shredding and kneading become effortless with the FP690. Once you've made your first batch of orange juice, coleslaw, soup or soufflé, you'll find that this is one kitchen tool you won't want to hide away.

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Post 9935

Pat Pending

I know you're interested, so its specs are:

Capacities -
Blender: 1.5 l
Bowl liquid capacity: 2.9 l
Bowl operating capacity (liquid): 1.5 l
Bowl operating capacity (dry): 1.5 kg

Product -
Size: 28 x 24 x 38cm
Weight: 2.5kg with knife blade, bowl and pushers
Materials: ABS plastic body SAN bowl

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Post 9936

Pat Pending

However, my favourite implement of all is my cr***et bat.

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Post 9937

Pat Pending

It's made by Millichamp & Hall.

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Post 9938

Pat Pending

They are based in Taunton.

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Post 9939


So what would u sugest then Pat>smiley - strawberries

smiley - cupcakesmiley - footprintssmiley - burgersmiley - footprintssmiley - hotdogsmiley - footprintssmiley - donut

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Post 9940

Pat Pending

They're a partnership started by Julian Millichamp & John Hall.

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