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This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9901


cars? I never mentioned carssmiley - erm

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9902


Legers - you did! You said we should have a car-full!

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Post 9903


... in fact, I think you have a Transport fixation! if you are not Flirting on trains, you are on the Bus, or in a Car... I guess you have to move around quite quickly?

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Post 9904


Well, its not my fault that ladies react better on something that moves: cars, motorcycles, trains. I never tried plains yet, but life is long...smiley - biggrin

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Post 9905


Oh - the wide-open plains of Dakota..... not perhaps the best place to join the MIle-High club?

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Post 9906


Why? I never flirted with anyone that highsmiley - biggrin

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Post 9907


Honestly Legers - Flirting is not the only consideration - now, Fabric conditioner or fluffy sheets in the tunble-drier? It's the burning Q. of the day. smiley - smiley

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Post 9908


smiley - yawn

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Post 9909


Honestly I like everything fluffy. My favorite jumper is the fluffy one

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Post 9910

dogu creep

awwww,bless, someones tired. been up late, surfing for kiddies again? nitey-nite little duggles. happy (troll) dreams.

smiley - catsmiley - smileysmiley - bubblysmiley - footprintssmiley - biggrin


Post 9911


This post has been removed.

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9912


Have I told you about my Dyson DC04 yet?

It's brilliant!!

It's got a wand release catch, a cyclone release catch, a carrying handle, a stair tool, a pre-motor filter with a pre-motor filter release catch, a cyclone assembly, a bin release catch, a shroud, a cone seal, a bin inner, a brush control system, a sole plate, a wand cap, a wand handle, an upper cable winder, a crevice tool, a wand, an on/off switch, a wand release button, a suction release button, a hose cuff, a hose, a brush tool, a bin inlet, a duct airway, a lower cable winder, a hose release button, a u-bend release clip, an airway inspection u-bend, an airway inspection valve and, of course, two valve release clips.

Now that's what I call a cleaner!!

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Post 9913


Woooow Akira-Could you tell me how much the filters are for such a machine..and also what they cost.

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Post 9914


Does it have an airbag? Cause you know... I'm all about safety and it seems that such a machine needs an airbagsmiley - biggrin

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Post 9915


Not only an airbag is needed - full bio-protection safety suit with goggles is required for completely safe operation.

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Post 9916


You think? When I do my cleaning all I need are some pants and a Tshirt. Thats of course if the machine has an airbag

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Post 9917


You do all your cleaning with pants & a teeshirt? Tsk tsk...

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Post 9918


I know, I know,
I tried doing it in my underwear, but for some reason family made me stopsmiley - erm

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Post 9919


Thank goodness for that! Most people use dusters, and dishclothes, and things.... smiley - smiley

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9920


Have I told you about my freezer yet?

It's a Whirlpool and is 100% CFC free!

Does anyone else have any kitchen impliments they're unfeasibly proud of?

smiley - cheers

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