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This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9841

Ali Dubya


The paint or the smiley - bubbly ?

BTW, is there a smiley for a fag?

Let's try it:

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9842

Ali Dubya

er, no.

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9843


We will have to get that fixed smiley - smiley Such a basic requirement!

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9844


How about ...nope it dont work......

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9845


smiley - tea for everyone

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9846


"The crack in the ceiling needs filling before the inlaws arrive"

"Have the geese flown east for the autumn yet?"

smiley - run

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9847

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

The goose egg has hatched Akira.

'Ibiza' is ON.


Magster - hope your leg is better - get Mr. M to massage it with scented oils whilst you recline munching pickled gherkins - I love 'em (don't tell DD - he nearly got me with his ghergins!).

Magster - d'you think it would be best if I had first crack at Legers? - from what you're saying - there won't be a lot left after you've finished with him. smiley - biggrin

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9848


Well..Well Scarlet-Did you like the toast i made for you this morning..i'm sorry i had to rush off.hey what do you think of Mags-running around in that short skirt.Caaaaw i would have loved to have seen that Oooooooh..anyway i must depart again luv you Scarletsmiley - kisssmiley - loveblush,rose>..i love you Magstersmiley - kisssmiley - loveblushsmiley - rosesmiley - runsmiley - tennisball

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9849


Wysi, lets not bring that conversation over on this "Is This" Its a tough think to argue about unless both people meet each other.

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9850


Legers - use your imagination! With the scientific advances of this century, cyber will be the only way people need to interact!

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9851

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hazel, thanks for your response on MC. I thought I would be bashing my head 'gainst the wall all on me own! smiley - biggrin

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9852


CG - I have sent you a YM email - did you grt it?

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9853


Good Morning All Specially-Scarlet,Magster,Wys,CG,Whether here is kinda yuk y'know breezie it doesn't no weather to rain or what.Lenny's late again i no he's late because he asn't past yet and if he had been on time he would have told me whats it was going to do today.Hey! the Goose gogs when down a treat with the townies jeeez they are picking them by the barra load.I hope you girls are like me happy as a pig in crap this morning the whether dont put owld doug in a bad mood cos he's happy all the time.Anyway i will see you later lots of smiley - love to you all a smiley - rose for each of you cos i dont want you lot fighting over them..and a big smiley - kiss for Magster and lots of little smiley - kiss'for Scarlet,Wys and CG.smiley - runsmiley - tennisball

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9854

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hazel - no I didn't - I don't get a lot of mail folk have sent me.....curiouser and curiouser!

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9855

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


You can test mail me and I'll pass it on to CG if you like. Have you still got my details (I believe Ali forwarded them...) ?

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9856


It sounds like a concpiracy overheresmiley - laugh

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9857


Goood Morning Legers-Old chap i just drop in to give you a run-down on whats happening here.Weather crap,train service crap,bus service is a no-no.But through out all this i'm still as happy as a pig in crap..i hope this leaves you as its left me.smiley - cheerssmiley - runsmiley - tennisball

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9858


LOL The trains are made for picking up ladies. so you should concentrate on that instead of servicesmiley - cool

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9859


Legers - there are some things on the world not just there expressly so you can Flirt, you know smiley - smiley

This IS ... Is this .....

Post 9860


Good Morning Legers-Well i must say i never thought of i will try it next time on on a train.Whether yuck here again Lenny reckons its gong to like this for the next few days cos the pigs wont come out of the pen..he reckons thats a sure sign that its going to rain.And i said to meself:"i dont think i wood if he was tryin' to feed me that slop".Anyway must dash Legers, old Chap i've got a train to catch.Hey!before i go i was reading one of the posts of one of the 5 boards and theres a guy there reckons that the people who are on the boards all day must be old age pensioners.Y'know i think he's right cos some of these people are on it day and night it makes you wonder if they have any friends of families or kids and if they have who looks after them.Once more i must dash.smiley - cheerssmiley - runsmiley - tennisball

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