This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd


Post 9781

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hello all,

Everybody chipper? CG, how's the DVD player now?

Just over a week 'til I'm on holiday, and boy will I need the break! This project is a nightmare.

Still, the Call-Centre is up and running now...

"Press 1 to stay in the queue until you get bored and ring off"
"Press 2 to be 'transferred', a euphamism for 'lost in the system until you ring off'"
"Press 3 to be put through to the wrong department"
"Press 4 to be put through to someone on the minimum wage who couldn't care less about your problem"
"Press 5 to stay on the line listening to tinny Mozart at 50p/minute if that's what floats your boat"

Chaos, confusion and despair reign. My work is done!



Post 9782

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Vmax - am ashamed to say the DVD took second place to sunshine yesterday. But I may well attempt the downloading of that Driver tonight. Should I get rid of Real One and intersomething or other before I do?


Post 9783


Yoah V Max-How you doing old chap..long time know see hey!and you Scarlet where you being hiding,i must say your looking swellsmiley - strawberriessmiley - rose


Post 9784

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

ah - there you go Doug - tempting a young gal with flowers and foodstuffs from the local 'pick your own' who nose what other delights you have to offer a swelled lady!


Post 9785


Hi Scarlet-How about a nice fish n chip supper tonite..say i pick you up around sevenish and i'll show the biggest ghergins you have ever seen.No! i'm not kidding they will make your eyes water when you seen them now what more could a man offer.Well i heard of a guy who offered his kingdom for a horse once..but to be honest Scarlet,i'm not into that kinda just give me a shout if your up for itsmiley - kisssmiley - rosesmiley - loveblush

Dougie's Gambit

Post 9786

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Well Doug what can I say? Your offer of ghergins is just sooo tempting. I have to confess to never having tried one. I take it they are gherks pickled in gin? Novel notion!

Doug the last time a chap offered me a bite of something for supper, he regreted it...

Dougie's Gambit

Post 9787


what is ghergins?

Dougie's Gambit

Post 9788


Gooood Morning Scarlet-Dont tell me you have never tasted a Gherkin they're great little green things thats pickled in that clear vinegar for about a month then sold in Fish n Chips shops all over the world.Hey,scarlet-my offer still stands y'know if you dont like a Gherkin how about a nice tail-end with plenty of vinegar n salt on you will love it,its a delicacy here the Aussies cant get enough of it when they visit if you want to try a tail-end i'll tell Paul, to batter the biggest one in the restaurant just for you.smiley - rosesmiley - kisssmiley - loveblush

Dougie's Gambit

Post 9789


Good Morning Legers-Old chap a Gherkins is a Cucumber picked in its infancy...small enough to fit in a jar then vinegars poured over them then they're left for a month.Then eaten with fish n Chips or they can be put in salads etc.smiley - corncob

Dougie's Gambit

Post 9790


hmmmmm, sounds tasty. I should try them soon.

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9791

The Magster

Legers sweetie smiley - lovesmiley - hug
Could you help me please? I need something sucking?

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9792


Of course Magster. However it does depend on what kind of Sucking were are talking about heresmiley - laugh

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9793

The Magster

It's my knee Legers. I seem to have some sort of infection. It is now 2x the size it normally is. Would you be so kind as to suck the poison out for me smiley - smiley pretty please...smiley - lovesmiley - hug

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9794


Well the boggles Legers-Old chap.smiley - strawberriessmiley - diva

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9795


knee you say. Well if someone has to do it to save "the light" of this place (you magster), I'll be the one to do it.smiley - laugh

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9796


Well Legers-Old chap i must depart so i must bid Magster and yourself a very...very Good Evening.smiley - strawberries

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9797


Douggy, see ya latersmiley - ok

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9798

The Magster

Legers, you are a wonderful young man smiley - smiley I do so like my men young smiley - whistle I have poulticed said knee but it looks rather horrible now because the red puffiness has now spread all down my leg to my ankle. So, I will not ask you to suck it smiley - smiley However, as you are so obviously in the mood, how about...........hmmmmmm......... smiley - love

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9799


Goooood Morning Legers-Old chap,weather here very cloudy but pretty darned hot.Just been inspecting the Goose Gogs and they're ready for pickin'so i will let the townies loose on them this evenin'.H.ll the strawberries are going down a treat it must be with Wimbeldon kicking off.They must knockum back whilst watchin' Precious playin' caaaaaw what a women.anyway will see you guys later take care of Magster,for me Legers-old bean.smiley - porkpiesmiley - ale

Is there a doctor in the house?

Post 9800

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Magster you poor thing! But good to see Legers is so ready and willing. D'you think I could borrow him...... smiley - biggrin

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